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Messana Science 8 Chapter 25. MICROBES = Microorganism, Microscopic Organism Bacteria Virus Parasite Fungi Found EVERYWHERE!!...water, surface of living.

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Presentation on theme: "Messana Science 8 Chapter 25. MICROBES = Microorganism, Microscopic Organism Bacteria Virus Parasite Fungi Found EVERYWHERE!!...water, surface of living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Messana Science 8 Chapter 25

2 MICROBES = Microorganism, Microscopic Organism Bacteria Virus Parasite Fungi Found EVERYWHERE!!...water, surface of living things, inside living organisms

3 DISEASE Caused by a microbe entering a place in the body where they aren’t supposed to be Organism experiences impaired function Show symptoms = your body’s response to disease (fever, vomiting, joint pain, skin condition, diarrhea, etc.) Can be infectious/communicable OR non- infectious/non-communicable

4 Youtube…. Bacteria

5 BACTERIA Single celled organisms – ALIVE! Very small, Need microscope to see Prokaryotic Can be found on most materials and surfaces – Soil, Water, Air, etc. Can live: With/WO O 2, extreme HOT/COLD. Bacteria doubles, reproduces VERY quickly :0 Billions on your skin and in your body’s digestive track right now! Alexander Fleming~ 1928…accidentally grew mold; led to discovery of PENICILLIN!! Harmless bacteria on the stomach lining E. Coli O157:H7 can make you very sick. Streptococcus can cause strep throat.

6 BACTERIA Different shapes = sphere, rod, spiral Have cell membrane, cell wall, & capsule Cytoplasm contains genetic material floating freely + ribosomes (no nucleus or other organelles) Has flagellum & cilia Can move, reproduce, eat, etc.

7 Typical Bacterial Cell

8 Helpful vs. Harmful Bacteria Harmful Bacteria = Germs, Pathogens (Greek: Pathos ~ means “suffering”) Cause disease by releasing toxins into body Toxins are the waste products from bacteria Bacterial infections  fever, swelling, rash Treat with ANTIBIOTICS! Antibiotic resistance occurs when antibiotics are OVERUSED!! Helpful Bacteria: (ex. found in intestines) Eat other more harmful substances Help plants and animals release nutrients to be used by organism Digest food in your stomach

9 Clean skin has about 20 million bacteria per square inch

10 Youtube : //

11 Viruses VERY small! Composed of DNA or RNA & protein coat = CAPSID NOT A LIVING CELL!! Can’t reproduce, eat, move, or maintain homeostasis Must get inside HOST CELL to reproduce Must fit cell membrane like “lock and key”

12 Virus Replication If virus finds suitable living host cell… uses the enzymes & organelles of host cell to make more viruses DNA or RNA directs host cell to make copies of virus particle Copies of virus cause host cell to EXPLODE! Viruses go on to affect other cells

13 Virus invading Bacterial Cell

14 Youtube.. Virus (HPV)

15 Viruses Cause disease in plants & animals Viral diseases are the most widespread illnesses in humans…minor as fevers…serious as some forms of cancer Transmitted: human contact, water, food, insect bites… Can’t treat viral infections with anything – have to run their course.. HOWEVER~ some vaccines & anti-viral drugs used to control & prevent spread of disease (HIV/AIDS, Herpes/Shingles – Valtrax)

16 YouTube… Virus Rap!

17 Parasites An organism that has a harmful relationship with a host organism Parasite lives on or in the host Slowly weakens or kills host quickly Usually SPECIALIZED ANATOMICALLY (structure of the organism) & PHYSIOLOGICALLY (function of the organism). EX: Tapeworms-so specialized = NO digestive system. Live in small intestine & absorb food directly through skin :0

18 Parasites…. EX: lice, ticks, heartworm, mites, fleas, pin worms, tapeworms… Tapeworms are flatworms that consist of a head, neck and a segmented body that can grow up to 20-30 feet long with hooks on the underside to attach to intestinal walls. :0 Tapeworm infection can be caused by ingesting tapeworm eggs or larvae, which can be found in animal meats, water, soil or animal feces PREVENTION: Wash hands!!! Cook meat! Sanitize Water!! A A re you ready for these pictures!?

19 Parasites

20 Fish Parasite & Blood Parasite

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