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Industrial Ventilation vs. IAQ
Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
Industrial Ventilation vs. IAQ
Industrial Ventilation vs. IAQ
Industrial Ventilation vs. IAQ
Routes of Entry Inhalation Ingestion Absorption Injection
Control Options Process change Substitution Isolation Ventilation
Administrative control Personal protective equipment
Problem Characterization
AIRFLOW EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION SOURCE BEHAVIOR Where are the sources? Which emission sources contribute to exposure? What is the relative contribution of each source to exposure? Characterize each contributor (chemical composition, temperature, rate of emission, direction of emission, initial emission velocity, continuous or intermittent, time intervals of emission) AIR BEHAVIOR How does the air move? Characterize the air (air temperature, mixing potential, supply and return flow, air changes per hour, wind speed and direction, effects of weather and season) WORKER BEHAVIOR How do workers interact with the emission sources? Characterize employee involvement (worker location, work practices, worker education and training, cooperation) NOTE: Due to airflow, two workers in the same general vicinity may have different exposures. BURTON 2-1
Study the figure on page 2-4 and discuss potential control measures that you might use to correct the problem. BURTON 2-4
The Atmosphere Reaches 50 miles into space.
Pressure = 14.7 pounds per square inch.
Composition of Air
Pressure Measurement Vacuum Atmospheric Pressure 14.7 psia
Pressure Measurement 14.7 psia = 407in. Water 14.7 psia =
29.92 in. Mercury (Hg.)
How Do We Make Air Move ?
Pressure Differences in air pressure cause movement.
The pressure inside a ventilation duct is measured relative to the atmospheric pressure.
Pressure Differential Causes Movement
Negative Pressure = Less Than Atmospheric
Positive Pressure = Greater Than Atmospheric
Pressure Relationships
Pressure Terms Static Pressure Velocity Pressure Total Pressure
Static Pressure Flow SP Static pressure (SP) is
exerted in all directions. The pressure inside a ventilation duct is measured relative to the atmospheric pressure. It is measured perpendicular to air flow.
Velocity Pressure Flow SP VP Velocity Pressure (VP) is
kinetic (moving pressure) resulting from air flow. It is measured parallel to the direction of the flow.
Total Pressure Flow SP VP TP Total pressure (TP) is the algebraic sum of the VP and SP. It is measured parallel to the direction of the flow.
Pressure Upstream and Downstream of the Fan
TP SP VP Up-stream Down-stream BURTON 3-8
What is use of the term “Velocity Pressure” ?
Determine the air flow. To design the system. V = 4005(VP)1/2
What is use of the term “Static Pressure” ?
Accelerate the air. Overcome resistance to friction. Friction losses are associated with hood entries, duct entries, dampers, air cleaners, and elbows.
Static Pressure and Velocity Pressure are Mutually Convertible
When air is accelerated, the static pressure is converted to velocity pressure. = Think of static pressure as a “potential pressure”. When air is decelerated, the velocity pressure can be transformed back into static pressure.
Conservation of Mass Mass in = Mass out.
Air speeds up when the duct area is smaller. Q = VA Q = Cubic Feet Per Minute V = Velocity A = Area
Dilution Ventilation YES NO non-hazardous
gas, vapor, respirable particle uniform time emission emissions not close to people moderate climate NO toxic material large particulate emission varies widely over time large, point source emissions people in vicinity severe climate irritation or complaints Emissions mix with the workroom are then are diluted to acceptable levels. Large amounts of heat are lost. Fresh air>worker>emission source>out BURTON 4-1
Volume Vapor Flow Rate BURTON 4-3 See Burton 3-17
