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Intrathecal Baclofen for Spasticity

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1 Intrathecal Baclofen for Spasticity
George Jallo MD, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins University

2 Spasticity Spastikos - “to draw or tug” Motor disorder
Velocity-dependent increased resistance to passive stretch Exaggerated tendon jerks Hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex

3 Pathophysiology of Spasticity
Theory Imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory impulses to the alpha motor neuron Due to a lack of descending inhibitory input to the alpha motor neuron Descending Inhibition Sensory Excitation

4 Pathophysiology of Cerebral Origin Spasticity
Normal brain delivers inhibitory neural signals to the spinal cord Damaged brain fails to generate or sends inadequate inhibitory signals Inhibitory signals modulate reflex signals–tone remains normal Lack of neural inhibition leads to spasticity

5 Pathophysiology of Spinal Origin Spasticity
Normal Damaged Inhibitory neural signals sent to the alpha motor neuron Damaged spinal cord fails to relay adequate inhibitory signals Inhibitory signals modulate reflex signals–tone remains normal Lack of neural inhibition leads to spasticity

6 Possible Advantages of Spasticity
Maintains muscle tone Helps support circulatory function May prevent formation of deep vein thrombosis May assist in activities of daily living

7 Consequences of Spasticity
May interfere with mobility, exercise, joint range of motion May interfere with activities of daily living May cause pain and sleep disturbance Can make patient care more difficult

8 Measuring Spasticity Ashworth and Modified Ashworth scales
Spasm and reflex scales Passive quantitative tests Active tests of movement

9 Factors That May Increase Spasticity
Uncontrollable Urinary tract infection Kidney stones Menses Bowel impaction or gas Deep vein thrombosis Pneumonia Wounds or infections Progression of disease Controllable Stress Ingrown nails Restrictive clothing Fatigue Psychological factors Change in temperature or humidity

10 Spasticity Associated with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Disorders affecting movement posture balance Injury to the developing brain Permanent and non-progressive Developmental disability

11 Classifications of Cerebral Palsy
Location of brain lesion pyramidal, extrapyramidal, mixed Type of movement disorder spastic, dystonic, athetoid, ataxia, mixed Extent and location of limb involvement monoplegia, diplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia

12 Conditions Associated with Cerebral Palsy
Mental retardation, learning disabilities Seizures Gastrointestinal difficulties Urinary infections Respiratory problems Hearing/vision impairment Orthopedic problems

13 Goals of Spasticity: Management
Decrease spasticity Improve functional ability and independence Decrease pain associated with spasticity Prevent or decrease incidence of contractures Improve ambulation Facilitate hygiene Ease rehabilitation procedures Save caregivers’ time

14 Spectrum of Care for Management of Spasticity
Prevent Nociception Intrathecal Baclofen (ITB™) Therapy Rehabilitation Therapy Oral Drugs Patient Orthopedic Treatments Injection Therapy Neurosurgery

15 Traditional Step-Ladder Approach to Management of Spasticity
Neurosurgical Orthopedic Neurolysis Oral medications Rehabilitation Therapy Remove noxious stimuli

16 Rehabilitation Therapy
Stretching Weight bearing Inhibitory casting Vibration of the antagonist Pool therapy EMG biofeedback Electrical stimulation Positioning and rotary movements

17 Oral Medications Baclofen Diazepam Dantrolene Sodium Tizanidine

18 Site of Action for Oral Drugs
Baclofen: Diazepam: Dantrolene Sodium: Tizanidine: Site of action GABAb receptors in spinal cord Central nervous system Skeletal muscles beyond the myoneural junction Central acting (spinal and supraspinal) at alpha2 – adrenergic receptor sites

19 Neurosurgery Surgical Treatments
Neurodestructive Procedures Neurectomy Myelotomy Rhizotomy Cordectomy Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy

20 Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy
Two primary goals: facilitate patient care sitting, dressing, transfers improve function walking Surgical procedure where the dorsal (sensory) nerve roots are severed

21 Orthopedic Surgeries Soft Tissue Procedures Tenotomy
Tendon lengthening Myotomy Tendon transfers

22 Why Intrathecal vs. Oral?
Baclofen Injection Baclofen injection is delivered to the CSF and thought to act at GABAb receptor sites at the spinal cord Lower doses than those required orally Potential for fewer systemic side effects Oral Baclofen Low blood/brain barrier penetration, with high systemic absorption and low CNS absorption Lack of preferential spinal cord distribution Some patients experience unacceptable side effects at effective doses

23 Advantages of ITB™ Therapy
Reversible Potentially fewer systemic side effects Programmable allows dose titration to give optimal benefit Effective in reducing spasticity upper and lower extremities1 cerebral and spinal origin

24 ITB™ Therapy Process Stage 1: Patient Selection
Stage 2: Screening Test Stage 3: Implant Stage 4: Maintenance

25 Efficacy in Adults and Children
86% cerebral origin (screening test) 97% spinal cord origin (screening test) Upper and lower extremities Both patients with functional goals and patients with goals of improving comfort and ease of care Albright, A. Leland. Baclofen in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy, J Child Neurol 1996; 11:77-83. Becker, R., Alberti, O., and Bauer, B.L. Continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion in severe spasticity after traumatic or hypoxic brain injury, J Neurol 1997; 244: Campbell, Susan K., Almeida, Gil L., Penn, Richard D., and Corcos, Daniel M. The Effects of Intrathecally Administered Baclofen on Function in Patients with Spasticity, Phys Ther 1995; 75:

