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Activity Analysis: CROSSFIT Touro University Nevada.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity Analysis: CROSSFIT Touro University Nevada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity Analysis: CROSSFIT Touro University Nevada

2 A training program that builds strength and conditioning through extremely varied and challenging workouts. Developed by Coach Greg Glassman. First person in history to define fitness in a meaningful, measurable way. Has roots in the military Philosophy that coaches people of all shapes and sizes to improve their physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a hardcore yet accepting and encouraging environment.

3 CrossFit community Build friendships outside of gym (“box”) Supportive of box during CrossFit games Fundraisers EX: Barbells for Boobs Competition with self; pushing past one’s own limits Encouragement High intensity

4 Promotes health management and maintenance Exercises gross motor skills Works on muscle strength and endurance Makes real-life activities easier Encourages health and wellness Increases self-esteem Supports social interaction

5 Maintaining form Knowing one’s own limits

6 Practically every CrossFit gym around the world will let you come in and try out a class for free. Every day, puts out the a workout of the day (WOD), which can be done at home.

7 Auditory: Verbal explanation of exercise Visual: Watching a demonstration of each exercise Kinesthetic: Performing the exercise

8 Heavier weights Faster pace More repetitions Putting two exercises together Competing with another teammate

9 Lighter weights Slower pace Resting periods Modifying the exercises Hand stand pushups vs. standard pushups with legs walked in Using assistive equipment EX: Resistance bands =em-share_video_user

10 Removal of competitive environment Assistive equipment Changing the exercises to one’s own ability

11 Kettlebell in desired light to heavy weight Clip board, pen, and paper Timer Work out clothing

12 Warm-up: 400 m run (2 laps around gym) 10 inchworms Knee hugs (half court) TEAM WOD (x3 AMRAP): Laps around gym Kettlebell swings Airsquats Burpees

13 Cardio Keeps heart rate up Kettlebell swings Trains muscles all together at once (hamstrings, glutes, core, and back) Quick movement; burns many calories Airsquats Builds leg muscles (quadriceps, hamstring, and calves) Burpees Intense full body exercise Burns lots of calories


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