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Foundation for Children in Need FCN Sponsored Children, College Students and Elderly September 2014 Presented by the Coordinators, Parneetha Yeruva, Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundation for Children in Need FCN Sponsored Children, College Students and Elderly September 2014 Presented by the Coordinators, Parneetha Yeruva, Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundation for Children in Need FCN Sponsored Children, College Students and Elderly September 2014 Presented by the Coordinators, Parneetha Yeruva, Executive Director and Srinivasa Reddy Adapa, Financial & Public Relations Officer

2 ProjectsProject-CodeProject location Ananda Nilayam Christu Jyothi AN CJ Near PROUMAMILLA KADAPA Datta Sai College Guntur DA GU PORUMAMILLA GUNTUR Hyderabad CollegeHCHYDERABAD Hyderabad StudentsHSHYDERABAD HyderabadHYHYDERABAD JadcherlaJAJADCHERLA (Near Hyderabad) KalasapaduKANear PORUMAMILLA KhajipetKHNear PORUMAMILLA Mydukur Nandyal MY NA Near KADAPA Near KURNOOL Nandyal CollegeNCNear KURNOOL & ANANTAPUR Prema NilayamPNNear PORUMAMILLA PorumamillaPOPORUMAMILLA & surrounding areas ShantiashramSHHYDERABAD St. Antony’sSAPORUMAMILLA St. Mary’sSMDHARMAVARAM (Near Anantapur) St. Xavier’s homeSXNear PORUMAMILLA

3 FCN Projects : Grade wise student particulars 2013-14 S.No.ProjectKindergarten Primary school (1-5 ) High School ( 6- 10) 11th & 12th Grade Diploma Bachelor's Degree Teaching Professionals Master's Degree Bachelor of Technology Medical Professionals CAPharmacistsTotal 1AN10326 129 2CJ 59104 1 74 3DA 62 5 1 1 69 4GU 69 776 5HC 5 6 142 330 6HS822161 47 7HY 6841 2 93 8JA 1153 19 9KA 592552 316 10KH 349152 4 1 137 11MY 41813315215 61 12NA 2976 105 13NC 1110341611 37 14PN 58122 180 15PO2123475134741135244243 16SA 529131 2 50 17SH2139 24 18SM 129323231 2 21139 Total1153408522082287101615059151829

4 FCN PROJECTS : 2013-14

5 AN Project Grade No. of StudnetsSponsorship DetailsNo. Nursery47Single Sponsorship129 LKG40 UKG16 Total129 1st Grade13 2nd Grade7 3rd Grade6 Total129

6 AN Project

7 CJ Project Grade No. of Students Sponsorship Details 1st Grade12Double66 X 2132 2 nd grade10Single 8X 18 3 rd grade12 4 th Grade13 Total74140 5 th Grade12 6 th Grade10 12 th Grade4 Bachelor of Nursing1 Total74

8 CJ Project

9 DA Project GradeNo.Sponsorship Details 11th Grade32Single69 12th Grade30 Bachelor of Commerce1 Total69 Bachelor of Science4 Bachelor of Technology1 Chartered Accountant1 Total69

10 DA Project

11 GU Project GradeNo.Sponsorship Details Bachelor of Technology69Double74 X 2148 Bachelor of Pharmacy7Single2 X 12 Total76Total76150

12 GU Project

13 HC Project GradeNo. of students Sponsorship Details 11th Grade2Triple2 X 36 12th Grade3Double10 X 220 Bachelor of Commerce1Single18 X 118 Bachelor of Science1 Bachelor of Nursing4 Total3044 Bachelor of Pharmacy1 Bachelor of Technology14 Doctor of Pharmacy2 MBBS2 Total30

14 HC Project

15 HS Project GradeNo.of studentsSponsorship Details Nursery1Triple3 X 39 LKG4Double2 X 24 UKG3Single42 X 142 1st Grade6 Total4755 2nd Grade3 3rd Grade6 4th Grade4 5th Grade3 6th Grade4 7th Grade3 8th Grade3 9th Grade3 10th Grade3 11th Grade1 Total47

