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1 Overview of Manufacturing Statistics in Africa UNECA Andry Andriantseheno Workshop on manufacturing Statistics Lusaka 4-7 May 2009.

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1 1 Overview of Manufacturing Statistics in Africa UNECA Andry Andriantseheno Workshop on manufacturing Statistics Lusaka 4-7 May 2009

2 2 Scope of MS  The coverage of MS/IS may vary form countries: in general, MS covers the activities in ISIC from food industries to housing.  Housing and constructions may be included in industrial surveys  Production of electricity, water, and energy may be included in industrial surveys and censuses.  Survey and censuses coverage vary from 7-12 division of the ISIC.  Sample size IS: 1500-4000 units, depend on country size and budgets  Sampling methods : exhaustive for large companies, sample for Medium and small

3 3 Data collection  Industrial censuses/surveys, every two years in for surveys and 5-10 years for censuses, depends on countries.  Collection of financial statement of manufacturing companies/MOU with taxes and revenues authority, annually or every two years. Establishment of “mini-centre for FS at NSOs”  Indexes of industrial production: limited number of products and companies such as cement, building material, dairy products, food beverages and household items.

4 4 Data collection: FS and AD  Collection of financial statements from companies, annually.  The variables from FS and the surveys are similar,  I nterview and personal visit  Interview and mail: questionnaire are sent by mail and received by respondents  Collection of financial statement by mail: the Statistical office request for financial statements from companies/ recipients of financial statements (MOU with Taxes revenue offices and Central Bank)

5 5 FS/ administrative Records  Financial statement: special arrangements between statistics, tax revenue and central banks  Administrative records at line ministries, quantity output of some companies/products  Discrepancies between FS and quantity output

6 6 Sampling frame and Business Register  Business register, the units may be the establishment or the enterprises  Information on activity, owners and type of business respondents  The business register is out of date  Update of business register is expensive, but critical for sampling and extend the result of surveys to the national economy  Different identification and classification number at the statistical offices, social security, VAT…

7 7 The bulk in term of VA or profit is largely from the main manufacturing activities of the countries: food beverages, such as dairy products/ mineral watersfood beverages, such as dairy products/ mineral waters Energy: water and electricity productionEnergy: water and electricity production ConstructionConstruction Represent between 15 to 25% of GDP. African economies: agriculture, mining, fishing, extraction, (less manufacturing)

8 8 Issues  Collaboration between statistics, central banks and tax revenue over the sharing of financial statement of large companies, the surveys coverage for small companies and informal sectors  Collaboration between statistics, ministry of industry and associations of industries to develop a common surveys, to share information on production indexes

9 9Issues  Discrepancies between financial statement and quantity output.  Develop a comparable system of business accounting compatible with statistical bridge tables for the region, e.g. SYSCOA for West Africa, or OCAM. The common business accounting required for comparability and the concept of the business register should comply with statistical requirements.  Comparable classification to a certain level across countries, across institutions.  Cancellation of registration at NSO should be part of process to cancel a companies (so far at the tax revenue only).

10 10 Recommendations  Establish an integrated national system (INS) for the data collection on companies, in collaboration with central banks, tax revenue and line ministries, the INS contains financial statements and other information, avoid duplication of efforts.  Update of the business register through cross checking with tax registration, social security, the population censuses(for formal companies owned by household), and ultimately censuses enumeration of enterprises and production units

11 11 Thank You

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