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Published byAudrey Mosley Modified over 9 years ago
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative Cary Bloyd Argonne National Laboratory EGNRET-23 Christchurch, New Zealand
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative Launched in May 2000 Launched by the United States at the 4 th APEC Energy Ministers meeting Developed within the EGNRET A Multi-Year Work Program Purpose: To advance the use of renewable energy for sustainable economic development and growth of the APEC region.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) The Initiatives’ Activities Survey of APEC Member Economies’ Renewable-Energy-Based Priority Needs and Issues Relating to Sustainable Development (November 2000) APEC Private Sector Renewable Energy Forum (March 2001)
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Survey of APEC Member Economies The 7 page survey was completed by 15 economies °A detailed synthesis of the results will be available this April. °The full surveys are available at: Sustainable development priorities and goals: °Developed: transportation & air pollution reduction. °Developing: rural development & electrification, poverty alleviation and education
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Survey of APEC Member Economies (2) Renewable energy technology utilization: °Developed: more advanced, larger in scale, grid-connected. °Developing: small scale, task specific, off-grid. Identified needs and barriers: °Developed: exiting fossil fuel infrastructure. °Developing: financial challenges.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Multi-Year Work Plans Were Developed for 8 Collaboratives A clear description of the proposed collaborations and potential projects within each collaboration Purpose and objectives Suggested implementation plan and time horizon Methodology for obtaining private-sector and NGO participation Deliverables Estimated Costs
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative I: Stakeholders Dialogues, Outreach Forums and Symposiums: Lead Economy-USA The collaborative links together the various outreach activities of the Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies which are associated with bringing renewable energy information to the economic leaders, energy ministers, and their staffs. The collaborative will include the facilitation of stakeholder dialogues, outreach forums, and renewable energy related symposiums.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative I Activities Private Sector Renewable Energy Forum Synthesis of 21 st Century APEC Member Survey APEC 2002 New and Renewable Energy Fair Private Sector Renewable Energy Forum II Background Document and Vision on the Use and Benefits of Renewable Energy in the APEC Region APEC Private-Sector Summit on Market-Based Sustainable Development (proposed)
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative II: Micro-Business Development: Lead Economy-USA This collaborative fosters the development of micro- enterprise activity using renewable energy technologies in rural and remote regions of APEC economies. The collaborative uses technical and business expertise within specific APEC economies to identify viable micro-enterprise activities that create income-generation opportunities that raise the standard of living of rural populations, and is self-replicated in other communities.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative II Activities Greenstar Micro-Enterprise Project Combining Solar Power and Internet Connectivity for Sustainable Development (EWG-SF02-5) Greenstar Micro-Enterprise Project Phase 2--Replicating Combining Solar Power and Internet Connectivity Concept for Sustainable Development Renewable Energy for Microenterprise
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative III: Renewable-Energy Training and Certification Network: Australia The collaborative project involves the identification of currently available renewable energy training and certification systems within member economies; an assessment of the needs of member economies for qualified staff to plan, design, install, operate and maintain renewable energy systems; an assessment of the gap between currently available training and current needs and an assessment of how training resources may be allocated to better meet the needs of member countries.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative III Activities –Training and Accreditation Needs and Capabilities Study (EWG-04/2002) Analysis of Needs Assessment Identification of Available Training Resources Bridging the Skills Gaps Training Resource Allocation –Development and Implementation of a System for Accrediting Renewable Energy Training
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative IV: Renewable-Energy Standards: Lead Economy-China The objectives of this project are to (1) review and document available standards for renewable energy systems for (a) off-grid applications, including mini-grids and stand-alone systems, and (b) grid-interactive applications, (2) categorize according to types of standards (e.g. components, systems, interconnections, safety), and (3) prepare harmonized/synthesized proposed standards for APEC economies.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative IV Activities Adoption of Renewable Energy Standards (EWG-01/2002T) APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IV): Adoption of Renewable Energy Standards Phase II—Final Groundwork
