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Forms of Energy Review 3rd Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Forms of Energy Review 3rd Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forms of Energy Review 3rd Grade

2 Forms of Energy Mechanical: energy produced by a machine or moving part Thermal: energy produced by heat Sound: energy from vibration that you hear Solar: energy produced by the Sun Light energy

3 Energy What kind of energy gets stored inside a parked car on a sunny day?

4 Thermal energy Heat builds up inside a car on a hot day.

5 Energy What kind of energy does a musical instrument produce?

6 Sound energy

7 Energy What kind of energy travels from the Moon to Earth?

8 Light energy

9 Energy Lifting an object up off the floor is an example of what kind of energy?

10 Mechanical

11 Light Energy Can you think of items that give off light energy?

12 Possible Examples: Flashlight Light blub Computer screen Lamp
Street light Cell phone screen Fire

13 Sound Energy Can you think of examples of items that give off sound energy?

14 Possible Examples: Radio Television Musical instrument Cell phone Bell
Alarm clock

15 Energy What type of energy is produced in an oven to bake a cake?

16 Thermal energy

17 Energy What type of energy bounces off of a mirror and allows you to see your reflection?

18 Light

19 Energy Can you think of examples of items that give off thermal energy?

20 Possible Examples: Fire Oven Curling iron Burning matchstick Toaster
Electric blanket

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