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Buddhism History Origins Beliefs At time point, let’s check in!

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism History Origins Beliefs At time point, let’s check in!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism History Origins Beliefs At time point, let’s check in!

2 Siddhartha Gautama’s life What was Siddhartha’s family ancestry like? What was his childhood like and why? What 3 human conditions did he see when he first left his home? Why was this significant? What did he see as the answer to these 3 conditions? How did he react to these 4 Sights? How did he reach enlightenment? If enlightenment means to learn the truth without having been taught – what truth did Siddhartha discover? Describe the Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma. What elements did Buddha keep from Hinduism? Which did he reject? Which did he alter? After the Buddha’s parinirvana, where did the leadership shift to?

3 Buddhist dharma Be sure you know and can discuss the following terms: Anatta (or anatman) Anicca Dukkha Four Noble truths (be sure you can list and describe them) 8fold Path (have a sense for the 3 main categories) Three Refuges/Triple Jewel 5 Moral Precepts Additional precepts for monks and nuns

4 For the summative: Have you done all your reading? Have you filled in your 6 trait model? Do you have all your summary notes completed? You may use your notes, but not the textbook. Please be sure you are prepared to complete a task that is comparable to the exemplar.

5 For the test… Do you have all your notes? Is your 6 trait model filled out? Please review at least these terms: All those earlier in this ppt. The following are the words from the word box on the test. Jatakasstupalotus mudrabodhisattvamandala Full moonDhammapadamurti IndiaBuddha images5 moral precepts 4 sightsimpermanenceTheravada 3 refugesBuddhacompassion Middle Waykarmasamsara dharmaEightfold PathChina Can you differentiate between the 2 main branches? Do you know the basics of Buddhist festivals? Symbols?

6 Format: All K/U Fill in the blanks (4 NT and identifications with word box) – 25 T and F with corrections – 25

7 Pretest Part A – Fill in the Blanks The Four Noble Truths Life is full of _____________________________. The cause of this _______________ is __________________. We can end suffering by putting an end to ______________. We can change our ways by following ___________________. Part B - True and False – correct the false statements 1. Mahayana Buddhism is focused on lay people and they are able to reach enlightenment. 2. Mandalas and prayer flags are forms of Tibetan Buddhist poetry. 3. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual and worldly authority of all Buddhists. 4. One of the Buddha’s reforms of Hinduism was the rejection of moksha. 5. Buddha left the Dharma in charge of the Buddhist faith when he died. 6. Sutra is the name for the most widely accepted Buddhist scriptures.

8 7. “Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma” was the death of the Buddha. 8. Sila is performed by all Buddhists. 9. The Middle Way is the path of moderation in life – not ascetic and not luxurious. 10. There are many sects in Mahayana Buddhism 11. Mandalas are used in meditation and represent both the universe and palaces for holy beings. 12. Walking around stupas or other holy sites is a form of meditation. 13. Buddhist chants used in meditation are called mudras. 14. Siddhartha has sheltered in his early life because his parents were cruel. 15. Dana is a popular practice – it involves living a moral life according to the 5 precepts.

9 Short answers Name 3 beliefs that are common in all forms of Buddhism. Name 2 practices that are specifically Zen. Name 2 practices that are specifically Tibetan. Name the most widely accepted Buddhist scripture? What does it contain? What is the significance of the 3 Refuges? What are the major festivals of the Buddhist year? When are they celebrated? (you may only know the months for each – also keep in mind that these festivals have many different names) What are 3 Buddhist symbols and their meaning? e.g. The lotus flowerA symbol of impermanence and overcoming obstacles (grows out of mud but does not get dirty) – a symbol for humanity (Buddha saw people as pure and good)

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