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The Creation Story Greek Mythology Author Unknown.

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2 The Creation Story Greek Mythology Author Unknown




6 From Love came

7 light and

8 earth Known as


10 Gaea united with one of her offspring, Uranus, the sky. and

11 Frightening offspring were born to them

12 Hecatonchires (100-handed monsters) Briareus the Vigorous Cottus the Furious Gyges the Big-Limbed

13 The Cyclopes Huge beings each with only one eye in the middle of their foreheads. They were great builders and smiths. Uranus hated these creatures and imprisoned them in the center of the earth.

14 The 12 Titans Males Oceanus Coeus Hyperion Crius Iapetus Cronus * Females Tethys Rhea * Themis Mnemosyne Phoebe Thia

15 Gaea, wishing to free her children and vent her wrath upon Uranus for his treatment of her offspring, enlisted the aid of Cronus, her Titan son. With a weapon similar to a sickle, Cronus wounded his father. From the blood and wounded parts sprang up a strange collection of beings:

16 Gigantes Erinyes Aphrodite

17 Cronus, the new Lord of the Universe, took his sister Rhea for his bride.

18 When Cronus defeated Uranus, becoming lord of the universe, Uranus prophesied that Cronus’ children would in turn overthrow him. Thus, Cronus swallowed each of his children as soon as they were born.

19 Rhea tricked Cronus. She hid her last baby and gave Cronus a rock to swallow instead. Zeus grew up in the care of nymphs on Mt. Ida. The goat Amalthea provided him with milk, and one of her horns was later presented by Zeus to the nymphs.

20 When the time was right, Zeus came back. He gave his father a poison drink which made Cronus violently ill. He vomited up his children, who were now fully grown...... AND ANGRY!

21 Poseidon Hades Zeus Children of Cronus and Rhea

22 Demeter Hera Hestia

23 Artemis Aphrodite Athena




27 Zeus - Supreme God; God of the Sky Poseidon - God of the Sea Hades - God of the Underworld ALL HAVE POWER ON EARTH

28 The Metals Theory _Golden Race_______________________________ The Silver Race_____________________________ The Bronze Race____________________________ The Age of Heroes___________________________ The Iron Race______________________________

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