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INTEL CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 1 Intel Teach Essentials Program Curriculum Roundtable – Oxford – July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEL CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 1 Intel Teach Essentials Program Curriculum Roundtable – Oxford – July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL, FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 1 Intel Teach Essentials Program Curriculum Roundtable – Oxford – July 2013

2 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 2 Intel Teach Essentials Course The themes of the Essentials Course include: Using technology effectively in the classroom to promote 21st century skills Identifying ways students and teachers can use technology to enhance learning through research, communication, collaboration, and productivity strategies and tools Providing hands-on learning and the creation of curricular units and assessments, which address state and national academic and technology standards Facilitating student-centered classrooms that encourage student self-direction and higher-order thinking Collaborating with colleagues to improve instruction by problem solving and participating in peer reviews of units 2

3 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 3 Intel Teach Essentials Course Offered F2F or Online –The Essentials Online Course uses the same curriculum as the Essentials Course V.10 F2F. The goal is to offer online delivery when access and infrastructure permits. Uses the Intel Education Viewer Includes the Help Guide

4 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 4 Outcomes Unit Portfolio Teachers create all the products listed. These items together make up a complete Unit Portfolio. Peer reviews are conducted on the products teachers create. Unit Plan Aligned to standards Focused through the use of Curriculum-Framing Questions Includes Assessment Timeline to note ongoing assessment Provides accommodations to support all learners 4

5 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 5 Curriculum Modules Module 1: Teaching with Projects Focus: Project-based learning and unit design Module 2: Planning My Unit Focus: Curriculum-Framing Questions and ongoing student-centered assessment Module 3: Making Connections Focus: The Internet to support teaching and learning Module 4: Creating Samples of Learning Focus: Project outcomes from a student perspective 5

6 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 6 Curriculum Modules Module 5: Assessing Student Projects Focus: Formative and summative assessment Module 6: Planning for Student Success Focus: Student support and self-direction Module 7: Facilitating with Technology Focus: Teacher as facilitator Module 8: Showcasing Unit Portfolios Focus: Sharing Learning 6

7 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 7 Typical Module Schedule Pair and Share Pedagogical Practices Discussion Hands-On Activities Modifying Unit Plan Planning Ahead Activities 7

8 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 8 Prerequisite Skills Participants should possess intermediate-level computer skills Ability to: –Format and edit text –Copy, cut, and paste text and graphics –Save documents –Use e-mail –Navigate and perform a search on the Internet –Use a word processing application 8


10 10 Curriculum Adaptation Process Conduct initial training for lead trainers and adaptation team Translate, Localize, Adaptation, and Pilot Translation—converting content to local language, trying “best fit” for terms Localization—creating examples, URLs, content that reflects local context and aligns with gov’t/MOE initiatives Adaptation—creating new supplements and modules to support local pedagogical needs Ensure that adaptation reflects govt reform efforts or key areas of school improvement Pilot and Revise Publish Rollout Evaluate Improve, iterate 10

11 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 11 Curriculum Translation Step 1.Obtain appropriate content scripts, manuals, and all related digital assets from the File Sharing Site 2.File Sharing Site is password protected but accessible by non-Intel content teams 3.Review adaptation process, toolkit, meet with corp team for support as needed 4.Identify education expertise to support translation Have classroom experience Technology integration experience Understanding of education reform efforts Excellent communicators- at least one with strong English skills 11

12 INTEL CONFIDENTIAL 12 Pilot Training- Preparation for Lead Trainers and Adaptation Team Training for lead trainers and curriculum team Expert senior trainer from another country conducts initial training Involve evaluation team for formative feedback for curriculum and training revision Propose dates, training locations, goals, and a training plan Follow up meeting to review changes Enlist this team to develop initial local examples Edit examples to create models Revise 12

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