At standard conditions, one pound-molecular weight (lb-mole) of a material will evaporate to fill 387 cubic feet of space. q is the emission rate. Finding the pounds evaporated is the hardest thing to do. q = (387 * lbs. evaporated)/ (MW * t * d) q = volume of vapor flow rate, acfm MW = molecular weight t = time interval over which the liquid evaporates, minutes d = density correction factor, unitless BURTON 4-3
Estimating Dilution Air Volume
Mixing factors are in Chart 20 on Burton Appendix Page 32. Mixing factors of 2.0 to 3.0 are typical. q = (387 * lbs. evaporated)/ (MW * t * d) - from previous equation. Dilution air should flow in the direction from clean to dirty. Cover the material on Burton 4-6 related to good design and operation practices. Qd = [q * 106 * K mixing]/Ca Qd - dilution air volume flow rate q volume flow rate of vapor emitted Ca - acceptable exposure concentration K mixing - mixing factor BURTON 4-5
Poor Dilution
Good Dilution
Example 4-1 What is q, the volume flow rate of vapor formed, if 0.5 gallons of toluene are evaporated uniformly over an 8-hr. shift? What volume flow rate Qd is required for dilution to 10 ppm, if Kmixing = 2 ? (Assume STP; d = 1.0) What is the average face velocity of air in a room 10ft. * 8ft. * 40ft for these conditions? Q should be Qd This example done by instructor. The calculation is performed in the next slide. BURTON 4-6
Strategy Ex. 4-2 Step 1: Calculate the volume flow rate of the vapor
emitted q. q = (387 * lbs. evaporated)/ (MW * t * d) Note:lbs. Evaporated = gal. * 8.31 * SG Step 2. Calculate the dilution air volume flow rate Qd. Qd = q * 106 * K mixing Ca (ppm) Step 3: Calculate the face velocity. V face = Qd/A Step 4: Calculate the air changes/ hour. N = (Qd * 60)/Vr Given Information: 5 gallons of perchloroethylene, SG perchloroethylene = 1.63, MW = 165.8 Want to dilute to 25 ppm, Kmixing = 2, time = 480 min.., density = 1. Strategy: To calculate the dilution air volume flow rate Qd, you first need to calculate q, the volume flow rate of vapor emitted. With this information we can calculate Qd. With this answer in hand, we will then calculate air changes/hour. Step 1: Calculate the volume flow rate of the vapor emitted q. q = (387 * lbs. evaporated)/ (MW * t * d) Note:lbs. Evaporated = gal. * 8.31 * SG q = (387 * 5 gal * 8.31 * 1.63)/(165.8 *480 * 1.0) = 0.3 scfm Step 2. Calculate the dilution air volume flow rate Qd. Qd = q * 106 * K mixing Ca (ppm) Qd = (0.33 * 106 * 2)/ 25 = 26,400 scfm Step 3: Calculate the face velocity V face = Qd/A = 26,400/500 = about 53 fpm Step 4: Calculate the air changes/ hour N = (Qd * 60)/Vr = (26,400 * 60)/30,000 = about 53 air changes/ hour
Purge and Buildup Purge and buildup - predict contaminant buildup or purge rate. Steady state -equilibrium maintained. Instructor does example 4-5 on page 4-11. Note: Have the class correct the Qd notation error in their book. t = - Kmixing *( Vr/Qd) * ln { ( (q * 106)/ Qd) - C2) } ( (q * 106)/ Qd) - C1) q is the generation rate in cubic feet per minute C2 is the concentration in the air of the emitted substance in ppm, after time t, in minutes Note: If the concentration is given in mg/cubic meter convert using formula: ppm * MW = mg/cubic meter * 24.1 ln is the natural log C1 is the initial concentration in ppm C2 is the final concentration in ppm Qd is the dilution volume flow rate Vr is the room volume in cubic feet K is the mixing factor BURTON 4-9
Example 4-5 An automobile garage was severely contaminated with carbon monoxide. How long will it take to purge the garage? STP Kmixing = 1.5 C1 = 10,000 ppm (initial conc.) C2 = 25 ppm (final conc.) q = 0 scfm Qd = 3,000 scfm t = - Kmixing *( Vr/Qd) * ln { ( (q * 106)/ Qd) - C2) } ( (q * 106)/ Qd) - C1) t = *( 11,500/3000) * ln { ( (0 * 106)/ 3000) - 25) } ( (0 * 106)/ 3000) -10,00) t = -1.5 * ln(-25/-10,000) = * ln = 34 minutes BURTON 4-11
Chapter 11 - Makeup Air Balance
Exhausted air must be replaced. Negative pressure without makeup air. BURTON 11-1
Make up Air Fresh air supplied into the breathing zone of the associate.
