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Washington Management Service WMS Coordinator Training November 30, 2010 / December 15, 2010 Melia Olsen, Department of Personnel Fred Owen, Owen-Pottier.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Management Service WMS Coordinator Training November 30, 2010 / December 15, 2010 Melia Olsen, Department of Personnel Fred Owen, Owen-Pottier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Management Service WMS Coordinator Training November 30, 2010 / December 15, 2010 Melia Olsen, Department of Personnel Fred Owen, Owen-Pottier HR Consultants Jan Smallwood, Department of Licensing

2 2 Welcome and Introductions

3 3 Training outline WMS Coordinator Training Course objectives Overview and background of WMS Definition of ‘manager’ WMS coordinators WMS rules and requirements New forms, tools, resources and process requirements Inclusion criteria Exercise

4 4 Training Outline (continued…) Evaluating WMS positions and evaluator challenges Exercises WMS committees and facilitating committee meetings Compensation considerations Required WMS committee member curriculum and DOP approval process Audits Transitional items and next steps Questions/wrap-up WMS Coordinator Training

5 5 Course Objectives WMS Coordinator Training Define and describe the RCW definition of a manager and criteria for positions to be included in WMS. Understand your role as a WMS coordinator for your agency. Understand all WMS procedure and policy requirements set forth in WAC. Understand what must be included in your agency’s WMS procedure and the DOP approval process for your procedure. Understand the required forms, tools and processes required for inclusion and evaluation reviews of WMS positions. Understand the difference between the two WMS Job Value Assessment Charts (Individual Contributor and Traditional Manager).

6 6 Course Objectives (continued…) WMS Coordinator Training Apply WMS inclusion criteria and JVAC tools on positions. Understand how your agency’s WMS committee ensures the use of WMS is in accordance with DOP rules and agency procedures, and meets the goals of objectivity, consistency and transparency. Understand the training curriculum requirements for training your WMS committee, and the DOP approval process for your curriculum.

7 Overview and background of WMS 7 1993WMS created 1995WMS receives national award from the National Center for Public Productivity at Rutgers University. 2001Joint Legislative Audit Review Committee (JLARC) review regarding WMS completed. Final report issued in early 2002. 2002DOP completes comprehensive study as follow up to JLARC report. Results: 407 positions identified for removal from WMS and 130 positions identified for abolishment. 2005Governor’s Mid Management Reform Initiative requires cutting 1,000 manager positions in state government by June 30, 2007 (majority of cuts were WMS positions). 2007DOP implements agency and enterprise control points to manage growth of WMS. DOP monitors agency usage and agencies report in their GMAP HRM reports. 2009DOP FY10 Agency Priority to review the state’s management services (WMS and Exempt) and develop options to better manage both services.

8 8 Definition of WMS Manager WMS Coordinator Training In accordance with RCW 41.06.022, a manager or managerial employee is defined as the incumbent of a position that: (1) Formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision;41.06.022 (2) Administers one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision; (3) Manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or an agency subdivision, including the physical, financial, or personnel resources;

9 9 Definition of WMS Manager (continued…) WMS Coordinator Training (4) Has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets; or (5) Functions above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and requires the consistent use of independent judgment.

10 10 WMS Coordinator role WMS Coordinator Training Ensure compliance with the WMS rules within your agency. Provide training to agency WMS committee members. Chair evaluation committee meeting. Serve as a liaison between your agency and DOP for matters related to WMS. Serve as your agency’s expert on WMS. Participate on audit teams as requested by DOP. Help to provide accountability, consistency and transparency with the WMS.

11 11 WMS rules and requirements WMS Coordinator Training Policy and procedure requirements Salary administration policy (WAC 357-58-075) Relocation compensation “written criteria” (WAC 357-58- 155) Additional leave authorization policy (WAC 357-58-180) Recruitment and Selection policy (WAC 357-58-185) Employee performance planning and evaluation procedure (WAC 357-58-415, WAC 357-37-080) Layoff procedure and its contents (WAC 357-58-440, -455, -460) Reconsideration procedures (WAC 357-58-515) Inclusion and Evaluation Procedure (WAC 357-58-032) *NEW*

12 12 New forms, tools and processes WMS Coordinator Training Inclusion and evaluation procedure required – DOP approval required by 4/1/11 New Request for Review, Position Evaluation Summary and WMS PD forms - Separate WMS and Exempt PD Forms New WMS handbook and JVAC tools - Separate WMS and Exempt handbook and JVACs Self-audit questionnaire Reporting requirements

13 13 WMS Position Description form WMS Coordinator Training Updated based upon feedback from both WMS workgroups Better aligns with new JVACs Tips for supervisors/managers completing - Be succinct, but descriptive - Pay special attention to accountability, which is now the primary driver for band placement - Be sure to answer additional questions which will help the evaluators accurately evaluate the position - Attach an organization chart

14 14 Determining WMS inclusion WMS Coordinator Training Policy and procedure requirements Inclusion and Evaluation Procedure – DOP approval required Overview of inclusion criteria and guidance

15 15 Determining WMS inclusion WMS Coordinator Training Exercise

16 16 Evaluating WMS positions WMS Coordinator Training Policy and procedure requirements Inclusion and Evaluation Procedure – DOP approval required Why was the JVAC updated? Overview of the JVAC tool and handbook

17 Scope/Impact Nature of Impact Authority to Act Programs Size and Importance Operating Budgets – Internal Operations Effect on Agency (Statewide Outcomes) Personal services budgets Facilities operations Controlling actions and outcomes Participating – Collaborating - Facilitating Statute Regulations Delegation Level WMS Coordinator Training Overview of the JVAC tool - WMS connections 17