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative V: Distributed Resources: Lead Economy-New Zealand The purpose of the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Collaborative is to support the development of partnerships that will facilitate the exchange of information enabling greater investment in DER in the region. 1.Develop the business case for DER 2.Demonstrate DER technologies 3.Exchange information supporting DER 4.Study DER standards 5.Explore innovative financing mechanisms for DER.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative V Activities (Collaborative VIII): Building and Developing an APEC Renewable-Energy Collaboratives Projects Integrator (APEC- CPI) (Collaborative VI): Workshop on advances in electricity storage in support of distributed renewable energy based systems
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VI: Renewable-Energy Technology Applications (USA) The objective of this collaborative is to identify and demonstrate the potential applications of renewable energy technologies in the APEC region. The collaborative also aims to set up a database on renewable energy technologies, applications and best practices, and to hold a workshop regularly for information exchanges.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VI Activities ApplicationsMonitoring and Assessing the Design, Operation and Performance of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Workshop on advances in electricity storage in support of distributed renewable energy based systems APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VI): USA Development of a Sourcebook of Hydrogen Codes and Standards for APEC Member Economies APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VI): Workshop on Advances in Clean Transportation Fuels (proposed)
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VII: Web-Based Renewable Energy Information Dissemination: New Zealand The objective of this collaborative is to provide news and information to a wide range of targets within APEC economies on a range of renewable energy applications. These data will validate the feasible applications of renewable energy technologies and provide complete information on the "how-when-where" for interested parties. This will be provided via an internet site that offers information on selected aspects of RENEWABLE ENERGY development in APEC economies. We have developed a first draft of a shell which is posted at:
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VII Activities The deliverable is information contained on a web portal that is timely and relevant and value- added and flexible APEC-CPI has been developed
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VIII: Financing: Lead Economy-Mexico The objective of this collaborative is to provide a roadmap in the form of a set of guides, tools and databases available through a website that will facilitate financing of renewable energy projects in the APEC region through existing international commercial and multi-lateral financing mechanisms.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative VIII Activities Financial roadmap for the APEC Region Building and Developing an APEC Renewable-Energy Collaboratives Projects Integrator (APEC-CPI) APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VIII): Financial Roadmap for the APEC Region Financing Renewable Energy Workshop in Hawaii, May 2004 Energy Investment Report:Facilitating Energy Investment in the APEC Region, submitted to EM6 Participate in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy financing task force created at EWG28.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technology Projects 1992-93 APEC Energy R&D Technology Transfer Seminar Solar Energy Training Program Energy R&D Data Bank Publication of a Technology Co-operation Guide Establishment of an Information Exchange Network on Natural Gas Vehicles Compendium of Renewable Energy Programs and Projects in APEC Member Economies 1993-94 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer seminar Survey of Impediments to the use of New and Renewable Technologies 1994-95 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer Seminar Workshop on Renewable Energy Resources Assessment Techniques 1995-96 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer seminar Workshop on Renewable Energy as it Relates to Sustainable Development Asia Pacific Renewable Energy and Efficiency Business Development Conference Renewable Energy Tour 1996
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Projects (2) Assessment and Development of Technology Transfer Cooperation Need, Skills and Capabilities for Sustainable Area-based New and Renewable Energy Project High Value End-Use Application Analysis 1996-97 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer seminar Analysis of Renewable Energy Retrofit Options to Existing Diesel Mini-Grids 1998-99 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer seminar Development of Analytic Methodologies to Incorporate Renewable Energy in Domestic Energy and Economic Planning APEC Guidebook for Financing New and Renewable Energy Review of the Quality & Completeness of Resource Assessment Data & Resource Studies for the APEC Region
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Projects (3) 1999-2000 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer seminar A Costed Strategy and Action Plan to Convert All Municipal Services in the City of Melbourne to Renewable Energy Supplies Assessment of Integrated Rural and Village Power Programs for Potential Collaborative Projects in the APEC Region Economy Level Renewable Energy Roadmaps Including New and Renewable Energy Technologies into Economy Level Energy Models