Overcoming Negative Static Pressure
Changes in static pressure involving radial (squirrel cage) fans cause a small change in the volumetric flow rate. Changes in static pressure involving axial (propeller) fans cause a large change in the volumetric flow rate. A radial fan is commonly known as a squirrel cage fan. An axial fan is a propeller fan. Propeller fans are sensitive to static pressure. They can handle one-half inch of static pressure. Referring to illustration in book. A radial fan will have less volumetric flow loss per unit change in static pressure. One-quarter inch of static pressure in a room will create a 26-lb force on a door. Crack drafts will approach 2600fpm. Such drafts may disrupt capture velocities in adjacent hoods. BURTON 11-2
Good Makeup Air RULE OF THUMB Provide 2-3 cfm/sq. ft. Explain thermal effects. INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION 2-4
Bad Makeup Air RULE OF THUMB Provide 2-3 cfm/sq.. ft. Explain thermal effects. INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION 2-4
Reentrainment BURTON 11-9
Reentrainment BURTON 11-9
Bad design can result in exhaust air being recycled. BURTON 11-9
Avoiding Reentrainment 10-50-3000 RULE
Place stacks at least fifty feet from air intakes, ten feet above adjacent roof lines and/or air intakes if within fifty feet, and to provide a stack exit velocity of 3000 fpm. Avoid rain caps. BURTON 14-5
Recirculation of Exhaust Air
Good for non-toxic particulate control. Can recover 40-60% of heat energy. Read criteria on 12-1 and 12-2. Not a preferred method. OK for wood dust (except carcinogens like red cedar). Not OK for solvents. (Formaldehyde does not adhere well to carbon) Can recover % of heat energy. BURTON 12-1
Types of Ventilation Systems
Process exhaust exhausts major process offgasses, such as the hot process gas from a furnace. Local exhaust is dedicated to employee protection. BURTON 5-1
Why Choose Local Ventilation?
No other controls Containment Employee in vicinity Emissions vary with time Sources large and few Fixed source Codes BURTON 5-2
Exercise 5-3 Form your group and try exercise Compare the operation to the parameters listed below: No other controls available Hazardous contaminant Employee in immediate vicinity Emissions vary with time Emission sources large and few Fixed emission source Codes & standards This exercise is performed by the class. BURTON 5-3
Components of a Local Exhaust System
Hoods are discussed in Chapter 6. Piping is covered in Chapter 7. Fans are discussed in Chapter 8. BURTON 5-4
Static Pressure Review
Static pressure is the “potential energy” of the system. It is converted into the “kinetic energy” of velocity, the heat energy of friction losses, and so forth. BURTON 5-5
Energy Conservation BURTON 5-6 TYPES OF LOSSES Duct friction losses.
Duct losses in elbows, contractions, expansions, and orifices. Entry losses in branch entries, cleaner entries. Hood entry losses due to turbulence and the vena contracta. System effect losses at the fan. Special fitting losses such as blast gates, valves, air cleaners, etc.. Other - stack losses … Optional: Class exercise 5-6. BURTON 5-6
Basic Air Flow Equations
Q = V * A TP = SP + VP V = 4005(VP/d)0.5 ADD: SP(loss) = K(loss) * VP * d BURTON 5-7
Static Pressure Loss Static Pressure Loss = Kloss * VP * d BURTON 5-8
SPloss = Kloss * VP * d Sploss = loss of static pressure Kloss = loss factor, determined experimentally VP = the average velocity pressure in the duct d = density correction factor The formula for velocity from velocity pressure assuming density of 1. V = 4005(VP)0.5 Solving for VP VP = (V/4005)2 SPloss = Kloss * (V/4005)2 The figure 4005 incorporates conversion factors. When a small quantity of air flows through a large hood, entry losses are small. When air flows at low velocity down a duct, friction losses are low. But as the quantity of air increases, or as the velocity of the air in the duct increases, the losses increase by the square of the increase. BURTON 5-8
Elbow Loss Air moving through elbows spends static pressure because of: directional change friction shock losses turbulent mixing air bunching up SP(loss) = K(elbow )* VP * d Air bunches up in elbows so elbows sometimes designed 2 gauges lower so they wear longer BURTON 5-9
Elbow Loss Ex. 5-8 What is the elbow loss factor K(elbow) where the elbow radius of curvature is R/D = 2.0 in a smooth transition elbow. Done by instructor. Use Chart 13. Appendix page 25. K=0.13 BURTON 5-9
Elbow Loss Exercise 5-9 What is the actual loss in inches of water of air flowing through a 60-degree, 3-piece elbow at V = 3440 fpm? R/D = 1.5, STP, d=1. Work with R/D ratio of 1.5. Done by the class. Use Chart #13. Appendix page 25. BURTON 5-10
Elbow Loss Exercise 5-9 SPloss = K * VP * d
Use Chart 13, Appendix pg. 25 for information on a 90-degree 3- piece elbow with R/D = 1.5 Let K = (angle/90) * K 90 VP = (V/4005)2 Done by class K = 0.34 for a 90-degree 3-piece elbow with R/D = 1.5. Let K = (60/90) * K90 = 0.67 * 0.34 = 0.23 V = 3440ft/sec. VP = (3440/4005)2 = 0.74 in w.g. SP loss = K * VP * d = 0.23 * 0.74 * 1 = 0.17 in w.g.