18 Accountability Rating Rating CodeTraditional ManagerIndividual Contributor W  Direct Supervision  Accuracy of staff work  Could be 1 st level Supervisor  Advice and Consultation at a Basic level but profession based level (founded on a learned discipline)  Cultural experience that permits a person to do an effective job with constituents. (Native American/Tribal example) X  Program Management  More emphasis on delivery  Development of program  Determines how to deliver the program from the point of delivery forward  Could be multiple programs  More advanced practice of profession based discipline Y  Impact is broad, could be statewide  Statewide constituency is large  This position is accountable for outcomes of an organization  Accountable to a key position in state government where actions taken on this position’s advice are critical to agency outcomes  Impact on security, liability and agency viability WMS Coordinator Training 18

19 Decision Making RatingsDescription/Example 1  Decisions are guided by regulations or clear policy  Judgments are based on known and familiar precedents and dependable regulation 2  Decisions are guided by varying conditions within established policy or statute but not always made in the same way  Discretion to make decisions grants a degree of latitude for adapting to varying situations  Judgments are made in somewhat unknown and unfamiliar areas where there are few reliable precedents 3  Decisions are guided by statewide policy or broad and some cases (unique) statute where legal precedent may be unclear, or where external forces/legislation are evolving or unsettled or decisions/judgments have a critical effect on agency viability  Judgments are inventive/innovative where few if any precedents exist WMS Coordinator Training 19

20 Nature of Management – Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA’s) Bodies of Knowledge: Management Principles Scientific, Technical Administrative All are concepts, familiarity with information Rating CodeDescription/Example ABasic Level includes full grasp of principles and concepts and practices of a profession based body of knowledge BAdvanced practice of a profession based body of knowledge CMastery/Expertise practice of a profession based body of knowledge DExceptional grasp of a profession based body of knowledge WMS Coordinator Training 20

21 21 Evaluating WMS positions WMS Coordinator Training Exercise

22 22 Evaluator challenges WMS Coordinator Training Ensuring you truly understand the duties of the positions and what it requires of an incumbent. Separating the requirements of the job with the KSAs of a particular incumbent. Knowing what to ask from a subject matter expert (clarification is good, advocating for a position is not). Deciphering poorly written PDs or wading through embellished PDs with lots of fancy words. Group dynamics – one person should not be allowed to dominate the discussion.

23 23 WMS committees WMS Coordinator Training Evaluation committees must include at least three representatives ─ one from HR, one manager and one representative from another agency. WMS Coordinators must be from Human Resources. Committee members must be trained before determining inclusion or evaluating positions. Considerations for outside representation, someone who: - Understands your business - Works at an agency with similar types of jobs or missions - May have worked at your agency previously - Is a respected HR colleague who will provide you with an alternative perspective

24 24 Facilitating WMS committees WMS Coordinator Training Review materials for completeness prior to convening committee. Distribute materials in advance so committee members may review ahead of time. Conduct individual ratings first, then have group discussion. Review for internal and external alignment (if appropriate). Have members with potential conflicts of interest recuse themselves for decisions that affect them. Provide supervisor and/or Appointing Authority opportunity to make a brief presentation to committee.

25 25 Facilitating WMS committees (continued…) WMS Coordinator Training Outline roles and responsibilities of committee members. All committee members have a voice. Strive for consensus, this is not a vote. Best practice ideas – group discussion

26 26 Compensation considerations WMS Coordinator Training Policy and procedure requirements Salary Determination Policy - DOP approval required ■ For consistency in salary setting, develop a salary setting and adjustment decision matrix.

27 27 Curriculum for committee training WMS Coordinator Training Define and describe the RCW definition of a manager and criteria for positions to be included in the WMS. Understand the WMS procedure and policy requirements set forth in WAC related to inclusion and evaluation. Understand the difference between the two WMS Job Value Assessment Charts (Individual Contributor and Traditional Manager). Understand the required forms, tools and process required for inclusion and evaluation reviews of WMS positions. Apply the WMS inclusion criteria and JVAC tools on positions. Understand the role of your agency’s WMS committee to ensure use of the WMS in accordance with DOP rules, agency procedures, with the goals of objectivity, consistency and transparency.

28 28 Curriculum approval by DOP WMS Coordinator Training Use the PowerPoint and tools provided by DOP – submit e-mail to DOP indicating this is what you are doing – no approval required Develop your own PowerPoint and tools – DOP approval required Templates to be provided for use by end of December

29 29 Reviews and Audits WMS Coordinator Training Results of a DOP prescribed agency self-audit are submitted to DOP. Periodic targeted audits are completed by DOP and/or external representatives.

30 30 Transitional items and next steps WMS Coordinator Training Toss any old WMS guidance and handbooks. Exempt PD form and JVAC banding tool are now stand- alone forms and tools. They will be renamed as “Exempt” by end of year. Updating WMS PDs on new form and reevaluation using new JVAC - target June 30, 2014. Use of crosswalk for layoff – explore updates to rules or updates to agency layoff policies; following training DOP will be seeking additional agency input on impact. Updating of other WMS rules – discussions begin in January Full WMS handbook – coming in 2011.

31 31 Questions/wrap-up WMS Coordinator Training Questions? More information available on the DOP website: es/Pages/HRProfessionalTools.aspx es/Pages/HRProfessionalTools.aspx /ManagementReform.aspx If you have questions in the future, contact Melia Olsen, WMS Program Manager at: or (360)

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