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Verb Phrase Verb phrase—consists of a main verb preceded by at least one helping verb (auxiliary verb) Besides all forms of the verb be, helping verbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Verb Phrase Verb phrase—consists of a main verb preceded by at least one helping verb (auxiliary verb) Besides all forms of the verb be, helping verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verb Phrase Verb phrase—consists of a main verb preceded by at least one helping verb (auxiliary verb) Besides all forms of the verb be, helping verbs include

2 Forms of Be: amis are waswere bebeing been

3 Forms of Do: Do does did Forms of Have: Havehashad

4 Other Helping Verbs: can could should maymust would might shall will

5 Notice how helping verbs work together with main verbs to make a complete verb phrase.

6 EXAMPLE: is leaving may become might have remained had seemed should move might have thought shall be going could jump does sing

7 Sometimes the parts of a verb phrase are interrupted by other parts of speech.

8 Did you hear President Bush’s speech? Has the D.J. played the new CD for you?

9 EXAMPLE: She had always been thinking of her future. We could never have moved the bleachers.

10 NOTE: The word not is always an adverb. It is never part of a helping verb, even when it is joined to a verb as the contraction –n’t.

11 He should not have borrowed his book. He shouldn’t have borrowed his book.

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