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Responsible Conduct of Animal Research at UTHSCH Meredith L. Moore, Ph.D. Assistant Director, IACUC Office

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Presentation on theme: "Responsible Conduct of Animal Research at UTHSCH Meredith L. Moore, Ph.D. Assistant Director, IACUC Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsible Conduct of Animal Research at UTHSCH Meredith L. Moore, Ph.D. Assistant Director, IACUC Office

2 Objectives  Federal laws  Overview of the UTHSC Animal Care and Use Program  Ethical considerations in planning an animal activity  UTHSC resources for animal activities

3 UTHSC ANIMAL PROGRAM METRICS  3.0 million dollar CLAMC budget  15% of all active and pending UTHSC grants include animals  175 UTHSC scientists use animals  475 approved animal protocols  16,000 animals cared for daily



6 Federal Laws Regulating Animal Research

7 Covered Animal Activities  All animal activities performed at UTHSC facilities.  All animal activities, even off site, where UTHSC funds are used to purchase the research animals.  Animal research activity involving UT personnel but not approved by any other animal committee.



10 UTHealth Animal Welfare Committee  Mandated committee  Appointed by the President  Composition of membership  Responsibilities Protocols Inspections Concerns Authority

11 AWC Office - Resources  Office Hours Tuesdays, CLAMC Thursdays, BBSB  Statistical Help  Office Visits for protocol planning or returned response  Navigating iRIS  Classes offered monthly and posted on the AWC website

12 AWC Animal Protocol  Form available online in iRIS and the final submission must be comprehensive and well written  Consult with an AWC Coordinator and a CLAMC veterinarian  Approval is for three years, but USDA protocols require review on an annual basis  Modifications of approved protocols must be approved before implementation and can be submitted using the change request form.

13 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Justification  Research should be justified Purpose is sufficient to justify the use of animals Model system is the best suited to answer the scientific question Reasonable expectation that the research methods employed will provide valid results

14 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Personnel  Must be qualified through training or experience to accomplish experimental manipulations in a humane and scientifically acceptable manner

15 Institutional Training in Animal Care and Use  Coordinated by CLAMC  Institutional courses Introductory Species specific Offered 2X month  One-on-one training

16 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Species Selection and Quantity  The animals selected for a procedure should be of an appropriate species and quality and the minimum number required to obtain valid results.

17 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Proper Use of Animals It is imperative to utilize methods that will avoid or minimize discomfort, distress and pain, when consistent with sound scientific practices.

18 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Painful Procedures  Procedures that are known to cause more than momentary pain or distress, should be performed with appropriate sedation, analgesia, and/or anesthesia.

19 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Unrelieved Pain or Distress  Animals that would otherwise suffer severe or chronic pain or distress that cannot be relieved, should be euthanized at the end of the procedure or if appropriate, during the procedure.

20 Animal Protocol Ethical Considerations: Environment and Well-being  The living conditions of animals should be appropriate for their species and contribute to their health and comfort.


22 Center for Laboratory Animal Medicine and Care  Centralized program for animal housing, care, and use  40 staff members including 5 veterinarians and 7 veterinary health and surgery technicians  CLAMC managed resources located in 5 UTHSC buildings

23 Center for Laboratory Animal Medicine and Care  Locations - MSB/E - IMM - BBSB - UCT  Shared Location - SCRB 3 (CABIR)

24 Center for Laboratory Animal Medicine and Care  Services and resources Animal housing and husbandry Veterinary consultation & care Surgical resource & support Clinical laboratory Technical assistance Import and export Transportation Canine breeding program Whole animal irradiator

25 Other UTHSC Animal Resources: Genetically Manipulated Rodent Models  IMM - Development of transgenic and knockout mouse strains  IMM – Cryopreservation of embryos Dr. Rick Wetsel Dr. Eva Zsigmond

26 Other UTHSC Animal Resources: FMR Imaging Research Resource  3.0 and 7.0 T dedicated for research Dr. Ponnada Narayana – Radiology, MS

27 Internal Medicine Preclinical CT Imaging GE eXplore Ultra CT The GE eXplore Ultra is a volume CT system designed for high resolution, high speed imaging in research. 24 cm bore and large transaxial field of view designed to accommodate rodent to rabbit sized animals. Variable energy X-ray tube (up to 140 kVp) permits optimization of scanning protocols for varying objects of interest. Gantry speeds as fast as 1 rotation per second can be used for dynamic imaging applications. The eXplore Ultra allows exceptional CT imaging of clinical specimens at resolutions not possible in standard clinical systems. Contact Information The Preclinical CT imaging suite is located on the fifth floor of the Medical School Building in room 5.302. For additional information, specifics, or to submit an imaging request, email:


29 Occupational Health Environmental Health and Safety  Health and environmental risks are identified  Personnel are aware of the risks  Practices in place to minimize the risks  Procedures in place to monitor exposure and to provide medical intervention, if needed.


31 Good Animal Care = Good Science


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