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MAINSTREAMING THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPERS: A REVIEW OF 60 COUNTRIES To what extent environment is integrated in Country Strategy Papers?

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2 MAINSTREAMING THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPERS: A REVIEW OF 60 COUNTRIES To what extent environment is integrated in Country Strategy Papers? Criteria:  Country Environmental Profiles  Measures at National Level  EC strategy response  Environment-Poverty Indicators

3 Sample: 60 countries

4 Review Results 1. Country Environment Profiles (CEP) ä Only 6 countries include the CEP: Vietnam Madagascar Guinea Conakry Dominica St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia.

5 2. Measures at National Level FBelize: In 2001, a 1% environmental tax has been introduced on the CIF value of all imports (except essential food and medical goods) in an effort to collect resources for environmental protection. FNigeria: New legislation provides for greater involvement of local people in resource management and environmental protection. FBolivia: The country is a pilot country for donor support to the development and implementation of national Sustainable Development Strategies. FChina: China has set the goal of increasing investment in environmental protection to 1.7% of GDP by 2010, up from 0.7% today. It has promulgated an Environmental Protection Law, and during the period 1996-2000, four major regulations have been amended/formulated. In addition, 427 national environmental protection standards have been approved. FIndia: Civil society participation in awareness of environmental concerns.

6 3. EC strategy response FParaguay: A good example of environment as a crosscutting issue. äThe priority for action is climate change and the depletion of natural resources and the loss of bio-diversity and to halt and reverse global deforestation and forest degradation. äThe EC encourages the implementation of the international commitments. FDjibouti: the EC response is very strong (including the requirement of EIA) äfocusing on water and sanitation: supporting the national sanitation plans and environmental protection and exploring alternative sources of potable water, ätaking into account the government policy of diversification of energy sources (geothermal, energy eolic). FMauritius: äNearly 85% of the envelope destined to cover long term development operations is destined strictly to environment having as main objectives the improvement of living standards of the population affected; the preservation of the natural resource base and sustainable water management. FSamoa: äApproximately 75% of the envelope destined to cover long-term development operations, is reserved for the sector Public Health enhancement through water supply and sewerage projects. FIndonesia: äApproximately 35% of the total grant foreseen is destined to the priority of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.

7 Environment as a crosscutting issue in accordance with the six core areas for Development and Co-operation  Benin, Suriname, Madagascar, Lesotho, Chad and Gabon (transport),  Madagascar, Uganda, Guinea Conakry and Nicaragua (sustainable rural development and food security),  Argentina and India, (institutional capacity building, good governance and the rule of law),  Bangladesh and Mexico (support to macro-economic policies linked to social sector programmes),  Andean Community (regional integration and co-operation) and  Brazil (trade and development).

8 Environment and Poverty: Indicators FBangladesh: Ex. Forest cover, protected areas, renewable energy production and greenhouse Gas Emissions. Access to water and sanitation FBenin: Ex. Child mortality rate (1000) goes from 88 in 2002 to 80 in 2006; child mortality rate of children between the age of 0 and 5 (1000) goes from 166.5 in 2002 to 150 in 2006; maternal mortality rate (100 000) goes from 498 in 2002 to 450 in 2006. FCap Vert: Ex. Cases of diarrheal diseases in children, child mortality rate; volume of used water treated; volume de treated disposal; number fountains built. FDominican Republic: Ex. % of distributed water with an acceptable index of potability; number of diarrheal diseases in the children of less than 5 years; % of the rural population of the most underprivileged geographical areas having access to drinkable water at home or at less than 500 m of their housing; % of the population having access to at least 20 L. of drinkable water per day; daily duration of the availability of water.

9 Conclusions: EC strategy response China Indonesia a Weak coverage Environmental issues well covered Environment to some extent addressed

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