26 Reported Outcomes in Patients with Spasticity of Cerebral Origin
Method 37 patients Spastic quadriplegia ITB Therapy received over a range of months Results 6 and 12 months post implant muscle tone significantly decreased in lower and upper extremities 25 children capable of self-care at start of study: significant improvement in ADL upper extremity function hamstring extensibility Albright AL, Barron WB, Fasick MP, et al. Continuous Intrathecal Baclofen Infusion for Spasticity of Cerebral Origin. JAMA 270(20): , Nov 24, 1993.

27 Reported Outcomes in Patients with Spasticity of Spinal Origin
Method 20 patients Diagnosed with spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis ITB Therapy received over a range of months Results Statistically significant decreases in muscle tone of hip, knee, and ankle musculature based on Ashworth score Statistically significant decrease in frequency of spasms Functional status tracked in 8 patients (6 months duration): improved ADL improved bowel and bladder management programs Parke B, Penn RD, Savoy SM, et al. Functional Outcome after Delivery of Intrathecal Baclofen. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 70:30-32,1989. Penn RD, Savoy SM, Corcos D, et al. Intrathecal Baclofen for Severe Spinal Spasticity N Engl J Med 329: ,1989.

28 How Does Baclofen Injection Work?
Spinal cord To brain Epidural space Drug Spinal level Excitatory neurotransmitters Dura-arachnoid membranes Capillary absorption Intrathecal space Catheter CSF Drug Vertebra Anatomic figure adapted from Kroin, JS. Intrathecal drug administration: present use and future trends. Clin Pharmacokinet 1992, 22:

29 GABA Gamma-butyric acid (GABA) an inhibitory neurotransmitter Baclofen
thought to act as a GABA agonist in the spinal cord, reducing positive input to the alpha motor neuron

30 Pharmacokinetics of Baclofen
Oral 60 mg dose: mcg/mL IT lumbar concentration Half-life 3-4 hours Intrathecal 600 mcg/day dose: 1.24 mcg/mL IT lumbar concentration Lumbar to cervical concentration is 4:1 Half-life 4-5 hours

31 Pharmacodynamics of Baclofen Injection
Bolus Onset of action is one-half hour to 1 hour after intrathecal bolus Peak effect at 4 hours after dosing Effects may last from 4 to 8 hours Continuous Effects are first seen at 6 to 8 hours after initiation of continuous infusion Maximum effect observed in 24 to 48 hours Onset, peak response, and duration of action may vary

32 Interdisciplinary Team Assessment
Considers all facets of patient’s needs and resources Considers the “whole” person Provides optimal care for the patient

33 Contraindications of ITB™ Therapy
Patient has a history of allergy (hypersensitivity) to oral baclofen Infection is present at time of screening or implant

34 Potential Risks of ITB™ Therapy
Common side effects: hypotonia, somnolence, nausea/vomiting, headache, dizziness Overdose, although rare, could lead to respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, reversible coma, and in extreme cases, may be life-threatening Catheter and procedural complications may occur

35 Causes of Overdose Dosing error Pump malfunction Programming error
Injecting catheter access port during refill Filling catheter with syringe during surgery Use of concomitant drugs

36 Screening Test Flow Chart
Bolus: 50 mcg + - 24 hrs after Bolus: 75 mcg + - = Positive Response “Implant” = Negative Response “No Implant” + - 24 hrs after Bolus: 100 mcg + - Not a Candidate Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy Clinical Reference Guide for Spasticity Management, Medtronic, Inc.

37 SynchroMed® System Components
Pump infuses drug Catheter delivers drug to the intrathecal (subarachnoid) space of the spinal cord Programmer allows for precise dosing easily adjustable dosing

38 SynchroMed® EL Pump Battery life of approximately 7 years
Flow rates down to 48 microliters/day Four suture loops Matte finish No changes in clinical procedure or pump programming

39 InDura® Intraspinal Two-Piece Catheter
Two-piece catheter design Pre-attached pump connector Tapered, open tip

40 Advancing catheter under fluoroscopy
Catheter Implant Insert the catheter through the introducer needle to the desired level (T10-T12) Verify catheter tip position through use of fluoroscopy and CSF backflow Advancing catheter under fluoroscopy

41 Pump Implant Abdominal incision
make a pocket for the pump no deeper than 2.5 cm or 1 inch

42 Titration Period After First 24-Hour Period Increase dose slowly
Increase only once every 24 hours until desired clinical effect achieved Adults with spasticity of spinal origin 10-30% increments Adults with spasticity of cerebral origin 5-15% increments Pediatrics

43 Comparison of Techniques

44 Conclusions Intrathecal delivery is an alternative to rhizotomy procedures in children Advantages: simple, adjustable, reversible Disadvantages: cost, infection, toxicity

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