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Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011.

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1 Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011

2 The most important achievements of the Institute: creation of rural area prevention and treatment scheme Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. creation of comprehensive training courses for medical doctors from rural areas preparation of theoretical basis for the implementation of national health insurance for rural workers assessment of nutrition and development of children from rural areas commencement of research on work physiology in rural and forestral occupation co-operation on concept of creating centres for severe poisoning treatment Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011

3 Seminar: Development of transborder work and health protection - a case study of restricting the hazards of rural workers’ musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusion: The Institute is a suitable institution to have an independent unit created within its current structure dedicated to this problem (and its monitoring) Conclusion: The Institute is a suitable institution to have an independent unit created within its current structure dedicated to this problem (and its monitoring) Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

4 National Rural Workers’ Health and Safety Observatory was formed on December 11th., 2007 within the structure of the Institute Information was sent to the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work in Bilbao, Spain Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

5 International Ergonomic, Rural Work Hygiene and Safety Seminar: Recognition and protection measures against occupational musculoskeletal disorders in rural work. 112 participants including representatives from Germany, Belgium, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine Publication of a monograph: Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

6 Research projects implemented by the Institute: Rural workers attitude towards own health in selected musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal system afflictions in women engaged in physical work on individual farms Spectral characteristics of whole body mechanical vibrations present in rural environment in the aspect of their negative effects on musculoskeletal system of individual farmers Causes of the pain afflictions of the musculoskeletal system among individual farmers Energy expenditure among women working in individual farming reporting musculoskeletal system afflictions Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

7 Conclusions from the research hitherto completed by the Institute: Hindered access to health care in rural areas Poor safety and health conditions of rural production Low income and low level of education of rural population Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 The state of health of the rural population is poorer compared with the city population Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland Poorer somatic development of children and youth Higher rate of disorders of: musculoskeletal system, respiratory system and organ of sight Higher rate of disability

8 Ranking of needs Occupational risk assessment including musculoskeletal disorders Initiation of technological and ergonomic solutions eliminating heavy physical work in rural occupation Promotion of safety procedures in rural occupation Extension of employers and employees training programmes with section devoted to musculoskeletal disorders Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

9 Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

10 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Prof. Jerzy Zagórski M.D., Sc.D. Ungersheim, 7-8 June 2011 Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland

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