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1 Plug-In Cars: Enhancing Smart Grid Investment Returns Steven E. Letendre, PhD Associate Professor Green Mountain College Poultney, VT May 19, 2010 REV.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Plug-In Cars: Enhancing Smart Grid Investment Returns Steven E. Letendre, PhD Associate Professor Green Mountain College Poultney, VT May 19, 2010 REV."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Plug-In Cars: Enhancing Smart Grid Investment Returns Steven E. Letendre, PhD Associate Professor Green Mountain College Poultney, VT May 19, 2010 REV DG Conference 2010 Manchester, VT

2 2 Coming to a showroom near you…?

3 3 What we know? Plug-in cars dramatically improve fuel economy Initial vehicle launch (GMC and Nissan) later this year with MSRP well north of $30K. Lithium Ion batteries (Leaf 24 kWh / Volt 16 kWh ). Agreement on plug ( SAE J1772) 3-point 400V. There is sufficient off-peak capacity nation-wide to charge a large number of plug-in cars. Electricity is a less expensive fuel for cars than gasoline on a per mile basis. Federal incentives are key driver, up to $7,500 per car.

4 4 What we don’t know? How robust will the battery packs be and will they require replacement at some point during the life of the vehicle? Consumer charging preferences? Which companies will dominate the smart charging and vehicle management IT space? How quickly will consumers adopt plug-in cars? What will the fleet of plug-in cars look like 5, 10, 20, 30 years out?

5 5 Plug-In Cars in Vermont

6 6 Plug-In Car Charging in Vermont

7 7

8 8 Using Smart Grids to Unlock V2G Revenue Potential

9 9 Low Hanging, Valuable Fruit—Grid Regulation

10 10 It’s Happening Now ($120 - $200 / month / vehicle)

11 11 V2G Resource in Vermont: Projections Aggregate Energy Storage Potential of Plug-In Fleet (MWh)

12 12 V2G Resource in Vermont: Projections Aggregate Power Output Potential of Plug-In Fleet (MW)

13 13 Smart Grids to Link RE Production with Plug-In Car Charging

14 14 Concluding Thoughts Plug-in cars represent a large new load for households and the power system. Smart grid technology can serve to: manage vehicle charging, unlock V2G revenues, and link RE production with vehicle charging. It may take a decade to see large numbers of plug-in cars in Vermont, but meaningful demonstrations can happen (should happen) much sooner. Smart grid technologies can generate significant value creating a bridge between the electric system and the auto fleet. Thank You! Please ask questions…

15 15 Acknowledgments Vermont Department of Public Service

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