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Range OIC Certification

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1 Range OIC Certification
Welcome to the OIC, RSO certification program I am: This class will take approximately 1 hour. It is not intended to teach you everything you need to know. You will be provided with a computer disk at the end of this course. It contains copies of the current regulations and other files you will need to become familiar with. You will also need to take the time necessary to read and become familiar with the FM’s and TM’s the pertain to the weapons system you will be using.

2 Agenda References Purpose Requirements OIC/NCOIC Duties Communication
Paintball Environmental Fires Closing/Questions

3 References Army Regulation (AR) 385-63
Utah National Guard (UTNG) 350-5 CWGW Range Regulation Field Manuals (FM)’S & Technical Manuals (TM’S)

4 All resources listed here are located on our Web site
References All resources listed here are located on our Web site

5 Purpose To provide you with the tools and resources to be able properly supervise the safe execution of your training event at Camp Williams. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. If you plan and prepare properly your unit will safely use the ranges and training areas. Another benefit is that if you are using weapons ranges you time will be more efficiently used.

6 Requirements How do I become a Range OIC?
Be a Commissioned, Warrant, or Non-commissioned officer as per table 1-1 in AR (see next slide) Attend this briefing Take Range OIC test Be approved via memo from an 05 or above. Refer to the handout. This is a copy of the new table from the Draft The old table is essentially the same. Note that under the guidelines E-5’s have very limited authority.

7 WEAPON SYSTEM OIC RSO OFF WO NCO OFF WO NCO Practice hand grenades; subcaliber training devices; Laser devices; firing devices; simulators & trap flares; small arms and machineguns X X E6 X X E5 Chemical agents and smokes 2,6 X X E5 Aerial gunnery & air defense Weapons; flamethrowers; live grenades, grenade launchers, and grenade machineguns; live mines & demolitions; Tank & fighting vehicle cannons; recoilless rifles. X X E7 Field Artillery 3 Mortars ADA rockets and guided missiles. X X X X Direct fire antitank rockets and missiles Live fire exercises using organic weapons, squad through company, battery, troops. Combined arms live fire exercises using outside fire support, troop, battery, squad, platoon, company; or battalion and larger. 5 Notes: Civilians in the grade of GS-07 or above may act as OIC, and GS-05 or above, or equivalent for RSO. OIC and RSO must be nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) qualified when Conducting NBC or smoke training. Use of E7s as OICs is authorized only when approved by the installation/community commander. Duties of the RSO are normally performed by either the battery executive officer or platoon leader. ARSO will be a field grade officer, CW4 or CW5 (Army) or civilian in the grade of GS-12 or above. OIC will be a field grade officer for battalion or larger CALFEX.

8 Purpose of Range OIC Ensure proper Risk Management in all phases of training Supervise safe execution of all Range Activity

9 Range OIC Duties Coordinates with Range Control (ie: equipment, keys, forms) Ensures Safety Briefing is given to the troops Ensures everyone follows overall safety requirements before, during and after firing Runs only one range at a time Ensures left and right limit of each range is enforced This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. If you plan and prepare properly your unit will safely use the ranges and training areas. Another benefit is that if you are using weapons ranges you time will be more efficiently used.

10 Duties con’t Appoints RSO
Verifies RSO is qualified on weapons system and RSO duties Ensures RSO attends this briefing Ensures minimum medical requirements are being met - designate a vehicle for medical purposes - notify Range Control of any medical emergencies Is aware of any restrictions

11 Duties con’t Ensures rounds are directed down range into impact area, inside the right and left limits Reports duds to Range Control If an ammunition malfunction occurs, report using a DA 4379-R (Ammunition Malfunction Report) Ensures NO brass or live ammo is thrown into dumpsters Ensure No brass or live ammo leaves the range with unauthorized personnel Reports DODIC, type and amount of ammo to Range Control and ensures it’s also on the clearance form

12 Communications Establish / Maintain communications with Range Control
Radio checks - first one prior to leaving Range Control - hot/cold times - on the the bottom of the hour - prior to moving to a new training area/range If for some reason you can not contact Range Control you must CEASE FIRE until communication is re-established The Primary Emergency radio channel is RC1. Radio’s are in the towers and in most cases you will be issued a handheld radio. Insure that you have the radio with you at all times. There may be situations where all ranges will have to be shut down I.E. Medi Vac, Fires, aircraft in the impact area On training areas you must make contact when you occupy and then when you are ready to clear. You must maintain contact for the cases listed above. On ranges you must contact Range Control When occupying the range When ready to go hot When going cold When ready to clear, request someone to clear you.

