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By: Payton Roberts 4B. Payton Roberts Description: A disorder of the bone remodeling process. Signs and Symptoms: bone pain, headaches, hearing loss,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Payton Roberts 4B. Payton Roberts Description: A disorder of the bone remodeling process. Signs and Symptoms: bone pain, headaches, hearing loss,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Payton Roberts 4B

2 Payton Roberts Description: A disorder of the bone remodeling process. Signs and Symptoms: bone pain, headaches, hearing loss, hip pain, nerve pressure roid15/parathyroid15.html

3 Liam Hulehan Description: Disease that weakens bones Signs and Symptoms: weak bones, bone pain, muscle weakness, hypocalcaemia home.htm?specialities/orthopaedic/metabolic_b one.htm~right

4 Juliette Roberts Description: bone infection caused by bacteria Signs and Symptoms: fever, bone pain, redness, chills, excessive sweating, swelling myelitis.html

5 April C. Description: bone condition where you lose bone density, leads to bone weakening Signs and Symptoms: Weak bone pain, easier to break ademic-sections/msk/teaching-materials/online- musculoskeletal-radiology-book/osteopenia

6 Bailey Kraft Description: Type of arthritis that affects joints Signs and Symptoms: joint pain (usually both sides affected), stiffness in morning, loss of motion after years, chest pain during deep breaths, nodule deformity thritis/article.htm

7 Macy P. Description: bone tumor mostly in long bone or pelvis Signs and Symptoms: a bone that breaks for no apparent cause, lumps or bumps that won’t go away 04146

8 Cassidy Description: Viral disease caused by polioviruses, inflammation of the motor neurons (movement is bad) Signs and Symptoms: general discomfort, sore throat, abnormal reflexes, back stiffness, neck stiffness 504763_162-20109067- 10391704.html

9 Elif Cetin Description: separation of the ball of the hip joint, occurs while bone is growing mainly boys 11-15 Signs and Symptoms: hip stiffness, outward turning leg, restricted hip movements conditions/bone-joint-muscle-conditions/hip- conditions-treatment/hip-disorders/slipped- capital-femoral-epiphysis/

10 Safeen Haque Description: destruction and death of bone tissue Signs and Symptoms: no symptoms in early stages, pain in joints, groin pain, limited range in motion expansion

11 Haileigh Gofton Description: cancers of the blood that results in high numbers of white cells Signs and Symptoms: Acute forms: fever, tiredness, fatigue, pain in bones| chronic: feeling ill, tiredness

12 Marisela F. Description: bones are extremely fragile (brittle bone disease) Signs and Symptoms: bone fragility, blue tint in eyes, multiple bone fractures, brittle teeth, spine may curve, jaw problems sis-imperfecta-brittle-bone-disease.html

13 Courtney Hodges Description: pain in knee or under 2 inches Signs and Symptoms: tight hamstrings, limping, area around knee is swollen schlatter-disease/

14 Sheigh Droke Description: congenital deformity of the foot, called ‘clubfoot’ Signs and Symptoms: foot turns inward, lack of ankle joint movement, tightened Achilles tendon plan/nursing-care-plan-clubfoot-or-talipes- equinovarus/

15 Jordan Robinson Description: deformity of the hip Signs and Symptoms: stiffness, pain, limp, difficulty walking

16 Kyrin Description: congenital neural tube defect Signs and Symptoms: depends on person, severe causes you can see nerves coming out, fluid in brain bifida.html

17 Emily Widgeon Description: disease that affects the hip area at the ball-and- socket joint Signs and Symptoms: limping, pain and stiffness in the hip, groin, thigh, or knee, limited motion at hip 03/F15.expansion.html

18 Alayne H. Description: a piece of cartilage at the end of the bone comes loose Signs and Symptoms: pain, joint popping/locking, joint weakness, decrease range of motion, swelling and tenderness education/knee/osteochondritis-dissecans-of- the-knee.html

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