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Promoting Global Learning. Classroom in England Lots of interesting displaysLots of resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Global Learning. Classroom in England Lots of interesting displaysLots of resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Global Learning

2 Classroom in England

3 Lots of interesting displaysLots of resources

4 Close your eyes and imagine…….. Take away the whiteboard, resources, pictures, the colour …..

5 An African classroom

6 No lovely books, resources, pictures …

7 Classes in Africa Lots of children with nothing to use to help.

8 Would you like to learn in a school like this?

9 We can help. Promoting Global Learning charity has collected lots of resources. Boxes of books Waiting to go!!

10 Transporting to Ghana It costs £3,000 to transport and ship resources to schools in Ghana

11 Please raise funds to make our learning in school much more interesting and enjoyable!!

12 Thank You!

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