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Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation What were the tenets (beliefs) of Zwingli? =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active.

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Presentation on theme: "Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation What were the tenets (beliefs) of Zwingli? =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation What were the tenets (beliefs) of Zwingli? =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active

2 Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation Humanistically educated—credited Erasmus for his reform path – Rejected clerical celibacy, indulgences, fasts, transubstantiation, and purgatory – Preached the authority of scripture alone In 1519 Zwingli became the people’s priest in Zurich

3 Zwingli created a union of church and state in Zurich (theocracy) – Required church attendance by all citizens – Regulated many aspects of personal behavior— enforced by court

4 The Marburg Colloquy p. 414 Major issue dividing Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli—be specific Result of the Marburg Colloquy Cause and result of the Swiss Civil Wars

5 Differences between Zwingli and Luther Major issue: The Eucharist—Zwingli believed the sacrament was symbolic while Luther argued Jesus’ presence in communion 1529—Luther and Zwingli met for the Marburg Colloquy to settle their disagreement – No final concessions were made by either Theological differences with Luther prevented an alliance with the German Protestants

6 Switzerland divided into cantons: some Catholic and Protestant 1531—the Swiss Civil War forced the Swiss Catholics to recognize the Protestants (Peace of Cappel), but Zwingli was captured and executed

7 Have you ever seen? Mennonites and Amish What religious umbrella do they fall under

8 What do I already know about Anabaptists?

9 Anabaptists & Radical Protestants Conrad Grebel and the Swiss Brotherhood – Refused to baptize children, believing that only a consenting adult can accept Christ. – Physically separated themselves from secular society The Anabaptist reign in Munster – Dutch emigrants led an Anabaptist takeover in 1534- 1535 – The features of the regime included charismatic leaders and polygamy. – It was crushed by united Protestant and Catholic armies.

10 Radical Protestant Groups – Spiritualists rejected institutional religion of traditions and institutions Only religious authority was God’s spirit – Antitrinitarians rejected the Trinity Supported a religion based on commonsense, rationale, and ethics

11 Topic: Anabaptists Important Detail: Anabaptist problem with Luther and Zwingli Important Detail: Conrad Grebel and principles of Anabaptists Important Detail: Reaction of Lutherans, Zwinglians, and Catholics to Anabaptists (actions taken) Summary Question: What was the major issue that united Lutherans and Catholics against the Anabaptists? Important Detail: Major principle of Anabaptists and why

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