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Career Comparisons Brad Rutledge. Ship Captain Responsibilities Command vessels in various bodies of water. Hire and supervise ship crew members. Maintain.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Comparisons Brad Rutledge. Ship Captain Responsibilities Command vessels in various bodies of water. Hire and supervise ship crew members. Maintain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Comparisons Brad Rutledge

2 Ship Captain Responsibilities Command vessels in various bodies of water. Hire and supervise ship crew members. Maintain boat and equipment. Operate and maintain engines, winches, navigational systems, fire extinguishers, and life preservers. Measure and record water depths. Stick to planned route.

3 Ship Captain Responsibilities Ensure adequate levels of hydraulic fluid, air pressure, and oxygen. Use flashing lights and whittles to signal passing vessels. Resolve problems with customers. Tow and maneuver barges. Signal tugboats. Unload and attempt to sell cargo.

4 Ship Captain Responsibilities Sort logs or salvage lost logs. Utilize electronic sounding devices. Direct and coordinate crew members or workers performing activities such as loading and unloading cargo, steering vessels, operating engines, and operating, maintaining, and repairing ship equipment.

5 Ship Captain Responsibilities Inspect vessels. Set courses and determine speeds using charts, plotting sheets, sextants, and compasses. Monitor loading of cargo. Record ship positions and movements.

6 Ship Captain Job Pros You have the opportunity to travel and get paid. Sometimes you will go to tourist destinations to which everyone travels, sometimes to places off the beaten path. Your living expenses will be minimal.

7 Ship Captain Job Pros You won’t spend money on utilities because the ship has generators that provide virtually unlimited power, and the cost of your cabin and groceries is less than it is onshore. Working at sea also provides a unique job experience.

8 Ship Captain

9 Computer Programmer The purpose of programming is to make a program produce a desired behavior or outcome. That being said, computer programmers write the code for software programs. A developer creates a program to address a business problem or need, and then a programmer creates the instructions, or code, to make it function. Depending on education and experience, programmers may create software for running computers, tablets, smart phones or automated systems used in manufacturing. Programmers also design the graphical user interface, which is the visual element that users interact with when using a program.

10 Computer Programmer Using computer languages and their knowledge of operating systems, computer programmers create and debug software for computers, smartphones and tablets. Aspiring programmers may spend between two and eight years on their college education, fulfilling prerequisite coursework, completing computer technology curriculum and earning professional certifications.

11 Computer Programmer Becoming a programmer is a cumulative process that builds up your skills day after day and year after year, and programming can be fun and rewarding. If you want to become a computer programmer, it's a good idea to earn an IT degree. While most employers require a bachelor's degree, some will hire experienced individuals with an associate's degree or certificate.

12 Computer Programmer If you plan on applying your programming skills to a specific field, such as health care, it's a good idea to take some classes that will expand your knowledge of that industry. While you are not required to be certified to become a computer programmer, earning certifications for specific programming languages may be helpful.

13 Computer Programmer While the computer systems design industry is booming, computer programming is showing steady growth. Employment is expected to increase 12 percent between 2010 and 2020, which is about average. Computer programmers earn a median pay of approximately $71,000. Because of the computer field's rapidly changing nature, programmers are advised to build on their expertise.

14 Computer Programmer With experience and additional courses, programmers may become lead programmers, supervisors or analysts. With more advanced degrees and specialized knowledge, programmers can advance to become full-fledged software engineers. Further training, particularly in business, affords engineers the opportunity to become project managers, information officers, systems managers or independent consultants.

15 Computer Programmer

16 Chemical Engineer Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math to solve problems that involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products. They design processes and equipment for large-scale safe and sustainable manufacturing, plan and test methods of manufacturing products and treating byproducts, and supervise production.

17 Chemical Engineer Chemical engineers make around ninety five thousand dollars a year. Employment of chemical engineers is projected to grow 4 percent from 2012 to 2022, slower than the average for all occupations. Demand for chemical engineers’ services depends largely on demand for the products of various manufacturing industries.

18 Chemical Engineer To become a chemical engineer you will need a bachelor's degree from an accredited program to gain entry into the profession. In order to become licensed, you must gain work experience and pass additional exams. For some positions, a graduate degree in chemical engineering may be required.

19 Chemical Engineer Although most chemical engineering positions only require a bachelor's degree, some positions may require graduate degrees. And, those with advanced training may be better positioned for leadership or management opportunities. Most schools offer masters and doctorate degrees in chemical engineering.

20 Chemical Engineer Master's candidates may have a chemical engineering background, or they could be entering the chemical engineering field from a different discipline. These programs typically require advanced coursework and may include a thesis requirement. Most master's degrees can be completed in 1-2 years, depending on the student's undergraduate experience.

21 Chemical Engineer Doctorate programs prepare chemical engineers to teach at the university level or lead research projects. Some graduate schools may accept doctoral candidates who only have a bachelor's degree, while others may require applicants to hold master's degrees. Doctoral students typically study for 5-6 years, and this time is divided between coursework and research. Before the degree is conferred, students may need to pass examinations as well as write and defend a dissertation.

22 Chemical Engineer

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