Friction Loss as a Function of Duct Length
Friction Loss = K * VP * L * R * d K is a value taken from Chart #5, appendix page 9 VP is duct velocity pressure, in w.g. L is the length of the duct in feet d is the density correction factor R is roughness correction factor Done by instructor. BURTON 5-11
Exercise 5-10 What is the friction loss for a length of galvanized duct with the following parameters? D = 8in., Q = 1000scfm, L = 43 ft. R = 1. K = from Chart #5, appendix page 9 Area of 8 in dust = from chart also Pi * (4/12)2 Q = VA, V = Q/A = 1000/ = 2865 fpm VP = (V/4005)2 = (2865/4005)2 = 0.51 in w.g. Friction Loss = K * VP * L * R * d = * *43 * 1 * 1 = 0.68 in w.g. Useful equations: Q = VA, V = Q/A VP = (V/4005)2 Friction Loss = K * VP * L * R * d
Tee Losses Use Chart 14. Appendix page 26. BURTON 5-11
Tee Losses Ex. 5-12 What is the estimated static pressure loss in inches of water for a branch entry of 30 degrees where the branch entry velocity is 4500 fpm? Done by class. Use Chart 14, appendix page 26. K = 0.18 VP = (4500/4005)2 = 1.26 in w.g. SPloss = 0.18 * 1.26 = 0.23 in w.g. (Use modified ACGIH method) Use Chart 14, appendix page 26 SPloss = K * VP VP = (V/4005)2 BURTON 5-12
Converting Static Pressure To Velocity Pressure
At the hood, all of the available static pressure is converted to velocity pressure and hood entry loss. SPh = VP + he At the hood, all of the available static pressure is converted to velocity pressure and hood entry losses. It takes one VP plus hood entry losses to accelerate the air. BURTON 6-2
Measuring Hood Static Pressure
Measure hood static pressure 4-6 duct diameters downstream from the hood. 4-6 D BURTON 6-2
Hood Entry Losses The hood entry loss is the sum total of all losses from the hood face to the point of measurement in the duct. SP(loss) = K * VP * d he = K * VP * d Substituting into the hood static equation, we have: SPh = VP + he = VP + (K*VP*d) = VP (1 + K * d) BURTON 6-2
Example 6-1 What is the hood static pressure when the duct velocity pressure is VP = 1.10 in. w.g. and the hood entry loss is he = 1.00 in w.g. SPh = VP + he SPh = = in w.g. Remind the class that the static pressure is negative upstream of the fan. BURTON 6-3
Vena Contracta The greatest loss normally occurs at the entrance to the duct, due to the vena contracta formed in the throat of the duct. The vena contracta is smaller when the hood has a flange. BURTON 6-3
Ce = Q(actual)/Q(ideal)
Hood Efficiency A hood’s efficiency can be described by the ratio of actual to ideal flow. This ratio is called the Coefficient of Entry, Ce. Ce = Q(actual)/Q(ideal) The closer the ratio is to 1, the more efficient the hood. BURTON 6-4
Hood Static Pressure and Entry Losses Example 6-5
The average velocity in a duct serving a hood is V = 2000 fpm. The loss factor for the hood has been obtained from the manufacturer as Khood = What are the he and SPh? (Assume STP, d = 1) Done by instructor. Explain to the class that since your measurement is taken upstream of the fan, that this was the reason that there is a negative sign in the equation for SPh. From Chart 7, appendix pg. 12, VP = 0.25in. w.g. he = K*VP*d = 2.2*0.25*1 = 0.55 in. w.g. SPh = -(he + VP) = -( ) = -0.80 in w.g. BURTON 6-5
Hand Grinding Table Example 6-6
Assume that a special hand grinding table hood has been built and the following data have been measured: SPh = in w.g., V = 4000fpm, and the duct diameter is 18 in. (Assume STP, d=1) Done by instructor. Ce = (VP/SPh) 0.5 is from Burton 6-4. I assume that this illustration would demonstrate to the class how the parameters are derived. VP = (V/4005)2 = (4000/4005)2 = in w.g. Unit conversion: 18in * 1ft/12in = 1.5 ft. Area = D2/4 = 3.14 * (1.5)2/4 = sq. ft. Q = VA = 4000fpm* sq. ft. = 7,068 scfm he = SPh - VP = = 1.0 in. w.g. Ce = (VP/SPh) 0.5= (1/2.5)0.5 = 0.63 K = he/VP = 1.50/1.00 = 1.50 BURTON 6-6
Types of Hoods Receiving Capturing Enclosing BURTON 6-10
Discuss design approaches on pages 6-9 and 6-10. BURTON 6-10
Grinding Wheel Hood Example Example 6-9
Determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh, for a grinding wheel hood, wheel diameter = 13in. (low surface speed), straight take off [sto], STP) Step 1. Proceed to Chart 11C in appendix page 18. K=0.65, Ce = 0.78, Vtrans. = 4500fpm, Q = 35Wd - 50 = [(35*13)-50] = 405 cfm Step 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed. Line up nomograph with V = 4500 and Q = 405 D = 4 in. = sq. ft. Step 3. Find the actual velocity. Vactual = Q/A = 405/ = 4639 fpm D = 4in, Vactual = 4639fpm Step 4. Calculate the velocity pressure in the duct for a velocity of 4639 fpm using Chart #7 in appendix page 12. VP = 1.34 in w.g. Alternate way to calculate the VP =(V/4005)2 = (4639/4005)2 = 1.34 in w.g. Step 5.Calculate hood entry loss. he = K*VP = 0.65*1.34 = 0.87 in w.g. VP = 1.34 in w.g, he = 0.87 Step 5. Calculate the hood static pressure. (formula different than used in the book) SPh = VP + he = = -2.21 in w.g. (minus sign added because hood is upstream of the fan) BURTON 6-12
Q = V * A V = 4005(VP)1/2 VP = (V/4005)2 he = K * VP SPh = VP + he In exercise 6-10 a, they list a picture of a buffing hood instead of a grinding wheel hood. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor BURTON 6-12 AND 6-13
Exercise 6-10a Where appropriate, determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh for a grinding wheel hood with a wheel diameter of 14 in. (low surface speed, tapered takeoff [tto]. Note: the picture in the book is for a buffing hood. In exercise 6-10 a, they list a picture of a buffing hood instead of a grinding wheel hood. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = (35*14)-50 = 440 cfm K=0.40, Ce=0.85, Vtrans = 4500 fpm D = 4 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 440/ = 5040 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (5040/4005)2 = 1.58 in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.40 * VP = 0.40 * 1.58 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 2.21 BURTON 6-12
Exercise 6-10a Strategy 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he In exercise 6-10 a, they list a picture of a buffing hood instead of a grinding wheel hood. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = (35*14)-50 = 440 cfm K=0.40, Ce=0.85, Vtrans = 4500 fpm D = 4 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 440/ = 5040 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (5040/4005)2 = 1.58 in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.40 * VP = 0.40 * 1.58 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 2.21
Exercise 6-10b Where appropriate, determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh for a hand grinding table 10 feet long by 2 feet wide. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 250 * 20 = 5000 cfm K=0.50, Ce=0.82, Vtrans = 3500 fpm D = 16 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 5000/1.396 = 3580 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3580/4005)2 = 0.80 in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.50 * 0.80 = 0.40 in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 1.2 BURTON 6-13
Exercise 6-10b Strategy 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11C, appendix pg. 18 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 250 * 20 = 5000 cfm K=0.50, Ce=0.82, Vtrans = 3500 fpm D = 16 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 5000/1.396 = 3580 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3580/4005)2 = 0.80 in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.50 * 0.80 = 0.40 in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 1.2
Exercise 6-10c Where appropriate, determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh for a band saw used to cut wood that has a blade width of 1 inch. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11E, appendix pg. 20 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = (250 * 1 in.)+ 300 = 550 cfm K=1.75, Ce=0.60, Vtrans = 3500 fpm D = 5 1/2 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 3333 = fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3333/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 1.75*0.69 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 1.91 in w.g. BURTON 6-13
Exercise 6-10c Strategy 1. Use Chart 11E, appendix pg. 20 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11E, appendix pg. 20 to find Q, Vtrans., K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = (250 * 1 in.)+ 300 = 550 cfm K=1.75, Ce=0.60, Vtrans = 3500 fpm D = 5 1/2 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 3333 = fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3333/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 1.75*0.69 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 1.91 in w.g.
