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Cracking the Code Phonics Year 1 February 2012. Objectives O to consider children’s early experience of learning how to read O to be introduced to phonics.

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Presentation on theme: "Cracking the Code Phonics Year 1 February 2012. Objectives O to consider children’s early experience of learning how to read O to be introduced to phonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cracking the Code Phonics Year 1 February 2012

2 Objectives O to consider children’s early experience of learning how to read O to be introduced to phonics and phonological awareness O to be introduced to the Rose Report O to understand how children use phonics to read unknown words O to know a range of teaching strategies to help children develop understanding of phonics

3 Request students find any of the missing books from Hampshire Library Service: O Baker J Window O Browne AVoices in the Park O Hoffman M Amazing Grace O Kelly J Scoop (2 copies) O Norriss A Control Z O Sheldon D Whale Song O Tomlinson J The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark O Wormell C Two Frogs O Mathhews ABob Robber and Dancing Jane

4 Reflection on SE1 Discuss in groups: O What English teaching did you observe? O What English teaching did you take part in? O How did your Lost and Found guided reading go? O How did your experiences correspond to what was learned at uni in S1 ?

5 Phonics O What phonics teaching did you observe on school experience?

6 The Simple View of Reading (The Rose Cross)

7 phonemic awareness phonic knowledge grapheme phoneme correspondence cueing strategies comprehension: literal and inferential motivation enjoyment choices experience of different genres talking about books and reading How do children develop as readers?

8 What is auditory discrimination? It can be defined as: O An awareness of sound all around us. Starting before birth we hear different sounds and can distinguish between them

9 What is phonological awareness? O The awareness of sounds within words O Syllables O Onset and rime O Phonemes O Refers only to speech i.e. you don’t need to be able to read

10 Phonemic awareness: Phonics O Phonics is the ability to apply that phonemic knowledge to the alphabet. O To be able to apply sounds to graphemes. O Phonics is when a child can attach a drawing from the symbols in the alphabet to a sound – it is a code

11 The alphabetic principle O There are 44 phonemes O A phoneme can be represented by one or more letters (cat, that, hair, caught) O The same phoneme can be represented/spelled in more than one way (Rain, may, lake) O The same spelling may represent more than one phoneme (mean deaf)

12 Vowels and consonants O Vowels are phonemes where air flows through the mouth unobstructed, e.g. the letters a, e, i, o, and u O Consonants are phonemes marked by constriction or closure in the breath channel - letters other than a, e, i, o and u.

13 What are phonemes and graphemes O A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word e.g. p-i-n m-a-n c-o-t O A grapheme is the written representation of a sound O A really useful guide is available on the strategy website at

14 Phoneme hearing exercises a) How many phonemes in: O cat O dog O ship O leg O chin O Pen O Crop O lap spin trip map shop net photo stick thin

15 Digraphs-consonant O A digraph is two letters together which make one sound. O There are consonant digraphs e.g: sh, th, ch, ng, ph As a group can you make a list of ten words using consonant digraphs on your paper? O What do you notice about the phonemes and graphemes?

16 Digraphs-vowel O There are 5 vowels in the alphabet but more vowel sounds

17 Trigraphs O A trigraph is a three letter grapheme where three letters represent one phoneme O Can you think of any words which have phonemes which need three letters? O Write them on your wipe board with a partner O Can you think of any words which have phonemes with 4 letters?

18 What is a split digraph? O A vowel digraph is split by a consonant. O gate O lake O made O site O time

19 What is synthetic phonics? O Children are taught individual letters, or groups of letters and their sounds. They learn to blend (synthesise) letters together to form words O They read unknown words by breaking them down in to phonemes (decoding). E.g. c-a-t

20 Analytic phonics O Children are taught to decode words they do not know by using words or word parts they do know. O Using onset and rime is part of this system. If you can hear and spell c-at, then you can work out how to spell b-at. (analogy) O It works only for words where the rime is spelt identically.

21 What does teaching look like? Letters and Sounds Phase 1 O Prepares children for phonic work. Based on listening and discriminating between sounds. Phase 2 O Single phonemes/graphemes are introduced. They understand that segmenting and blending are reversible processes. Read and spell simple CVC words. Phase 3 O In this phase the digraphs are introduced but not the split digraphs. Phase 4 O Here children are introduced to the adjacent consonants – e.g. ‘slip’ and ‘camp’. Phase 5 O Here they will learn that some spellings have alternative pronunciations e.g. cow and blow. And some sounds have alternative spellings e.g. ‘ jump’ and ‘hedge’. Phase 6 O A lot of teaching in this phase revolves around spelling e.g. prefixes ‘return’ and suffixes ‘sitting’. Also reading for meaning is empahasised.

22 Phonics games on Web O k/schools/wordsand pictures/phonics/sa ndcastle/index.shtml k/schools/wordsand pictures/phonics/sa ndcastle/index.shtml O BBC Words and Pictures O do the crab/ sandcastle one k/ O go to phase 2 and do 'buried Treaure' game


24 Directed Task O Directed task O Read through the handout provided O Choose at least one activity O Make this and bring to share at next week’s seminar

25 Web links for the most commonly used phonics programmes O ReadWriteInc O Jolly Phonics O Collins Big Cat Phonics aspx?Seriestitle=Collins%20Big%20Cat&Level1=Primary&Le vel2=Literacy aspx?Seriestitle=Collins%20Big%20Cat&Level1=Primary&Le vel2=Literacy O THRASS O Letters and Sounds 9 9 O The library Early Reading Collection has copies of many of the most used programmes in school

26 Free resources O O

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