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AFRICAN RAIN FORESTS. What is causing the rainforests of africa to disappear What percent of the rainforests are already. 90% is already disappeared.its.

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Presentation on theme: "AFRICAN RAIN FORESTS. What is causing the rainforests of africa to disappear What percent of the rainforests are already. 90% is already disappeared.its."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is causing the rainforests of africa to disappear What percent of the rainforests are already. 90% is already disappeared.its dissapearing by slash and burn,road contruction. What percent of the rainforests are already. 90% is already disappeared.its dissapearing by slash and burn,road contruction.

3 What is the name of the tribe that lives in the rainforest. What is the name of the tribe that lives in the rainforest. Pygmys

4 Meat is easier to come by the united states than rainforests Monkeys,hippos,gorellas Monkeys,hippos,gorellas

5 List and decribe four animals Pygmy hippo: lives exclusively in the loxlands and wet forests, A native of equatorial Africa, gorillas can be found in rainforests stretching from Cameroon in the west to Congo and Rwanda in the east. The best known of Africa's three gorilla species is the mountain gorilla, an endangered animal that lives in the montane rainforests and bamboo forests around Rwanda and Congo-Kinshasa's Lake Kivu. Poaching and hunting have devastated mountain gorilla populations. Only an estimated 400 are left. Gorillas can grow to be as tall as 5'9" and weigh up to 600 lbs. Hardcore vegetarians, gorillas spend most of each day searching for leaves, stalks and plant shoots, One of Africa's ten most endangered monkeys, the black colobus can be found throughout the rainforests between southwest Cameroon and the Congo River. They live in the forest's high canopies and are renowned for their jumping skills. Their name, colobus, or "mutilated," derives from their lack of thumbs., The most talkative of the world's parrots, the African grey parrot lives in parts of equatorial Africa stretching from CÙte d'Ivoire to western Kenya and northern Angola, Congo and Tanzania. Some researchers believe that the bird gets its verbal ability from its rainforest habitat: Animals must learn how to articulate sounds distinctly and loudly to communicate through the dense vegetation. More than just a good mimic, the African grey parrot has also been found to be able to identify objects by name, color and shape. Trade in African grey parrots, one of the most popular pet birds, has been illegal since 1981 Pygmy hippo: lives exclusively in the loxlands and wet forests, A native of equatorial Africa, gorillas can be found in rainforests stretching from Cameroon in the west to Congo and Rwanda in the east. The best known of Africa's three gorilla species is the mountain gorilla, an endangered animal that lives in the montane rainforests and bamboo forests around Rwanda and Congo-Kinshasa's Lake Kivu. Poaching and hunting have devastated mountain gorilla populations. Only an estimated 400 are left. Gorillas can grow to be as tall as 5'9" and weigh up to 600 lbs. Hardcore vegetarians, gorillas spend most of each day searching for leaves, stalks and plant shoots, One of Africa's ten most endangered monkeys, the black colobus can be found throughout the rainforests between southwest Cameroon and the Congo River. They live in the forest's high canopies and are renowned for their jumping skills. Their name, colobus, or "mutilated," derives from their lack of thumbs., The most talkative of the world's parrots, the African grey parrot lives in parts of equatorial Africa stretching from CÙte d'Ivoire to western Kenya and northern Angola, Congo and Tanzania. Some researchers believe that the bird gets its verbal ability from its rainforest habitat: Animals must learn how to articulate sounds distinctly and loudly to communicate through the dense vegetation. More than just a good mimic, the African grey parrot has also been found to be able to identify objects by name, color and shape. Trade in African grey parrots, one of the most popular pet birds, has been illegal since 1981

6 One plant in the rainforest is widely used throughout the world ;in fact you may have some in your house. Mahogany its wood plant.. Mahogany its wood plant.

7 What is the climate like in the rainforest? Average rainfall? Average temperature? hot and humid. It is humid 63 – 79 in. of rain fall temperature is 70 – 80. hot and humid. It is humid 63 – 79 in. of rain fall temperature is 70 – 80.

8 What is the main reason the rainforests are being cut down Slash and burn,and road consructoin Slash and burn,and road consructoin

9 The African rainforest grows in the Congo River basin. What large river runs through the basin? The congo river The congo river

10 List and describe three types of vegetation found in the rainforest. A native of West and Central Africa, the oil palm accounts for roughly 14 percent of all the world's plant oils. In the last century, oil palm plantations devoured huge tracts of rainforest. The palm is used for making goods ranging from iron plates and lubricating grease to chocolate, candles and soap. The first oil palm plantations were developed in Ghana in 1850. Thanks to biotechnology and the use of the West African weevil-beetle for pollination, Malaysia and Indonesia have since wrested domination of the world palm oil market away from West Africa. A native of West and Central Africa, the oil palm accounts for roughly 14 percent of all the world's plant oils. In the last century, oil palm plantations devoured huge tracts of rainforest. The palm is used for making goods ranging from iron plates and lubricating grease to chocolate, candles and soap. The first oil palm plantations were developed in Ghana in 1850. Thanks to biotechnology and the use of the West African weevil-beetle for pollination, Malaysia and Indonesia have since wrested domination of the world palm oil market away from West Africa. Mahogany is one of the most commercially popular woods from the African rainforest. Its texture is not as refined as American mahogany, but it is a highly valued wood for furniture, staircases, boat building and house paneling and flooring. Its coarser grain makes it resistant to termites. Rainforest tribes use mahogany bark to treat colds; oil from its seed can also be used to kill insects. Mahogany is one of the most commercially popular woods from the African rainforest. Its texture is not as refined as American mahogany, but it is a highly valued wood for furniture, staircases, boat building and house paneling and flooring. Its coarser grain makes it resistant to termites. Rainforest tribes use mahogany bark to treat colds; oil from its seed can also be used to kill insects. Found only in Central Africa, okoumÈ accounts for 90 percent of the trees logged in Gabon's rainforests, primarily for markets in Italy, France, Japan and Israel. It produces a high-grade, lightweight wood that is used for veneer, plywood and sawn timber. Experts are divided on whether its exploitation is harming Gabon's rainforests: some believe that regeneration assures sustainable logging, but others argue that such a high rate of logging, concentrated on one species, will eventually destroy the okoumÈ in its natural habitat Found only in Central Africa, okoumÈ accounts for 90 percent of the trees logged in Gabon's rainforests, primarily for markets in Italy, France, Japan and Israel. It produces a high-grade, lightweight wood that is used for veneer, plywood and sawn timber. Experts are divided on whether its exploitation is harming Gabon's rainforests: some believe that regeneration assures sustainable logging, but others argue that such a high rate of logging, concentrated on one species, will eventually destroy the okoumÈ in its natural habitat

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