Exercise 6-10d Where appropriate, determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh for a bell-mouthed hood used for welding. X=10 in., Vc = 100 fpm, Vtrans = 3000 fpm. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11A, appendix pg. 16 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 3X2Vc = 3*3.14*(10/12)2 * 100 = 650 cfm K= 0.04, Ce=0.98, Vtrans = 3000 fpm D = 6 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 650/ = 3310 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3310/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.04*0.68 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 0.71 in w.g. BURTON 6-13
Exercise 6-10d Strategy 1. Use Chart 11A, appendix pg. 16 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11A, appendix pg. 16 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 3X2Vc = 3*3.14*(10/12)2 * 100 = 650 cfm K= 0.04, Ce=0.98, Vtrans = 3000 fpm D = 6 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 650/ = 3310 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (3310/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.04*0.68 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 0.71 in w.g.
Exercise 6-10e Where appropriate, determine the volume flow rate, transport velocity, duct diameter, loss factor K, Ce, he, and SPh for a canopy hood used for a hot-liquid open surfaced tank. P = 16 ft., X = 3 ft., Vcontrol = 125 fpm, Vtrans = 2000fpm. A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11B, appendix pg. 17 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 1.4PXVcontrol = 1.4*16*3*125 = 8400 cfm K= 0.25, Ce=0.89, Vtrans = 2000 fpm D = 28 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 8400/4.276 = 1965 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (1965/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.25*0.24 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 0.30 in w.g. BURTON 6-13
Exercise 6-10e Strategy 1. Use Chart 11B, appendix pg. 17 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he A, B, and C - Students D and E Instructor 1. Use Chart 11B, appendix pg. 17 to find Q, K, and Ce. 2. Use Chart 5A in appendix pg. 9 to find the diameter of the pipe needed and it’s area. 3. Calculate Vactual = Q/A 4. VP = (Vactual/4005)2 5. he = K * VP 6. SPh = VP + he Q = 1.4PXVcontrol = 1.4*16*3*125 = 8400 cfm K= 0.25, Ce=0.89, Vtrans = 2000 fpm D = 28 in. = sq. ft. Vactual = Q/A = 8400/4.276 = 1965 fpm VP = (Vactual/4005)2 = (1965/4005)2 = in. w.g. he = K * VP = 0.25*0.24 = in w.g. SPh = VP + he = = 0.30 in w.g.
Factors Influencing Hood Performance
Competition Mixing Work practices Competition: Competing air currents greater than 100 fpm may effect the hood’s effectiveness. Blow lightly on your hand so you barely feel air movement = 100fpm. Mixing: Cooling fans Ventilation system outlets People walking by (a person walks about 300 fpm) Mobile equipment Obstructions Work Practices: Employee stands between paint sprayer and hood system of paint booth. BURTON 6-17
Canopy Hoods Use only for hot processes with rising air.
Estimate initial and terminal velocities of rising air stream. The volume of air exhausted from the hood must exceed the volume of air arriving at the hood face. Warm rising air expands as it rises. Make the cross-sectional area of the hood face 125% larger than the plume of hot air. Avoid canopy hoods if an employee must work over the source. BURTON 6-19
Chapter 7 Selection and Design of Ductwork
Air does not flow smoothly in industrial ductwork. Because of it’s high velocity ( fpm) it is either totally turbulent, or approaching it. This turbulence is desired to assist in transporting particles through the ductwork. Chart No. 9, appendix pg. 14, provides recommended transport velocities for different operations and particle sizes. BURTON 7-1
Exercise 7-2 Standard air (d=1) moves through an 8 in. galvanized duct system at 4000 fpm. Estimate VP, find the loss factors K from the Charts, and then estimate static pressure loss for each component in each branch. (Note: treat the branch entry as two 45-degree entries and use the ACGIH value for K on Chart 14.) Done by instructor. Correct errors. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2a, Flanged Hood
Done by instructor. Correct errors. D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. a. Flanged hood - From Chart 11A, appendix pg. 16, K = 0.50. VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. he = K * VP * d = 0.5*1*1 = 0.5 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2b, Plain Duct Hood
