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CACFP National Professional Association Conference 2012 Austin, Texas April 11-13, 2012.

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1 CACFP National Professional Association Conference 2012 Austin, Texas April 11-13, 2012

2 Alaska $200,454 DC $212,614 Kansas $954,445 Maine $564,040 Maryland $406,401 Missouri $448,158 Montana $111,034 Nevada $349,875 New York $693,635 North Carolina $926,708 Oregon $500,000 Pennsylvania $684,883 Texas $1,000,000 Wisconsin $666,922

3 OBJECTIVE 1 – To promote nutrition & physical activities in child care. OBJECTIVE 2 – To provide technical assistance and training to child care center staff and day care home providers. OBJECTIVE 3 – To make innovative use of technology and increase participation in trainings that support child care wellness policy initiatives. OBJECTIVE 4 – To perform out reach campaigns to increase access to the CACFP.

4 A.Develop Kansas Wellness Policy Model Guidelines B.Develop a system to support facilities implementing the model guidelines C.Enhance Power Panther Pals Preschool

5 SOURCES:  American Academy of Pediatrics  American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance  National Association for Sport and Physical Education  National Food Service Management Institute  IOM (Institute of Medicine) – CACFP: Aligning Dietary Guidance for All  Dietary Guidelines 2010  NAP SACC - University of North Carolina  California - Keeping Children Healthy & Active in the Child Care Environment  Florida - Additional State Meal Pattern Requirements for Children  Missouri - Eat Smart Guidelines for Childcare  Delaware - Best Practices for Healthy Eating: A Guide To Help Children Grow Up Healthy  New York - Eat Well, Play Hard

6 Three Levels –Gold –Silver –Bronze Three General Areas –Nutrition –Nutrition Education –Physical Activity




10 Mini-Grant Program Sample Menus Nutrition Education and Physical Activity Resources Recognition Program for High-Achieving Sites

11 Power Panther Preschool is a nutrition education program for young children. Initially developed in 2006 10 lessons to help promote fruit and vegetable consumption and increase physical activity in preschool age children. The kit included the lesson plans, books, music CDs and lists of additional resources. In 2011, the lessons have been updated to include new lesson plans, some new books and new music CDs.

12 A.Organize a series of interactive, statewide workshops to introduce the model guidelines and help participants develop their own wellness policies. B.Develop a cadre of trainers to train participants on how to implement the model guidelines.

13 A.Utilize distance learning technology B.Incorporate audience response technology into workshops.

14 A.Develop a CACFP promotional toolkit B.Promote the CACFP at other statewide child care meetings

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