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Association of Pre-Pharmacy Students September 23, 2013.

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1 Association of Pre-Pharmacy Students September 23, 2013

2 Membership Info ●Active Membership ●4 meetings 2 Events (Only one Fundraiser counts as event i.e. Yogurtland, Panda etc.) ●If you cannot attend meetings ○ 4 events (Only one Fundraiser will count as an event) ●$15 dollars for membership dues (Go on Fill out form. ●Pay treasurer (Ryan Ferris) or President (Jeremy Borbon)

3 Upcoming Academic Events 1.Tour of Scripps Research Institute: a. When: Wednesday 10/9/13 @ 3PM b. NO SHORTS OR FLIP-FLOPS! c. Lab Coats and goggles will be provided 2.UCSF Admission Presentation a. When: Tuesday, 10/8/13 @ 6:PM b. Located in Social Media Center Room 63 3.Midwestern University Admission Presentation a. When: Wedneday 10/9/13 @5 PM b. Located In Social Media Center Room 63

4 Upcoming Academic Events 4.Tour of Rady’s Children Hospital When: Friday, 11/8/13 @ 4:30 PM 5. Calpulli Center Open House When: Tuesday, 12/3/13

5 Community Service Events 1. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk: a.Sunday October 20, 2013 7:00 AM, Balboa Park 1. Feeding America: Friday November 22, 2013 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 15 Volunteers 1. Kindergarten Volunteer Work: Various a.Math Night: Thursday November 7, 2013 @ 5:00 PM Chase Elementary School, El Cajon b.12-15 Volunteers

6 Social Events 1.PPHA Mixer: Saturday October 5 a. When: 12:00PM @ South Mission Beach 1.Bowling Night: a. When Thursday 10/24/13 7:00 PM 1.Semester-Closing Banquet: Banbu Sushi Bar & Grill a. When: TBD

7 APPS MENTORSHIP PROGRAM ●Senior/Junior Volunteers will be mentoring multiple Freshmen/Sophomores/New Members ●Similar to being a counselor ○ Bi-Weekly meetings. ●Topics of Discussion/Mentoring ○ Academic Progress ○ Advice for Future curriculum ○ Pharmacy Schools of Interest ○ Pharmacy School Prerequisites ○ Fulfilling APPS Membership requirements

8 More info about the Pre-Health Mixer ●Purpose: The purpose of having this mixer/social event is for all the Pre-Health clubs to get to know each other, expose our members to other opportunities that are out there, collaborate in the future and to network ●When: Saturday, 10/5/13 @ 12PM ●Where: South Mission Beach ●Current Clubs: ○ Post-Bac Association (PBA) ○American Medical Students Association ○Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Professional Honor Society) ○Focus (Pre-Optometry) ○Flying Sams ○Physician Assistant Student Assocation (PASA)

9 More Info about the Pre- Health Mixer Activities: Icebreakers, Games, win prizes food and drinks will be provided -An email will be sent out that includes a Google form that needs to be filled out by Wednesday, Oct. 2nd.

10 Fundraisers 1.Bracelets a. Each Member sells 5 bracelets b. Gets 1 event credit 2.APPS T-SHIRTS! a. $15 3.Panda Express a. November 14th Time= 12-7 @East Commons (Keep your receipt and turn into Fundraising Chair) 4.Restaurant Mixer a. Mix and mingle with current pharmacy students b. Location and time: TBD

11 Next Meeting ●MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th @4PM Aztec Mesa Room 106 ●Guest Speaker: Dr. Lacro, Clinical Pharmacists, Specializing in Pharmacy Education and Psychiatry ●DON’T FORGET TO PAY DUES! Fill out membership application online.

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