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The Animal Sanctuary at St. Thomas the Apostle Paradise Crane Also known as Blue Crane or Stanley Crane. The national bird of South Africa. Eats small.

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2 The Animal Sanctuary at St. Thomas the Apostle

3 Paradise Crane Also known as Blue Crane or Stanley Crane. The national bird of South Africa. Eats small insects as well as grass seeds.

4 Greater Sandhill Crane Lives in the same place all year. Keeps the same mate throughout its life. Eats both plants and small animals.

5 East African Crane Also known as East African Crowned Crane or Gray- Crowned Crane. Typically found in the grasslands near bodies of water. Eats a wide variety of plants and small animals.

6 Demoiselle Asian Crane The smallest species of crane, weighing only 4 to 7 pounds. Its body plumage is a pale blue-grey, with a darker neck color. With a very short beak and a few white neck feathers.

7 Black Neck Swan Between 45 to 55 inches tall, and between 8 and 15 pounds. Lives in the lakes and marshes of South America. Eats vegetation, insects, and fish spawn.

8 Australian Black Swan Lives in both Australia, and New Zealand. Can live in fresh, brackish, or salt water. Feeds on aquatic vegetation, tidal grasses, and grains.

9 Can have up to a 95 inch wingspan. Has a large, long- neck with short legs, and a short duck- like bill. The neck is held up with a unique kink at the base. Trumpeter Swan

10 Muntjac Deer Very small species with medium sized tails. Tends to inhabit wooded areas. Tends to live around 15 years, with the females outliving the males.

11 Bar-Headed Goose Named for the brownish- black bars on the back of its white head. Migrates at high altitudes over the Himalayas, and has been observed flying over the summit of Mt. Everest. Lays 4-6 eggs at a time.

12 Originally from Siberia. Lives in tundra regions and agricultural areas throughout the year. Eats wheat, barley, maize, pasture grasses, and natural grassland. Red-Breasted Goose

13 Hawaii’s state bird. Also known as the Hawaiian Goose. In the 1940’s, this species was almost extinct because of laws that allowed them to be hunted during their winter breeding season. Nene Goose

14 Abyssinian Blue-winged Goose

15 Magpie Goose

16 Orinoco Goose

17 Originally from China. Eats by dunking its head in water. Keeps the same mate throughout its lifetime. Mandarin Duck

18 Shoveler Duck Its large spoon-shaped bill widens toward the tip. Eats many kinds of seeds, as well as small aquatic animals, such as insects. Northern shovelers breed in the mix grass prairies of Canada and the grass lands of the northern US.

19 Baikal Teal Duck Average length of 15 -17 inches. Originally from Asia, including southern Siberia, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and eastern China. Occasionally wanders from eastern Siberia to the Aleutian Islands and Alaska.

20 Common Eider Duck The largest duck in the Northern Hemisphere. Breeds on costal islands or along ponds and lagoons near the ocean. Eats aquatic invertebrates, mollusks, and sea urchins.

21 Wood Duck

22 White Mandarin Duck

23 Falcated Duck

24 Smew Duck

25 North American Ruddy Duck

26 Puna Teal Duck

27 Lives on the islands near Australia. Eats short grasses in the pastures. A large, dark plumaged duck, weighing from 1.3 to 1.5 kg. Some can be as long as 51- 61cm. Black-backed Radjah Shelduck

28 Ruddy Shelduck Migratory bird whose habitat reaches from southeast Europe all the way to China. This bird has very unique coloring. The body is a red-brown color which makes the pale head stand out. Both the bill and tail feathers also stand out as they both have dark coloring.

29 Australian Shelduck

30 Cape Shelduck

31 Australian Crested Dove

32 Tambourine Dove

33 Green Winged Dove

34 Ring Neck Pheasant Males and females are different.

35 Lady Amherst Pheasant

36 White Eared Pheasant

37 Blue Eared Pheasant

38 Sacred Ibis Lives in wetlands and mudflats. Eats fish, frogs, insects, and other small animals found in the water. Originally found in Africa and Iraq.

39 Galapagos Tortoise Largest living tortoise. Native to seven islands of the Galapagos archipelago. Can weigh over 300 kilograms (661 lb) and measure 1.2 meters (4 ft) long. With a life expectancy in the wild estimated to be over 150 years.

40 Tilapia Found in a variety of fresh, and, less commonly, brackish water habitats from shallow streams and ponds through to rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

41 Caterpillar stage of Swallowtail Butterfly Swallowtail caterpillars rely on a hormone to morph from mimicking bird droppings to the bright color form that matches the leaves upon which they feed.

42 Swallowtail Butterfly Large and colorful. Its caterpillar has an osmeterium behind its head, which everts when threatened, and emits smelly secretions. It is tailed like the forked tail of some swallows, hence the name.

43 Zebra Butterfly Found in North, Central and South America, as well as the West Indies. In North America the butterfly is found in the southern parts of the US, including Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina.

44 Special Species of Plants in our Sanctuary

45 Papyrus

46 Bamboo

47 Ginger

48 Powder Puff

49 Giant Reed Also known as Spanish Cane or Reed of the Bible

50 Cypress Tree

51 Tiger Grass

52 Passion Vines

53 Starfruit

54 Mamey

55 Papaya

56 Passion fruit

57 Tomato

58 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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