13 MEDEVAC Call Cease Fire Minimum medical support required:
Dedicated MEDEVAC vehicle 9-line MEDEVAC trained personnel Call 911: Address is Camp Williams Report to Range Control Determine Air or Ground evac requirements CLS or Medic on-hand is recommended The primary Emergency radio channel for Camp Williams is RC1.

14 Paintball AGCW Paintball SOP
Approved Training areas: MOUT facility, Medic Hill, Pinyon Hill, Saratoga, West Landing, and Oak Springs Paintball Training Area Layout: Engagement Area and buffer zone. Control access for bystanders Medical Advisories. Eye injuries most common. Good Risk Assessment Treat paintball as live-fire exercise: designate RSO and Range OIC Restrictions: NO paintball on Watts. North Tickville only authorized access road for paintball PPE requirements: face guard (mask) rated at 300 fps, gloves, head gear, long sleeves and pants, and boots.

15 Environmental Environmental Assessment (Before) Damage (During)
Reclamation (After) Off road travel - No joy riding - No exploring Exceptions for all training - METL Tasks - Concept of the Operation Be aware of the impact your training will have on the environment. It wont be to long before you will be required to have on file an environmental assessment prior to coming to camp. Ensure that you are aware of any damage that is caused. Don’t hide it. If necessary have a reclamation plan ready, including the costs involved. The environmental can assist with this.

16 Good stewards Ensure all soldiers are following land usage rules
Stop any one violating rules Report any violation immediately to ERM

17 Fires Be aware of the fire danger and restrictions
Report any fire immediately Assist in fighting the fire (always maintain personal safety) Keep accountability of personnel and equipment Fire fighting equipment available - OIC/NCOIC can sign out equipment - Range Control personnel are available to assist as well General: Be familiar with the weapon system. Insure that your RSO attends the range safety briefing Range Safety: Insure that the RSO has inspected the weapons and the range. Have a MEMORANDUM on file at Range Control designating OIC/NCOIC, RSO for each weapon system or firing point. Comply with Camp Williams procedures for certifying individuals who will perform the duties of OIC/NCOIC, RSO to insure they: Understand their duties and responsibilities


19 Range Updates RTI training area is moving to One Station Training. The NBC chamber in the One Station Training area will still be available for use. General: Be familiar with the weapon system. Insure that your RSO attends the range safety briefing Range Safety: Insure that the RSO has inspected the weapons and the range. Have a MEMORANDUM on file at Range Control designating OIC/NCOIC, RSO for each weapon system or firing point. Comply with Camp Williams procedures for certifying individuals who will perform the duties of OIC/NCOIC, RSO to insure they: Understand their duties and responsibilities

20 Range Updates con’t Range Control has installed fencing around all mess areas down range. After using the ranges ensure that all gates are closed to prevent cattle and sheep's from roaming on and around the serving area. General: Be familiar with the weapon system. Insure that your RSO attends the range safety briefing Range Safety: Insure that the RSO has inspected the weapons and the range. Have a MEMORANDUM on file at Range Control designating OIC/NCOIC, RSO for each weapon system or firing point. Comply with Camp Williams procedures for certifying individuals who will perform the duties of OIC/NCOIC, RSO to insure they: Understand their duties and responsibilities

21 Range Updates con’t Shoot house closed until further notice
Paintball Ranges listed above Convoy routes: Limit convoy training to roads other than Watts.

22 Thank you for your attendance.
Questions? Thank you for your attendance.

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