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SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORT SERVICE building on ability DIFFERENTIATION in the classroom for students with special educational needs.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORT SERVICE building on ability DIFFERENTIATION in the classroom for students with special educational needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORT SERVICE building on ability DIFFERENTIATION in the classroom for students with special educational needs

2 Types of Special Educational Need 1.Physical / sensory disability 2.General learning disability 3.Specific learning disability 4.Emotional / Behavioural Disturbance 5.Autistic Spectrum Disorders 6.Specific Speech & Language Disorder 7.Gifted / exceptionally talented children 8.Multiple disabilities

3 An Appropriate Education AccessParticipationBenefit

4 Multiple Intelligences Type of Intelligence Linguistic Example Story writing Visual / SpatialGraphs MusicalWrite and perform music Body - KinaestheticDrama and dance MathematicalProtractors / T-square InterpersonalPeer tutoring IntrapersonalKnow and express feelings NaturalisticBuilding habitats

5 Learning Styles – What are they ? Learning Styles Visual Learners 30-35% Auditory Learners 29-35% Tactile- Kinesthetic 15-30%

6 Differentiation What is it? Teacher varies  content,  activities,  methodology and resources when taking into account the range of interests, needs and experience of the students


8 ConcreteSymbolicAbstract Doing/FeelingSeeingThinking Objects/ Experience Illustrations Diagrams Words Ideas Vary the resources --------- Adjust the learning environment Adapting the Content 1

9 Adapting the Content 2 What must should could Q.1: What are the key concepts I want to teach? they know / be able to do? Q.2: Are there key words I need to pre-teach?

10 Differentiating Activities SkillsProgression PlanningRespond to questions Brainstorm Use concrete experience Use some terminology Ask questions Identify hazards Make predictions Turn ideas into investigations Suggest variables Use various sources to find information Use scientific terms regularly Realise the limitations of investigations Produce a detailed plan Suggested learning outcomes in planning a JC Science investigation

11 Energy is the ability to do _______. Curricular Example work HINT Work is done when a force moves an object. Work done = force x distance Energy is measured in Joules.

12 1. Energy is the ability to do___________. Review Questions 2. What unit is energy measured in? HINT

13 These questions test what you have learnt about: Click the green button to start the quiz. Forms of Energy & The Law of Conservation of Energy

14 Stored energy is called: Sound energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Click one coloured button, A, B or C.

15 Incorrect Sound energy is caused by vibrations. Click the red button to return to the question. TRY AGAIN

16 Incorrect All moving things have kinetic energy. Click the red button to return to the question. TRY AGAIN

17 Correct Potential energy is stored energy waiting to be used. CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.


19 Adapting the Process Methods – Discussion, writing, reading, active learning, brainstorming, sequence boxes, concept maps, project work Organisation : Whole class instruction Group teaching Co-operative groups Peer tutoring Activity-based learning Independent learning 1:1 instruction Resources Textbooks, artefacts, multimedia, ICT, students’ work.

20 Adapting the Product Cartoons / story boarding Mind maps PowerPoint Presentation Dramatisation Video / tapes Model making Art / design Writing/ Project work

21 Student Concept Maps “If you make a mistake, you can fix it with a new arrow” Structure

22 Differentiation Creative thinking Co-operative learning Active learning Learning preferences Choice of activity Readabilit y Appropriate assessment

23 A final thought … “If they can’t learn in the way I teach, can I teach in a way they can learn?” Harry Chasty

24 Contact Details Special Education Support Service c/o Cork Education Support Centre, Western Road, Cork Website: Telephone: 1850-200884

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