16 HS Project

17 HY Project GradeNo.Sponsorship Details 5th Grade 6Single93 6th Grade 19 7th Grade 22 Total93 8th Grade 24 9th Grade 13 10th Grade 6 11th Grade 1 Bachelor of Technology 2 Total93

18 HY Project

19 JA Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details 5th Grade1Single19 6th Grade3 7th Grade5 Total19 8th Grade3 9th Grade1 10th Grade3 11th Grade2 12th Grade1 Total19

20 JA Project

21 KA Project GradeNo. of Students Sponsorship Details 2nd Grade2 Single316 3rd Grade4 4th Grade18 Total316 5th Grade35 6th Grade94 7th Grade63 8th Grade46 9th Grade27 10th Grade25 11th Grade2 Total316

22 KA Project

23 KH Project Grade No. of StudentsSponsorship Details 1st Grade3Single137 3rd Grade7 4th Grade12 Total137 5th Grade12 6th Grade24 7th Grade14 8th Grade20 9th Grade13 10th Grade20 12th Grade5 Polytechnic2 Bachelor of Technology4 Chartered Accountancy1 Total136

24 KH Project

25 MY Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details 4th Grade1Single61 5th Grade3 6th Grade6 Total61 7th Grade4 8th Grade2 9th Grade3 10th Grade3 11th Grade6 12th Grade7 Bachelor of Arts12 Bachelor of Commerce1 Bachelor of Nursing2 Bachelor of Education2 Bachelor of Technology5 Tailoring3 Master of Arts1 Total61

26 MY Project

27 NA Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details 3rd Grade1Double1 X 22 4th Grade10Single104 X 1104 5th Grade18 6th Grade14 Total105106 7th Grade11 8th Grade8 9th Grade22 10th Grade21 Total105

28 NA Project

29 NC Project GradeNo.of studentsSponsorship Details 12th Grade1Double16 X 232 Polytechnic1Single21 X 121 Diploma in Education2 Bachelor of Commerce3 Total3753 Bachelor of Education1 Bachelor of Science4 Bachelor of Nursing2 Bachelor of Technology16 Bachelor of Business Management1 Chartered Accountant1 Master of science1 Master of computer applications3 MBBS1 Total37

30 NC Project

31 PN Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details 3rd Grade18Triple1 X 33 4th Grade22Double167 x 2334 5th Grade18Single12 X 112 6th Grade17 7th Grade18 Total180349 8th Grade26 9th Grade22 10th Grade39 Total180

32 PN Project

33 PO Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details Kindergarten2Triple9 X 327 Primay School12Double69 X 2138 High School34Single165 X 1165 11 & 12th Grade75Saleem Patan 1 Diploma courses13 Total243331 Diploma in Education4 Bachelor's Degree47 Bachelor of Pharmacy4 Bachelor of Technology35 Medical Profession2 Chartered Accountancy4 Master's Degree11 Total243

34 PO Project

35 SA Project GradeNo.of StudentsSponsorship Details 4th Grade1Single50 5th Grade4 6th Grade5 Total50 7th Grade3 8th Grade6 9th Grade7 10th Grade8 11th Grade8 12th Grade5 Diploma1 Bachelor of Technology2 Total50

36 SA Project

37 SH Project GradeNo. of StudentsSponsorship Details UKG2Double23 X 246 1st Grade1Single1 X 11 2nd Grade2 3rd Grade4 Total2447 4th Grade2 5th Grade4 6th Grade6 7th Grade2 9th Grade1 Total24

38 SH Project

39 SM Project Grade No. of StudentsSponsorship Details 5th Grade12Single139 6th Grade16 7th Grade20 Total139 8th Grade13 9th Grade18 10th Grade26 11th Grade15 12th Grade8 Diploma1 Nursing1 Teacher Training Course1 Bachelor of Commerce3 Bachelor of Pharmacy1 Bachelor of Technology2 Chartered Accountancy2 Total139

40 SM Project

41 SX Project ParticularsNo.Sponsorship Details Sponsored Elderly20Triple13 X 339 Sponsored Staff3Double7 X 214 Total23 Single3 X 13 Total2356

42 SX Project

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