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Welcome to Second Grade! Teachers Mrs. Stacie Eller Mrs. Leah Johnson Mrs. Caroline Pease Ms. Carrie Spencer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade! Teachers Mrs. Stacie Eller Mrs. Leah Johnson Mrs. Caroline Pease Ms. Carrie Spencer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade! Teachers Mrs. Stacie Eller Mrs. Leah Johnson Mrs. Caroline Pease Ms. Carrie Spencer

2 Communication  Email  Phone 773-0582  Notes in folder  School Wires page Go to Go to Schools and select Stony Creek Elementary Go to Classrooms Select your teacher’s name  Class information will be posted on School Wires regularly. Please check back often. Please contact me anytime with questions or concerns.

3 Daily Schedule 8:40-8:50 Check-In/Announcements 8:50-10:05 Math 10:05-11:05 Writing 11:10-11:40 Lunch 11:40-12:00 Recess 12:05-1:35 Literacy (Language Arts, Whole Group Reading, Readers Workshop, Book Clubs, Guided Reading) 1:35-2:05 Intervention 2:10-2:50 Specials 2:55-3:05 Computation practice 3:05-3:20 Content 3:25 Dismissal

4 Transportation A transportation list is created that states each student’s way home from school (bus number, walker, car rider, AYS). Anytime and every time your child is to go home from school any way other than his or her normal way, you MUST SEND A NOTE or CALL THE OFFICE. Please do NOT send an email as I may not receive it in time.

5 Daily Class Work We will do a lot of work together, especially at the beginning of the year. Letter grades will not appear on graded class work. Students will receive stars, stamps, stickers, happy faces, etc. Some work may be marked as a fraction. For example: 9/10. Please go over completed papers at home to see if your child understands what was missed.

6 Homework will be sent home as a packet on Mondays (or the first school day of each week). This packet is due on Friday. Additional math homework will be sent home regularly and MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED THE NEXT SCHOOL DAY. Homework should remain in the blue take-home folder. This blue folder should be wherever your child is. If he/she is at school, the folder should be at school. If he/she is at home, the folder should be at home. Homework

7 Language Arts Whole group: Interactive Read Alouds for comprehension and word chunks for phonics instruction Small group: Guided reading group made up of a small group of children who are reading on similar levels. Homework: Sheet will come home on Mondays and must be returned to school on Friday. There will be a reading log (20 min/night) with response questions and word work practice due each Friday. Math pages will be due the day after they are sent home due to our math program, Everyday Math.

8 Spelling 12 words per week These will follow the Journey’s curriculum program that we adopted for Language Arts last year. A dictation sentence including current and past words will be given each week as well. We will also be looking for application in students’ writing.

9 Writer’s Workshop Students will write everyday. Most of this work will be done in our Writer’s Notebooks and Journals so you will not see it coming home on a regular basis. Our focus will be listening for the sounds in each word, utilizing the word wall, leaving a finger space between words, using capitals and punctuation, and writing complete sentences. We highly encourage students to choose their topics, etc. CHOICE IS VOICE!

10 Handwriting We use Handwriting Without Tears Proper letter formation Top down – no push ups! Use the lines (they are different) Our main goal is legibility and no frustration

11 Math All Noblesville Elementaries use Everyday Math. Learning addition and subtraction facts is crucial. They will be practiced at school daily, and it is an expectation that they will be practiced at home each night as well.

12 Suggestions Bookmark your child’s teacher’s Fusion page and refer to it often for updates. Check your child’s backpack each night. Read, read, read every night! Practice math facts nightly – even if only for 5- 10 minutes!

13 Science Integrated into Language Arts instruction Several Class Experiments Hands-On Science Journal Project Lead the Way – (see next slide)

14 Project Lead the Way New curriculum that several Noblesville Schools are piloting this year Investigative approach to learning Similar to Project Based Learning (PBL) 2 modules per year – Properties of Matter – Form and Function

15 Social Studies Integrated into Language Arts instruction Family Community Project Based Learning Project – (see next slide)

16 Project Based Learning Noblesville Schools will be creating new units where students guide their own learning through PBL. Our unit will be in September. The topic is community. We will be exploring the community of Noblesville, as well as having a visit from Mayor Ditslear. Students will be designing a new business/service that they feel will benefit the Noblesville community.

17 Parent/Teacher Conferences October 2 nd 1:00-8:00 and October 7 th 1:00-4:00 Please be sure to sign up tonight There will only be 15 minute time slots

18 Behavior We will be using ROCK tickets to reward outstanding behavior. R=Respect O=Outstanding Attitude C=Care about Safety K=Know and Follow all Procedures A calendar will be used to track each child’s behavior. This will come home daily in the blue take-home folder and must be signed/initialed by parents each night.

19 Birthdays We promise to make your child feel very special on his or her birthday! Due to allergies and Noblesville’s Health and Wellness Initiative edible treats will not be allowed. However, you may provide non-edible treats (pencils, stickers, erasers, bookmarks, small toys) or a gift of an indoor recess toy or book for the class to share.

20 Volunteers We would LOVE to have your help! If you are able to volunteer in the classroom, please fill out a volunteer form and return it as soon as possible. You will be notified after approval.

21 Money If you send money to school, please be sure that it is in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it. Also, write on the outside of the envelope the purpose for the money. Lunch money should always be sent to school in an envelope with your child’s name and lunch code clearly written on the outside of the envelope.

22 Questions? Thank you for coming!

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