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Determination of the scope and form of census data dissemination for the Population and Housing Census 2005 in Lao PDR Mr. Bounmy VILAYCHITH DoS, MPI UNITED.

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Presentation on theme: "Determination of the scope and form of census data dissemination for the Population and Housing Census 2005 in Lao PDR Mr. Bounmy VILAYCHITH DoS, MPI UNITED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determination of the scope and form of census data dissemination for the Population and Housing Census 2005 in Lao PDR Mr. Bounmy VILAYCHITH DoS, MPI UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT DESA Statistics Division United Nations Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis Bangkok, Thailand 5-8 October 2010

2 Contents Background. NSS frame work. Data Dissemination. Conclusion

3 Background In Lao PDR population statistics come from population and housing censuses, sample surveys. The main component is the three population censuses conducted in 1985 (UNFPA), 1995 and 2005 (Sida). The latter two censuses included collection of housing data. The latest census (2005) added new modules on migration and disability, and a new question on household ownership of agricultural land.

4 NSS Development Framework Statistical Framework Statistics Indicators Economi c Others Social and Culture NSA &Price Agriculture Industrial and manufacturin g Energ and mining Transportatio n and Post and communicatio n Services Oth ers Education Health Labor Others... Data Data collection, sharing and analysis Metat data compilation and assesment Harmoniation and Classification Adopt/adaptation of international recoganized methodologies Quality and timeliness Enabling Mechanism Institutional framework, Legislation Infrastructure HR and HRD /Capacity building Data network /information system Support Budget Programmes Development partners Statistical Outputs/Use Dissemination/Co mmunication Stat. Year book Other Communication Survey’s Reports Web site and Lao Info Database (micro data) Prodcucer and User Forum Population and demographics Gender Environment Poverty …. Indicators National Sectoral Adminis trative Survey 4

5 Data dissemination Data dissemination has provided with tables, graphs, and maps. Publication: –Preliminary report, –National report, –Provincial reports. Population Projection from 2005 to 2020.

6 Data dissemination (cont.) Gender statistics.(Lao version) Socio-Economic atlas of the Lao PDR. The Geography of Poverty and Inequality in the Lao PDR Mapping village coordinate published by District

7 Data dissemination (cont.) The traditional mode of census data dissemination through printed publications, Advanced media such as CD-ROM, website, data bases to be used to release census results.

8 Examples

9 Main statistics 2005 Population size (1000) Total Female Male 5 621 2 821 2 800

10 Main statistics (cont.) 2005 Age Composition, % 0-14 years 15-64 years 65+ years 39 57 4

11 Chapter 9: Population Projections

12 Poverty incidence at district and village levels

13 Conclusion The Government of the Lao PDR is following the UN recommendation to take the Population Census in every 10 years. The data disseminations is the keys to access to all users and to facilitate of using data more friendly, it is very importance to improve the strategy of dissemination for the coming Census. The needs to continue to exchange the experiences on implementation data dissemination strategy (DDS). Funding and Technical Assistance is needed for development NSS in Lao PDR, particularly DDS.

14 14 ຂໍຂອບໃຈ Thank You

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