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Projects (4) APEC 21 Century Renewable Energy Initiative: Training and Accreditation Needs and Capabilities Study 2002-2003 APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer Seminar Adoption of Renewable Energy Standards APEC New and Renewable Energy Fair Including New and Renewable Energy Technologies into Economy Level Energy Models APEC Renewable Energy Infrastructure Assessment Workshop on Distributed Electric-Power Monitoring and Assessing the Design, Operation and Performance of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Project APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative VIII): Financial roadmap for the APEC Region.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Projects (5) APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VIII): Building and Developing an APEC Renewable-Energy Collaboratives Projects Integrator (APEC-CPI) APEC 21 Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VI): Workshop on advances in electricity storage in support of distributed renewable energy based systems APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative I): USA Technical Workshop to Support Village Power Applications APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative I): USA APEC Clean Energy/Village Power Private Sector Forum. APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative II): USA Greenstar Micro-Enterprise Project Phase 2--Replicating Combining Solar Power and Internet Connectivity Concept for Sustainable Development.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Projects (cont’d) APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VIII): USA Demonstration of the feasibility of operating a renewables-related energy-service company (RESCO) in the hydro-electric field. APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VI): Development of a Sourcebook of Hydrogen Codes and Standards for APEC Member Economies APEC 21 Century Renewable Energy Initiative: Development and Implementation of a System for Accrediting Renewable Energy Training APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IV): Adoption of Renewable Energy Standards Phase II– Final Groundwork
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Meeting Themes EGNRET 15: 10/1999 Thailand: Specific Policies which Support New and Renewable Energy Technologies (US becomes chair) EGNRET 16: 2/1999 New Zealand: Current Status of NRET and Opportunities for Support in the Development of NRET EGNRET 17: 11/2000 Status, Priority Needs and Issues Relating to the Development of the Renewable Energy Infrastructure EGNRET 18: 3/2001 Summary of “Survey of APEC Member Economies’ Renewable-energy Priority Needs and Issues Relating to Sustainable Development” EGNRET 19: 3/2002 Update on Status of Economy Level Renewable Energy Programs Including R&D Programs in the Area of Alternative Transport Fuels
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC EGNRET Meeting Themes (2) EGNRET 20: 11/2002 Korea: Economy Specific Village Power Opportunities and Challenges EGNRET 21: 10/2003 China: Economy Priorities for New and Renewable Energy Technologies for 2003-2004 EGNRET 22 5/2004 USA: Economy Specific Case Studies on Financing Renewable Energy Development EGNRET 23: 11/2004 New Zealand: Economy specific energy research, development and demonstration success stories for new and renewable energy technologies
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) New ‘quality assessment framework’ (QAF). 1.Does the proposal clearly state which APEC priority theme will be addressed? 2.If the proposed project is not linked to the six priority themes then is it still justified? 3.Will the objectives clearly contribute to the priority theme? 4.Are the objectives measurable and achievable? 5.Is the proposal based on sufficient background research and an understanding of the situation? 6.Does the project proposal clearly address any relevant cross cutting issues? 7.Does the proposal conform to the ‘Framework for the Integration of Women in APEC?’ 8.Is the implementation methodology clear and appropriate? 9.Is funding support sufficient for project activities? 10.Does the proposal comply with APEC financial procedures?
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) New ‘quality assessment framework’ (QAF) 1.Is there financial support and participation offered from either the private sector, international funding institutions, or non-government organisations? 2.Have the main risks to successful implementation been identified and are they manageable? 3.Is there a plan for monitoring and reporting? 4.Will the proposed outputs meet beneficiary needs? 5.Does the proposal have a strategy to make project benefits sustainable? 6.Are there synergies (and/or leverage) between this project and other ones that may consolidate benefits and sustainability? 7.Is there a plan for the dissemination of information and useful project findings? 8.Any other relevant points? 9.Final statement of suitability for APEC funding
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) New EWG Initiatives and Directions A comprehensive plan to enhance the APEC Energy Security Initiative for energy security, sustainable development and common prosperity This plan will be endorsed by the APEC Leaders this month –Renewable Energy – Support the development and deployment of more economically viable new and renewable energy technologies by encouraging information exchange, technology transfer, capacity building, market development and other cooperation under the 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative, working closely with the EWG Business Network and APEC business and research communities.
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