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FTA Seminar- Southampton, June 20, 2013 Presentation : Christophe Mathieu- Group Strategy & Commercial Director.

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Presentation on theme: "FTA Seminar- Southampton, June 20, 2013 Presentation : Christophe Mathieu- Group Strategy & Commercial Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 FTA Seminar- Southampton, June 20, 2013 Presentation : Christophe Mathieu- Group Strategy & Commercial Director

2 Brittany Ferries Facts and Figures  We operate Ropax ferries in the western Channel and in the Atlantic Arch.  Brittany Ferries owns 9 RoPax ferries, operating from 11 European ports located in France, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain  Turnover 2012 : 366 Mio.€  Staff: 2 400 employees  Overall traffic (2012):2,4 million passengers 750 000 tourist vehicles 171 000 freight vehicles  UK-Spain traffic (2012):280 000 passengers 115 000 tourist vehicles 30 000 freight vehicles  Market shares:British Channel: Pax : 8%, Freight : 4% UK-Spain: The majority of the Pax and lorry RoRo traffics.

3 A route network essential to Western Europe “not in Blue Banana” territory….

4 Our Spanish routes: a strategic short sea development creating a real example of Motorway of the Seas  Since 2004, Brittany Ferries has actively developed its short Sea Shipping network between the south of England and the north of Spain. This development has been successfully supported by the European Marco Polo program:  In 2007 for the Modal Shift action: “GULFSTREAM”  In 2010 for the Motorways Of the Sea action “GULFSTREAM.MOS” which is an upgrade of the previous project.  In the early 2000s, Brittany Ferries ordered two new-build RoPax vessels delivered respectively in 2004 and 2007, it purchased a third Ropax vessel in 2010.  The Company objective is to capture a significant share of the lorry traffic transiting via France between the UK or Ireland and Spain, Portugal or Morocco. The means employed to achieve this goal are: ‐ The increase of the UK - Spain global freight capacities ‐ The extra capacity provided for the hauliers over the weekend as they wish to avoid the Saturday and Sunday traffic bans on the French road network. ‐ The increased frequency of departures to build a real alternative to the road solution for logisticians and road hauliers. The ambition of the two actions is to meet the EU targets to reduce road congestion and the external cost of transport.

5 Brittany Ferries network of routes A concrete example of virtuous modal shift  The choice of the most economical, the shortest and the fastest route ‒ 230 km cumulative distance saved (road + short sea) ‒ 12 hours time savings (single driver) ‒ 500 € average cost reduction from door to door: improved vehicle utilization, valuation of the driver’s resting time and reduced operating costs. ‒ 14% of the total nr of lorries transiting each year between the UK or Ireland and Spain, Portugal or Morocco (235 000 lorries in 2010) 14% Market Shares 6% Market Shares GulfStream GulfStream.MOS

6 The risks of reverse modal shift 1.Current overcapacity and subsequent price war on Straight of Dover puts peripheral routes under huge pressure 2.Sulphur regulation applicable 1/1/2015 will accelerate this process 3.This would inevitably lead to routes closure or capacity displacement 4.Structural problem of links between South UK and Mainland Western Europe 5.Back in time with more lorries on the roads

7 Thank you very much, Welcome on board!

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