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David Rodrigues Portugal.  1. Maybe we shouldn't speak about difference while our schools are unequal. All our differences are positive, but inequality.

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Presentation on theme: "David Rodrigues Portugal.  1. Maybe we shouldn't speak about difference while our schools are unequal. All our differences are positive, but inequality."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Rodrigues Portugal

2  1. Maybe we shouldn't speak about difference while our schools are unequal. All our differences are positive, but inequality is unfair.

3  2. Good systems promote both equity and excellence; “not so good” educational systems promote excellence alone. (c.f. PISA reports)

4  3. Provide strong education for all, giving priority to early childhood provision and basic schooling. Direct resources to the students with the greatest needs. Set concrete targets for more equity, particularly related to low school attainment and dropouts. (OECD, 2008, Ten Steps to Equity in Education).

5  1. Inclusion is a process that evolves all the staff and resources of the school, a “whole school approach”

6  2. Inclusion is not an extra challenge for a traditional school. Inclusion demands new forms of school organization: curriculum, objectives, strategies, evaluation, etc.

7  3. Inclusion must be conceived through inclusion: school was conceived to welcome all students.


9  95% of all students with disabilities are in regular schools (c. a. 50.000) They are supported by schools and teachers of Special Education (c.a. 6.000) Supported too by technicians from Resource Centres for Inclusion (former Special Schools) Cases with “heavier” difficulties are placed in “unities of structured teaching” (c.a. 2500 students)

10  Policies: Unities trend to become “special schools”

11  2. Values Students with SEN are sometimes not understood as being fully part of school. Difference is still of “some” and “negative”.

12  3. Practices Regular teacher miss adequate education (namely in service education) and support to differentiate the curriculum.

13  1. Policies All regular schools receive students with disabilities.

14  2. Values: Families and communities see regular schools as the appropriate environment to educate their children

15  3. Practices: Teachers are more open to work cooperatively and to receive in service education on SEN.

16  We need to strength the public school. A school that can differentiate curriculum instead of create parallel pathways,  We need to support students and teachers,  We need a support that can be given on a “inclusive perspective”.

17 Django Reinhardt

18  Inclusion is not an obvious and “inevitable” educational policy. On the contrary: “Inclusion is like a stone: we have to push it up the hill; if we stop to rest, the stone will run down.”

19   Pro – Inclusion, National Association of Teachers of Special Education (Portugal):

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