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Objectives and Goals Our objectives and Goals are to provide simply the best paper that provides you with a smelly scent. Members: Travis Skinner, Brandi.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives and Goals Our objectives and Goals are to provide simply the best paper that provides you with a smelly scent. Members: Travis Skinner, Brandi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives and Goals Our objectives and Goals are to provide simply the best paper that provides you with a smelly scent. Members: Travis Skinner, Brandi Knight, and Justin Norris

2 Scented Paper!!!Scented Paper!!! “Bring the freshness back”

3 Ingredients & development & purpose All natural smells and some synthetic ingredients We wanted to provide quality scented paper to people. have great scented paper to send to family and friends and prison inmates

4 Target market People of all ages High quality paper Low price and discount prices for art classes in schools.

5 Market We will sell to anyone and all over the world. It brings the freshness back. People would buy our product because it is the best smelling thing there is.

6 Marketing Strategy 30% of our profits are going to our budget for advertising. For the scented paper we are going to use commercials, billboards, and TV advertisement.

7 Pictures

8 Video

9 Long term: a)Expand our business. b)Move to a bigger market. c)Produce other products with scent. Short term: a)Make more money. b)More advertising. c)Visit other schools to see if they are willing to purchase our products.

10 Sources or citations for project. =isch%3A1%2Cic%3Acolor&sa=1&q=colored+paper&aq=f&aqi =g10&aql=&oq= active&tbs=isch:1&ei=5fZwTbWEKMntOZKW4YAB&sa=N&start=80&ndsp=20

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