Done by instructor. Correct errors. D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. b. Plain duct hood - From Chart 11A, appendix pg. 16, K = 0.93. VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. he = K * VP * d = 0.93*1*1 = 0.93 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2c, Elbow, 3-piece
Done by instructor. Correct error, answer should be K = SPloss = 0.42 D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. c. Elbow, 3-piece, R/D =1, 90-degree From Chart 13, appendix pg. 25, K = 0.42 VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. SP loss = K * VP * d = 0.42*1*1 = 0.42 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2d, Elbow, 5-piece
Done by instructor. Correct error, answer should be K = SPloss = 0.24 D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. d. Elbow, 5-piece, R/D =1.5, 90-degree From Chart 13, appendix pg. 25, K = 0.24 VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. SP loss = K * VP * d = 0.42*1*1 = 0.24 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise7-2e, Elbow, 4-piece
Done by instructor. Correct error, answer should be K = SPloss = 0.12 D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. e. Elbow, 4-piece, R/D =2.0, 45-degree From Chart 13, appendix pg. 25, K = 0.24/2 = 0.12 VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. SP loss = K * VP * d = 0.42*1*1 = 0.12 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2f, Branch Entry
Done by instructor. Correct error, answer should be K = 0.28 (each branch). SPloss = 0.56 D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. f. Branch entry, 90-degree included angle. From Chart 14, appendix pg. 26, K = 0.28 (each branch) VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. SP loss = K *2* VP * d = 0.28*2*1 = 0.56 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Exercise 7-2g, 50 ft. of Duct BURTON 7-4
Done by instructor. Correct error, answer should be K = 0.03 SPloss = 0.03 D = 8in. Vave. = 4000 fpm Find VP, Loss factors K, and estimate static pressure losses. f. Friction loss, L = 50 ft galv. duct. From Chart 5A, appendix pg. 9, K = 0.03 (per foot) VP = (Vave./4005)2 = (Vave./4005)2 = 1 in. w.g. SP loss = K * VP * L * R * d = 0.03*1*50*1*1 = 0.03 in. w.g. BURTON 7-4
Roughness Example 7-1 Standard air is flowing in 40 feet of a 24 in. concrete pipe at the 4000 fpm. What is the correction factor, R? The loss factor K? From Chart 10, appendix pg. 15, R = 2.1 From Chart 5A, appendix pg 9, K = per foot Friction loss = K*VP*L*R*d Friction loss = *1*40*2.1*1 = 0.63 in w.g. BURTON 7-5
Duct Shapes Use round duct whenever possible, it resists collapsing, provides better aerosol transport conditions, and may be less expensive. For rectangular and square duct, one formula for the circular equivalent is: Dc = 1.3*[(ab)5/(a+b)2]0.125 Dc = circular equivalent, in inches a is the length of one side in inches and b is the length of the other side in inches BURTON 7-6
Pressure Diagrams BURTON 7-11
Every ventilation system is self balancing. Static pressure at any point in the system is directly related to the requirements for air flow at that point. If we increase the static pressure at the fan, the system will readjust itself to restore balance. If static pressure demand is reduced at one point in the system, the whole system will redistribute the additional static pressure to achieve a new balance. For example, at the hood the static pressure is precisely the amount necessary to get air through the hood and flowing down the duct at actual duct velocity. The static pressure at the fan is the amount required to move air through the hood, down the duct, through the elbows, etc., and bring it at duct velocity to the fan entry. BURTON 7-11
Chapter 8 Fan Selection and Operation
AXIAL FANS propeller fans CENTRIFUGAL FANS radial fans forward inclined backward inclined The backward-inclined wheel is often used when the air stream is relatively clean. The foreward-inclined wheel is rarely used in industrial systems. It is not very rugged and tends to clog or abrade away. BURTON 8-2
Fan Total Pressure The fan total pressure (FTP) represents all energy requirements for moving air through the ventilation system. The fan total pressure is often referred to as the fan total static pressure drop. FTP = TP outlet - TP inlet FTP = SPout - VP out - SPin - VP in FTP = SPout - SPin BURTON 8-3
Exercise 8-1 Find the Fan Total Pressure given that the SPin = -5.0 in w.g, SPout = in w.g. VPin = VPout = 1.0 in. w.g. FTP = SPout - SPin = (-5.0) = 5.4 in w.g. Done by instructor. Ftp = SPout - SPin BURTON 8-3
Exercise 8-2 Fan Static Pressure
