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Quantum Dot White LEDs Jennifer Asis EECS 277A. Motivation Science 2008 319 1776 Energy efficient Long life Durable Small size Design flexibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Dot White LEDs Jennifer Asis EECS 277A. Motivation Science 2008 319 1776 Energy efficient Long life Durable Small size Design flexibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Dot White LEDs Jennifer Asis EECS 277A

2 Motivation Science 2008 319 1776 Energy efficient Long life Durable Small size Design flexibility Replacement for incandescent and fluorescent lighting Improve White LED performance Quantum dot white LED

3 White LEDS Multichip devices (red-,green-,blue-emitting chips) Single-chip devices (phosphors) Electroluminescence (EL) –Light emitted in response to an electric current –Result of radiative recombination (Charge injection) –Photon is released

4 Quantum Dots Colloidal inorganic semiconductor nanocrystal –II-VI semiconductor materials (i.e. CdS, CdSe) 2-10 nm in diameter –Exhibit strongly size- dependent optical and electrical properties –Quantum confinement effects

5 Quantum Confinement Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a PN junction –Recombination of an electron and hole –Electron-hole pair known as an exciton e-e- h+h+ Size of semiconductor crystal on the order of Exciton Bohr Radius –Discrete energy levels →Tunable band gap Exciton Bohr Radius

6 InGaN-CdSe-ZnSe Quantum Dot White LEDs InGaNCdSe-ZnSe IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 2006 18 [1] 193 Single-chip InGaN used as excitation source CdSe-ZnSe QDs used as phosphor Efficiency 7.2 lm/W at 20 mA –Commercial WLEDs (15- 30 lm/W) CIE (0.33, 0.33) CRI = 91

7 WLED from Ternary Nanocrystal Composites Advanced Materials (2006) 18 2545-2548 Charge transfer mechanisms: -Charge trapping -Forster energy transfer QDs: CdSe/ZnS -Red λ =618 nm -Green λ =540 nm -Blue λ =490 nm At 13 V: CIE (0.32, 0.45)

8 RGB Colloidal Quantum Dot Monolayer Nano Letters (2007) 7 [8] 2196-2200 Electron transport layer Cathode Hole blocking layer Quantum dot layer Hole transport layer Hole injection layer Anode Red: CdSe/ZnS (λ=620 nm) Green: ZnSe/CdSe (λ=540 nm) Blue: ZnCdS (λ=440 nm) Charge injection into blue QDs more efficient at higher applied biases At 9V: CIE (0.35, 0.41) CRI = 86 Brightness: 92 cd/m 2

9 Summary Size-dependent properties of Quantum Dots LEDs – PN Diode

10 References X. Zhao, “Commercialization of Quantum Dot White Light Emitting Diode Technology,” M.Eng. Thesis (2006). A.P. Alivisatos, “Semiconductor Clusters, Nanocrystals, and Quantum Dots,” Science, 271 [5251], 933-937 (1996). Y. Li, A. Rizzo, R. Cingolani, and G.Gigli, “White-light-emitting diodes using semiconductor nanocrystals,” Microchim Acta, 159, 207-215 (2007). H.S. Chen, C.K. Hsu, and H.Y. Hong, “InGaN-CdSe-ZnSe Quantum Dots White LEDs,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18 [1], 193-195 (2006). Y.Li, A. Rizzo, R. Cingolani, and G. Gigli, “Bright White-Light-Emitting Device from Ternary Nanocrystal Composites,” Advanced Materials, 18 2545-2548 (2006). P.O. Anikeeva, J.E. Halpert, M.G. Bawendi, and V. Bulovi, “Electroluminescence from a Mixed Red-Green-Blue Colloidal Quantum Dot Monolayer,” Nano Letters, 7 [8] 2196-2200 (2007).

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