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TGAC Training Coordination for the BBSRC Strategically-Funded Institutes Tanya Dickie: Bioinformatics & Biomathematics Training.

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2 TGAC Training Coordination for the BBSRC Strategically-Funded Institutes Tanya Dickie: Bioinformatics & Biomathematics Training Coordinator The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich 12 & 13 February 2015

3 TGAC Training Coordination TimeDetailsFacilitator 13:00-14:00LunchAll 14:00-15:00Update on project status and progress vs. BBSRC recommendation TD Feedback on project status  Outcomes from meeting TD 15:00-15:30Coffee breakAll 15:30-17:00Update on “Bioinformatics & Biomathematics Hub” and prototype of training resource TD Feedback on hub and prototype  TeSS/GOBLET/other existing resources  Training resource?  Functionality TD 17:00Free time – travel back to hotels 19:30-22:00DinnerAll Agenda: Day 1

4 TimeDetailsFacilitator 09:00-10:30Mapping exercise  Core/basic training needs  Shared Institute training needs  Institute-specific training needs  Institute group-specific training needs  Individual training needs TD 10:30-11:00Coffee break 11:00-12:00Top 3 priorities going forward – discussion and decision on what we will work on going forward, e.g.  Developing training materials, best practice  Rolling out train the trainer, best practice  How do we interact with our collaborators? TD 12:00-13:00Lunch plus wrap-up 13:00Meeting ends TGAC Training Coordination Agenda: Day 2

5 TGAC BabrahamIBERSIFRJICPirbrightRoslinRothamsted Research Scientists Computational Biologists Bioinformaticians Biomathematicians Technicians EBI ELIXIR-UK/ELIXIR Galaxy GOBLET Software Carpentry/SSI TGAC Training Coordination Introduction

6 “Coordinate the audit of existing training assets across BBSRC strategically-funded institutes and the planning for a coordinated effort addressing the training needs of the institutes.” All institutes visited Institute feedback on training has been collected All-institute meeting arranged for February 2015 Champion: Tanya Dickie TGAC Training Coordination Progress: Objective 1 of 5

7 “Provide advice in the development of online training materials to be shared with nominated individuals at the institutes.” To be discussed at all-institute meeting: – Best practice in writing training materials – Best practice re developing eLearning materials Taskforce: to be decided TGAC Training Coordination Progress: Objective 2 of 5

8 “Work towards the provision of these materials via an online portal.” Development of prototype online resource for coordination and distribution of materials is underway Feedback on online options to be discussed at all-institute meeting Taskforce to be established to look at harmonising our needs with existing efforts TGAC Training Coordination Progress: Objective 3 of 5

9 “Develop a strategy for ‘train the trainer’ activities in this area, to be delivered in conjunction with other activities such as institutes’ networking meetings, the institutes’ conference or ELIXIR activities.” To be discussed at all-institute meeting: – Longer-term goal to establish ‘Train the Trainers’ strategy to equip and develop current trainees from institutes into future trainers, using TGAC expertise Taskforce: to be defined TGAC Training Coordination Progress: Objective 4 of 5

10 “Develop strategies for a possible longer-term, integrated training activity across the institutes.” Current training needs to be mapped out following discussion at all-institute meeting to develop a core set of courses, to be tailored according to institute-specific requirements Future collaborations to be identified following discussion at all-institute meeting, plus future discussions Common areas in training across all the institutes to be discussed at the meeting TGAC Training Coordination Progress: Objective 5 of 5

11 Shared Institutes Training Needs Core Courses Institute-specific Training Needs Advanced Courses Individual Training Needs Tailored Courses TGAC Training Coordination Overall Training Needs Across the Institutes

12 Bioinformatics pipelines Basic statistical analysis Basic intro to Bioinformatics Training in Galaxy platform Genome assembly and annotation RNASeq analysis Basic intro to Biomathematics Basic LINUX, generic skills Intermediate Bioinformatics Intro to Bioinformatics for Metagenomics Metagenomics for clinicians Genotyping by sequencing Basic intro to scripting Basic intro to programming Phylogenetics Genome browsers Compressed storage of high throughput sequencing data Proteomics Genetic analysis programmes Best practice in software development TGAC Training Coordination Feedback overview: Examples of Training Needs

13 Collaborative blog Best practice guidelines for writing materials Best practice guidelines for writing courses Access to basic training from other institutes in one place All in one packages (tools and materials) Train the trainer videos Life cycle process of courses once on the platform Forced versioning, broken link tracker, quality controls Ontology Guidelines best practice for training Keeping in touch TGAC Training Coordination Feedback overview: What do we want to work on – top 3?

14 Ability to put courses online and concentrate on research Access to training available at other institutes Discoverability of materials Giving people tools to understand “what’s under the hood” Providing a first response to researchers’ training needs Open up collaborations and sharing of expertise amongst institutes Useful resource for generic/specific/advanced training materials Enhance further awareness of reproducibility of training materials Reduce redundancy and promote use of open source software Opportunities for trainers to pass on knowledge outside of institute Giving people training to be better Bioinformaticians & Biomathematicians TGAC Training Coordination Feedback overview: How will the training resource help?

15 Any questions? TGAC Training Coordination


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