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Max Barron Veteran Service Officer.  Pension is tax-free supplemental income program payable to low-income veterans or their surviving spouse.  VA Pension.

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Presentation on theme: "Max Barron Veteran Service Officer.  Pension is tax-free supplemental income program payable to low-income veterans or their surviving spouse.  VA Pension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Max Barron Veteran Service Officer

2  Pension is tax-free supplemental income program payable to low-income veterans or their surviving spouse.  VA Pension was never intended to be a “retirement” benefit that would meet all of the veteran’s financial obligations.

3  Service during a wartime period  Age 65 or older, or  Totally and permanently disabled, or  Patient in a nursing home, or  Receiving SSDI, or  Receiving Supplemental Security Income  If you are unsure if the vet is eligible, file the claim! The VA will rule on it.

4  Family income must be below amount set by Congress.  Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents.  Generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities and net income from farming or a business.

5  Veteran and spouse should report their entire net worth.  Net worth includes bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, property other than primary residence.  Bottom line is report all income and net worth. The VA will make the final ruling.

6  A portion of out of pocket expenses can be used to lower the veteran’s countable income.  Expenses must be proven  Generally expenses include Medicare, Insurance Premiums, Prescription Insurance plans, Dental Insurance, co-pays, etc.  Please refer to handout provided.

7  Costs to stay in an assisted living facility may be allowed to be deducted as a medical expense.  Costs to stay in a skilled nursing facility generally will be allowed to be deducted as a medical expense.

8  Annual income limit for vet and spouse is $13,855 (MAPR).  Combined income is $10,855  Medical expenses are $8,000  Insurance paid $6,400  Unreimbursed expenses are $1,600  Calculate the portion of medical expenses that are above 5% of MAPR ($13,855)

9  5% of $13,855 is $693  $1,600 - $693 = $907  $10,855 - $907 = $9,948  $13,855 - $9,948 = $3,907  $3,907 divided by 12 = $325 per month

10  Any changes affecting income/net worth must be reported!  Veteran marries/divorces  Child moves into the household  Vet moves in with family  Vet’s spouse goes to work and earns income  Vet starts receiving social security benefits  Vet goes into a nursing home or assisted living facility  Any change in income or net worth  The VA will find out! (Eventually)

11  21-526 Initial claim for Pension and/or Compensation (Veteran)  21-527 for Pension only (Net worth statement-Veteran)  21-534 Pension for Surviving Spouse  If nothing else, complete one of these forms in it’s entirety. If the VA needs more documents they will write to the vet/spouse and tell them what is needed.

12  21-527 EZ (If Fully Developed)  21-534 EZ (If Fully Developed)  21-0518 Eligibility Verification Report (Surviving Spouse)  21-8416 Medical Expense Report  21-2680 Housebound/Aid and Attendance  21-0779 Nursing Home Information  21-674 Request for approval of school attendance for college student 18-23

13  Marriage certificates  Death certificates  Medical documentation showing disabilities  Receipts of medical expenses  Birth certificates for dependent children  Veteran’s DD 214  Copies of trusts

14  Pension is a supplemental income program for veterans or surviving spouses that have virtually no income.  It is a benefit that changes with any change in income or net worth.  Take a good history on the vet/spouse and if eligibility is unsure go ahead and file!  Report all income and net worth  Stress to the vet/spouse how important it is to immediately report any changes to income or net worth.


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