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The Advantages of TV over Radio May 30, 2011. The Advantages of TV over Radio Television sets itself apart from other media with its ability to offer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Advantages of TV over Radio May 30, 2011. The Advantages of TV over Radio Television sets itself apart from other media with its ability to offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Advantages of TV over Radio May 30, 2011

2 The Advantages of TV over Radio Television sets itself apart from other media with its ability to offer sight, sound, and motion to generate emotional responses from the viewer. The qualities of television allow advertisers to create a long lasting and memorable brand and corporate image.

3 The Advantages of TV over Radio Television is considered the most engaging medium over other major media. The ability to show products in action can easily introduce new products to consumers. Television has built a reputation of prestige and credibility. Thus, enhancing the image of advertisers who use television.

4 The Advantages of TV over Radio Cross-media Comparison Cross study comparison – Weekly hours Adults 25-54 Source: Marketing Magazine May 17, 2010 na

5 The Advantages of TV over Radio Cross-media Comparison As identified in the previous slide, people spend more time with TV than with radio regardless of which media measurement method was used. The most accurate measure is the PPM and it shows that on average A25-54 spend 15.4 more hours per week with TV than with radio. Source:

6 The Advantages of TV over Radio Person-to-person communication is achieved through the combination of both the spoken word and unspoken elements such as body language and gestures. Television has both visual and sound capabilities which allowing it to come closer than any other medium to offer ideal communication. Television’s ability to touch people’s senses simultaneously creates a synergistic effect that cannot be duplicated by only stimulating an individual sense.

7 The Advantages of TV over Radio Biometric Research Science has proven TV advertising effective –In 2009 Innerscope Research conducted a Biometric study of Canadian advertising to measure the subconscious effect that it has on consumers –Respiration, heart rate, skin conductance and movement were measured along with eye tracking to determine how engaged subjects were with the advertising to which they were exposed –Subjects were exposed to television advertising from 24 national brands; each brand had a corresponding ad in either Newspaper, Radio, Online Video or Online Display –Television advertising proved to be more engaging and generated higher recall that all other media included in the study

8 The Advantages of TV over Radio Biometric Research Radio receives only 33% of the recall and engagement from its audience compared to TV.

9 The Advantages of TV over Radio Consumers Surveys TVB participates in omnibus telephone surveys conducted by BBM Analytics to gauge consumers attitudes towards advertising in all major media and to gain insight into their behaviour with media Surveys include: Perception of Advertising Effectiveness Receptivity to Advertising Screen Preference Media Synergy PVR Impact

10 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Influential?

11 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Persuasive?

12 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Effectiveness Source: BBM Analytics May 2010 Which ONE media source carries advertising that you believe to be the most Powerful?

13 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 In which medium are you most likely to Notice advertising?

14 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 When are you most Receptive to advertising messages?

15 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 When do you pay the most Attention to advertising messages?

16 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 Thinking about your Favourite advertisement, where did you see it?

17 The Advantages of TV over Radio Advertising Receptivity Source: BBM Analytics June 2010 Have you ever seen an ad that has made you Laugh or Cry? Where?

18 The Advantages of Television over Radio According to a study conducted in the U.K. by Thinkbox: –On average, a £1 million increase in TV investment yielded a £4.5 million increase in sales –Radio did not produce any significant or conclusive results –TV delivers its value over a much longer time frame (45% of its total sales effect is delivered after Year One) Source: Thinkbox 2008

19 The Advantages of Television over Radio Television commercials account for 10.3% of all word of mouth conversations in regards to brands. This compared to only 1.6% for ads on the radio. Television is the leader in ad expenditure volume, as well as the leader in driving word of mouth volume. TV has the ability to spark a conversation, and advertisers wanting to start lots of conversations quickly have to consider television. Source: ADMAP November 2010

20 The Advantages of Television over Radio Attitudes of adults towards product placement in TV shows 24% agree to the statement “After I watch my favourite TV show, I can remember brand name products the characters were using during the show”. 22% agree to the statement “To see a character interact with brand name products I use makes the show more real to me”. 41% agree to the statement “When I watch TV, I often notice brand name products used as part of the set”. Source: TV Dimensions 2010

21 The Advantages of Television over Radio Most people have the radio on “for noise”. They are usually otherwise engaged with something else while listening, and often are only half listening. Radio makes it difficult for the listener to take physical action as a result of the advertising message (ex. Needing to find a pen in response to hearing a phone number or store location) Radio is not visual, most people retain information much better when they see it as opposed to just hearing it. Source:

22 The Advantages of Television over Radio In Summary: –Television is far more effective than radio in conveying an advertiser’s message as TV impacts the consumer’s several different senses simultaneously. –As outlined in various studies, people identify TV as the medium they find to be most effective, engaging, and persuasive. –The visual capabilities of television allow for better retention of information and brand awareness on the part of the consumer.

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