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2005 Accreditation of Thin-Layer Asphalt Mixes W Steyn, A Visser, E Denneman.

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Presentation on theme: "2005 Accreditation of Thin-Layer Asphalt Mixes W Steyn, A Visser, E Denneman."— Presentation transcript:

1 2005 Accreditation of Thin-Layer Asphalt Mixes W Steyn, A Visser, E Denneman

2 2005 Content Agrément SA Thin-Layer Asphalt mixes Cold mixes

3 2005 Agrément SA Fit-for-purpose certification –Need identified –Develop guideline –Approve guideline –Invite applications –Evaluate –Certify –Audit Agrément ≠ CSIR –Ministery of Public Works

4 2005 Current roads-related Agrément SA certificates Current guideline and certificates –Bridge deck joints Current guideline – awaiting applicants –Non-traditional road additives (chemical stabilisers) Almost guideline –Thin-layer asphalt Guideline to be developed –Cold mix

5 2005 What is a certificate / not Certificate – Agrément has evaluated a product and deemed it fit-for-purpose in accordance with a certain industry- approved guideline Certificate ≠ guarantee / warrantee!

6 2005 Thin-Layer Asphalt mixes Process followed Current status Main pointers

7 2005 T-LA: Process followed Industry Task Team established –Clients and industry Had meetings, decided on BBA guideline as model Technical team selected to update BBA Process followed with comments from core team and subsequent comments from ITT Agrément TECO reviewed document and approved subject to final comments

8 2005 T-LA: Current status Further comments from ITT received –Most comments addressed in documents –Some not addressed due to specific reasons – being communicated Agrément Board meeting now for approval subject to comments Further comments to be addressed during first evaluations – document is not ‘locked’, although final Recommendations for issues to be researched further made to Agrément Will be available on Agrément website – Please send your applications

9 2005 T-LA: Main pointers BBA guideline used as model Update for SA conditions and test methods where possible –If no SA equivalent – use BBA developed test in the interim Mandatory and Optional tests –Mandatory – visual, texture, skid resistance, etc –Optional – noise, rut, etc Process to be followed Performance levels to be fine-tuned

10 2005 TLA: General Evaluate existing data and sites Request / perform additional laboratory tests where required Evaluate field trial Performance values –Acceptable –Indicative –Proposed –No difference between minima – mostly safety related parameters

11 2005 T-LA: Process

12 2005 TLA: Classification Application category Number of vehicles per lane per day Certificate class A> 100001A B> 100001B A2000-100002A B2000-100002B A< 20003A B< 20003B Category A: - speed limit ≤ 60 km/h - gradients > 6 per cent - intersections. Category B: - speed limit > 60 km/h - gradients ≤ 6 per cent

13 2005 Cold Mix Asphalt Current situation –No guideline as yet –Possible to start with existing BBA guideline again –Need to establish ITT – RPF to nominate Process –January / February 2006 first ITT meeting –Decide on final process –Develop guideline –Comments and approval –Implement

14 2005

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