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Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 How we can help Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 How we can help Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact Evaluation 4 Peace 24-27 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 How we can help Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team

2 2  A catalyst - Evidence for Peace Initiative: your evaluation in the broader context of generating evidence on FCV approaches  An institutional home – the ‘Mother Ship’: the Bank’s new Cross-Cutting Solutions Area on Fragility, Conflict, and Violence  Financing and testing: FCV-focused global trust funds

3 3 Goal: enhance the evidence base on development approaches to peace- and state-building challenges to inform policies and operations Components of E4P: 1) Stocktaking and scoping - Gap Map 2) Tailored evaluation tools and methods for FCV settings including data collection 3) Evaluation series on key FCV themes 4) Promoting evaluation work and brokering evidence

4 4 Coordinate Resources & Policies Advise on Design & Delivery Set Strategic Direction & Monitor Results Build Global Leadership Innovate & Develop Knowledge Cross-Cutting Solutions Area on Fragility, Conflict, and Violence

5 5  Facilitate cross-regional dialogue on research questions/gaps –and meta-analysis FCV themes  Promote partnerships – cross-Bank and with g7+, intl partners, research networks  Provide data repository and guidance on state- and peace-building indicators  Increase use of evaluation in FCV ops with incentives and policy change  Disseminate evaluation findings/evidence to inform Bank policy and operational change

6 6 State- and Peace- building Fund Testing ground to pilot ‘frontier’ FCV approaches; works in countries where IDA/IBRD can’t Mandate for knowledge and learning –partner on E4P Korea Trust Fund for Economic and Peace- building Transitions similar mandate to SPF; flexibility to do Bank executed work UN-WB Partnership Trust Fund small fund to promote joint analytic, strategy, RKL, catalyze joint operations Under development – Jobs in FCS facility To promote analytic and strategy efforts and knowledge exchange on job creation in FCV setting

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