The fan static pressure out of the fan is defined as the fan total pressure minus the average velocity pressure out of the fan. FSP = Fan TP - VPout Done by instructor. FSP = SPout - SPin - VPin Fan static pressure represents the system losses, I.e., the amount of static pressure converted to useless heat or noise. FTP = SPout - VP out - SPin - VP in -VPout FSP = SPout - SPin - VP in SPin = -5 in. w.g., SPout = in. w.g. VPin = VPout = 1.0 in. w.g. FSP = (-5.0) - 1 = 4.4 in. w.g. BURTON 8-4
SOP and Fan Curves To develop a system curve, the fan should be turned at different rpms and the flow and the absolute values of the static pressures at the fan are plotted. BURTON 8-5
Developing Fan Curves BURTON 8-6
SOP on Steep Part of Curve
Example 8-1 Choose an appropriate fan for a system operating point of Q = 10,000 scfm and FTP = 1.5 in. w.g. Done by instructor. first chart , rpm = 550 (no.730BL fan) second chart, none possible. third chart, rpm = 556 BURTON 8-8
Exercise 8-3 Find a fan and appropriate rpm for a fan exhausting 15,000 cfm at a fan TP = 2.0 in. w.g. Done by instructor. 805BL 600rpm Can use 890 BURTON 8-8
Exercise8-4 Find a suitable fan and the appropriate rpm for a ventilation system exhausting 480 cfm at a fan TP = 13.8 in. w.g. Done by instructor. 17.5 in wheel at 3500 rpm BURTON 8-8
Commercial Fan Curves BURTON 8-9
Commercial Fan Curves BURTON 8-10
Commercial Fan Curves BURTON 8-11
System Effect Losses BURTON 8-12
System effect loss occurs when air does not enter and leave the fan wheel in the smooth, uniform, balanced manner found during ideal testing. BURTON 8-12
Six-and-Three Rule BURTON 8-13
Six diameters of straight duct into a fan, and three diameters of straight duct out of a fan before any elbows. BURTON 8-13
Air Horsepower Air horsepower refers to the minimum amount of power to move a volume of air against the fan total pressure. It represents the power to get the air through the duct system. ahp = ( FTP * Q * d)/6356 Air horsepower refers to the minimum amount or power to move a volume of air against the fan total pressure. It represents the power to get the air through the duct system. ahp air horsepower FTP fan total pressure (in w.g.) d density correction factor BURTON 8-14
Brake Horsepower Brake horsepower refers to the actual power required to operate the fan so that it fulfills the job of moving the specified cfm against the FTP. It takes into account fan inefficiencies, i.e. losses in the fan. bhp = ahp/ME Brake horsepower refers to the actual power required to operate the fan so that it fulfills its job of moving the specified cfm against the specified FTP. bhp brake horsepower ME mechanical efficiency ME = 0.60 will probably work well enough for a rough estimate of a radial fan. BURTON 8-15
Shaft Horsepower Shaft horsepower is bhp plus any power required for drive losses, bearing losses, and pulley losses between the fan and the shaft of the motor. shp = bhp * Kdl Shaft horsepower is bhp plus any power required for drive losses, bearing losses, and pulley losses between the fan and the shaft of the motor. Kdl is approx for pulley drives on larger motors, 1.30 for pulley drives on motors < 2hp, and 1.05 for direct drive. BURTON 8-15
Rated Horsepower Rated horsepower is the nameplate horsepower on the motor. Rated horsepower is the nameplate horsepower on the motor. Horsepower: 1, 1.5, 2,3,5,7.5,10,15,20,25 BURTON 8-15
Example 8-4 What is the required power for the system and what rated power motor would you use? FTP = 5.0 in. w.g. , Q = scfm ME = 0.60, Kdl = 1.10, d = 1, f = 6356 Done by instructor. shp = (FTP*Q*Kdl*d)/6356*ME shp = (5*12000*1.10*1)/6356*0.60 = 17.3 hp rhp>1.33shp>17.3*1.33>23 (use 25 hp motor) BURTON 8-16
Exercise 8-7 Estimate the ahp, bhp, shp, and the rated power motor you would choose for the following system. Fan TP = 10.0 in. w.g., Q = 5000 scfm Kdl = 1.15, STP(d=1), f = 6356, ME = 0.65 ahp = ( FTP * Q * d)/6356 bhp = ahp/ME shp = bhp * Kdl Fan TP = 10.0 in. w.g., Q = 5000 scfm Kdl = 1.15, STP(d=1), f = 6356 ahp = ( FTP * Q * d)/6356 = (10*5000*1)/6356 = 8 hp bhp = ahp/ME = 8/0.65 = 12.3 bhp shp = bhp * Kdl = 12.3 * 1.15 = 14.1 rhp = 1.33 *shp = 1.33*14.1 = 20hp BURTON 8-17
Fan Laws BURTON 8-19
Local Exhaust Ventilation Design
Plenum Design BURTON 9-3
BALANCING Balancing during the design phase means adjusting losses in duct runs leading to a junction that the predicted loss in each run is essentially equal. BURTON 9-4
Example 9-2 Design an local exhaust system based on the criteria listed in the example. Done by instructor. BURTON 9-5
Done by instructor.
Example 9-3 Design a local exhaust system based upon the criteria listed on this page. BURTON 9-11
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