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CS774. Markov Random Field : Theory and Application Lecture 10 Kyomin Jung KAIST Oct 06 2009.

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1 CS774. Markov Random Field : Theory and Application Lecture 10 Kyomin Jung KAIST Oct 06 2009

2 Review: Hamming Code For each message block of size 4, we will produce a 7 bit codeword by: where the operation is over

3 Review: Hamming Code Claim: If then and differ in least 3 coordinates. Hence we can correct any one bit error. But how? Now, let H be Then,

4 Hamming Code Claim: If y has only 1 or 2 non-zero entry, then Hence, any two codewords have distant at least 3. (minimum distance is 3)

5 Decoding of Hamming Code We can check if an error happened by varifying whether. If we have an error, we need to determine which bits were flipped.

6 LDPC(Low Density Parity Check) Code Discovered by Gallager(1963), rediscovered later by Neal & Mackay (MN codes) and by Sipser & Spielman (Expander codes) State of the art codes that exhibit Near Shannon limit performance. Practical - Simple decoding algorithms based on Message- Passing decoding:  low decoding complexity  allow parallel implementation – enabling high data rates Flexibility in choice of parameters make it possible to design appropriate LDPC codes for many communication scenarios.

7 LDPC Code H= m n 111111 111111 111111 111111 Parity-Check Matrix A (c,d)-LDPC code is a linear block code represented by a sparse parity-check matrix H.  Each row of H contains at most c many 1’s  Each column of H contains at most d many 1’s. Why Sparse matrix is useful?  It gives a lot of information about where the error happened.

8 LDPC Code R Parity Check Nodes d=6 L Variable nodes c=3 n m The code can also be represented by a bipartite graph B. The left side nodes (variable nodes) represent the codeword bits. The right side nodes (check nodes) represent the parity- check constraints on the codeword bits. c is the maximum degree of the left vertices. d is the maximum degree of the right vertices. m n 111111 111111 111111 111111

9 Encoding / Decoding of LDPC Codes Encoding is a matrix operation.(multiplication by G)  Send the encoded codeword. Decoding is to find the most probable vector x such that xH mod 2 = 0 w.r.t. Hamming distance. How to decode?  By a flipping algorithm, whose implementation is similar to BP.

10 Expander graph When the codes have large minimum distance?  When B is a expander graph.  For a set let be the set of nodes adjacent to at least one node in S and let T1(S) be the set of nodes adjacent to exactly one node in S.  A bipartite graph B is called an (r,s)-expander if every set with has.

11 Expander graph A bipartite graph B=(L,R,E) is (c,d) regular if every vertex in L has degree at most c and every vertex in R has degree at most d. If B=(L,R,E) is a (c,d)-regular and a (r,s)-expander, then  for all such that, (Lemma 1)  Moreover, if r>c/2, then the code corresponding to B has minimum distance at least sn. (Lemma 2)

12 Decoding algorithm Flip Algorithm [Sipser-Spielman ‘96]  While there exists a left vertex v with more violated neighbors than unviolated neighbors, flip v. At each iteration # of violated right vertices decreases. If there are k initial violated constraints, Flip Algorithm terminates within k many iterations.

13 Decoding algorithm Termination possibilities: 1. Terminate with the sent codeword y. 2. Terminate with a wrong codeword y’. 3. Terminate with a non-codeword z. We show that 2, 3 does not happen if number of errors is smaller than sn/2c and.

14 Correctness proof 2 does not happen:  Let y be the transmitted codeword  r be the received vector  z be the assignment to the left side of B when the Flip Algorithm terminates.  Hence z cannot be a wrong codeword since the code has distance at least sn by Lemma 2.

15 Correctness proof 3 does not happen:  Let x=y+z  Since y is a codeword, x has the same assignment as z on the right side.  Let S be the set of non-zero left side vertices of x.  Then  By lemma 1,  Hence there must be a vertex in S that has more violated constraints than unviolated constraints, which contradicts the stopping rule of the Flip Algorithm.

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