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The New England Colonies. New Immigrants come to America Most of the New England colonists were religious dissidents.

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Presentation on theme: "The New England Colonies. New Immigrants come to America Most of the New England colonists were religious dissidents."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New England Colonies

2 New Immigrants come to America Most of the New England colonists were religious dissidents

3 New Immigrants come to America Most New England colonists disagree with England’s Anglican Church Are persecuted for their faith Attacked for their beliefs

4 The Puritans Followed the beliefs of John Calvin Don’t see the Anglican Church as “pure” A strict code of conduct They are forced to leave England because of their beliefs

5 Plimoth Colony About 130 Puritans migrated to New England on the Mayflower Later called Pilgrims Present day Plymouth, Mass. Establish the Mayflower Compact

6 Plimoth Colony Plymouth colony faced many obstacles Native Americans save the colonists Teach them how to hunt and farm, and where to fish

7 Massachusetts Bay Colony 2 nd Puritan Colony Led by John Winthrop A Republic is established A radical form of govt. for its time

8 Other Puritan Colonies Puritan Colonies spread quickly

9 Puritans Society Puritans build a united and strong community Church and Minister’s home Schoolhouse

10 Puritans Society The Puritan Plan Well-organized Puritans do not believe in Religious tolerance No Catholics, Baptists, or Quakers need come to New England

11 Puritan Society Despite the hard work, Puritans lead comfortable lives Children live twice as long as in other colonies Everyone had to know how to read the Bible

12 Religion Dissenters Form New Colonies   Religious disagreements arise within Puritan society   Puritans purge fellow Puritans   “Radical Puritans” voice their opinions

13 Religion Dissenters Form New Colonies Roger Williams Puritan Minister Courts banish him from the colony

14 Religion Dissenters Form New Colonies Anne Hutchinson Joins Puritan community but disagrees with their authority Held religious meetings in her home Banished from the colony Later settles in New Netherland (NY)

15 Conflict with the Natives Tried to “transform” them by forcing them to move to praying towns to be supervised Colonists try to “England-ize” the area to make it more civilized Kill many of the wild animals the natives rely on

16 The Pequot War The Puritans allied with the Narragansett and Mohegan By 1638, the Pequot are almost wiped out

17 King Philip’s War Algonquin Chief Metacom begins attacking Puritan towns in 1675 Thousands of Puritans and Natives are killed in the attacks

18 King Philip’s War The Puritans kill Metacom and take the Natives’ land This causes tensions to grow between England and France There were 92,000 colonists

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