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Quiz! 1. What countries were most affected during the Falkland war? Answer: Speculation broke out to the U.S that we had broken the Rio treaty (Inter-American.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz! 1. What countries were most affected during the Falkland war? Answer: Speculation broke out to the U.S that we had broken the Rio treaty (Inter-American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz! 1. What countries were most affected during the Falkland war? Answer: Speculation broke out to the U.S that we had broken the Rio treaty (Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal, or TIAR) by providing the U.K with military supplies. 2. How do you think the local islanders felt about their land being used as battle field for two strong military governments? Answer: The people thought the land was being mistreated and the dispute needed to be worked out fairly. 3. Argentina surrendered after just two months from a result of losing in a naval and land war: because of their military disadvantages at the time would this be a good time for other neighboring countries to attack Argentina? Explain? Answer: Easily, because the country that went to war needs time to recover politically, economically, and financially. 4. After the war, how do you think Argentine people reacted to their own country's military government collapsing? Answer: Resulted in multiple protests and rebellious actions against the ruling military government at the time. 5. Who characterized the initial invasion as a re-occupation of their own territory? Answer: Argentina

2 6. The political effects of the war were strong on both countries, how do you think it effected Argentina, and in what way? Answer: Large political protests were lost against the ruling military government. 7. Relations between Argentina and the U.K were restored in 1989; explain if you think this could happen again? Do you think this is a good relation to have in order to keep world peace? Answer: Likely, daily protests of the British occupation still active, But this is not something the whole world should get involved with. 8. What did Argentina try to do, initially, to avoid going to war with the U.K over the Islands? Answer: Argentine government planned a peaceful discussion with the British government over the situation. 9. Explain whether you think local islanders and/or Argentinians who live there, like the fact that Port Stanley is used as a U.K air base? Do you think the U.K should trust Argentina? Answer: Local islanders don’t mind it, but with the daily protests the U.K should keep an eye on Argentina 10. Argentina has argued that the islands belong to them from Spanish rule, but the U.K says that an old English navigator may have been the first to sight the islands. Which story do you believe? Explain why or why not. Answer: You should believe the old English navigator story, John Davis, first to see the islands.

3 11. Do you think it was the right time for Argentina to declare war on the U.K, or was it the right time for even Argentina to go to war? Answer: Argentina had not planned their attack, nor were they economically prepared. 12. Explain why you think the U.S didn't help Argentina overthrow the U.K. Should Argentina have assumed immediate aid from the U.S? Answer: In order to keep relations with the U.K the U.S didn’t worry over the war very much, and that’s why they were not organized because they were hoping the U.S would come to the rescue. 13. Do you think the U.K should have more or less restrictions on Argentina? Explain your reasoning. Answer: The amount of restrictions they have now is being very trustworthy over Argentina, I think the amount of problems that continues today make me nervous. 14. Why do you think Argentina is so concerned about the U.K having control over the islands? Answer: Because of the economic help they get from the goods the islands produce. 15. Describe the average Argentinean soldier? Compare the soldier to an average U.K soldier. Answer: Argentina cut back on air force and training for their troops, so the U.K soldier would out score the Argentinean soldier by a big margin.

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