ASCII) unless save just ave/sum data originally developed for checking data quickly on CPU -> ready since early tests with CPU mainly used for the pre-flight calibration especially useful for analysis with s-curves & other detailed offline analysis (with ROOT scripts by Hiroko) etot/etosL. Piotrowski TA-EUSO quick- tool/offline analysis fast enough root TTree output following the OFFLINE format less flexible for real time modification especially for the calibration/pre-flight test in the lab convenient for offline analysis (see detailes in Sylvie. D presentation tomorrow)? Open tools 3"> ASCII) unless save just ave/sum data originally developed for checking data quickly on CPU -> ready since early tests with CPU mainly used for the pre-flight calibration especially useful for analysis with s-curves & other detailed offline analysis (with ROOT scripts by Hiroko) etot/etosL. Piotrowski TA-EUSO quick- tool/offline analysis fast enough root TTree output following the OFFLINE format less flexible for real time modification especially for the calibration/pre-flight test in the lab convenient for offline analysis (see detailes in Sylvie. D presentation tomorrow)? Open tools 3">

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PDM data readout tools Hiroko Miyamoto 1. Data readout tools fpipe (‘‘Quick tool’’) by M. Wille event_dump.c stand alone package by C. Fornaro etot/etos.

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Presentation on theme: "PDM data readout tools Hiroko Miyamoto 1. Data readout tools fpipe (‘‘Quick tool’’) by M. Wille event_dump.c stand alone package by C. Fornaro etot/etos."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDM data readout tools Hiroko Miyamoto 1

2 Data readout tools fpipe (‘‘Quick tool’’) by M. Wille event_dump.c stand alone package by C. Fornaro etot/etos by L. Piotrowski Raw data viewer class by F. Cafagna 2

3 package/tool s developperdescriptionproscons misc (from the PDM point of view) fpipe M. Wille EUSO-Balloon "official" quick-tool (quasi) real-time monitoring, some offline analysis super quick as named beautiful graphical tools and convenience export fits/gif/ascii/root format good for CPU_TRIGGER/ACQUISIT ION data, quick view of PMT-by-PMT scurve data etc. less flexible for real time modification especially for the calibration/pre-flight test in the lab heavily library dependent (easiest solution so far: import VirtualBox image in which the software has been already installed) mainly used for monitoring data during the flight especially useful for PSF measurement at IRAP in May and laser flasher events/pre-flight measurements event_dump standalone package C. Fornaro dumping program for PDM binary data very convenient to check/understand raw data flexible for offline analysis Simple C program: can be compiled in many RH family linux without external libraries ready from the beginning not super quick output file size (binary->ASCII) unless save just ave/sum data originally developed for checking data quickly on CPU -> ready since early tests with CPU mainly used for the pre-flight calibration especially useful for analysis with s-curves & other detailed offline analysis (with ROOT scripts by Hiroko) etot/etosL. Piotrowski TA-EUSO quick- tool/offline analysis fast enough root TTree output following the OFFLINE format less flexible for real time modification especially for the calibration/pre-flight test in the lab convenient for offline analysis (see detailes in Sylvie. D presentation tomorrow)? Open tools 3

4 Example (event_dump) $ head allpackets-BALLOON-CPU_TRIGGER-20140825-033740--SMALLCPU.dat UªUª ¯úSD£ Experiment: BALLOON Date (local): Mon Aug 25 03:37:40 2014 CLKB/CCB ver: 1.0/1.0 data_handler ver: # of CCBs: 1 # of PDMs: 1 Run mode: CPU_TRIGGER Comment: SMALLCPU Cmd line args: cpu -b -f -t 250 -k 0 -n 200 -s -x -q -r pmos_270.txt -g64 -j SMALLCPU 4

5 Example (event_dump) 5 %./event_dump –a –m –p allpackets-BALLOON-CPU_TRIGGER-20140825-033740-- SMALLCPU.dat > outputdata.txt ########## START OF PACKET 0 ############################################ Header = aa55aa55 Packet number = 0 Time (local) = 1408937860 -: (null) Data length = 419 CRC = 2f a3 df cb (MSB first) PKT type = 0x0044 - PKT_TYPE_CPU_LOG_HEADER (data packet # 0) *********************** HEADER ************************** h Experiment: BALLOON h Date (local): Mon Aug 25 03:37:40 2014 h CLKB/CCB ver: 1.0/1.0 h data_handler ver: h # of CCBs: 1 h # of PDMs: 1 h Run mode: CPU_TRIGGER h Comment: SMALLCPU h Cmd line args: cpu -b -f -t 250 -k 0 -n 200 -s -x -q -r pmos_270.txt -g64 -j SMALLCPU h First packet at each settings change IS DISCARDED h ##########################################################

6 % less outputdata.txt ……… ++++++++++++++++++ PDM 0 GTU frame 000 +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ PDM 0 GTU frame 000 header ++++++++ h 0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h 16: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h 32: 00 00 +++++++++++++++ PDM 0 GTU frame 000 photon counts data p 0: 3 1 4 6 9 10 3 3 1 1 1 2 4 5 8 7 p 16: 0 8 5 4 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 4 2 2 1 4 p 32: 0 0 4 4 1 5 4 2 5 4 5 3 2 0 2 1 …. +++++++++++++++ PDM 0 GTU frame 000 KI data ++++++++++ k 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 16: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 32: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 48: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ….................. PDM 0 all GTU frames PC avgs.............. x 0: 1.38281 3.04688 4.84375 3.63281 5.07031 6.79688 5.34375 2.53125 1.46094 1.82812 0.710938 1.25 3 2.73438 5.99219 7.74219 x 16: 2.07812 7.46094 3.89062 3.73438 2.375 1.22656 2.0625 2.21875 1.65625 0.734375 2.32812 3.0625 3.34375 2.99219 2.73438 3.76562 x 32: 0 1.125 3.98438 5.67188 0.648438 1.96875 4.78125 2.09375 4.64062 5.03125 7.01562 4.14062 2.32031 1 1.08594 0.5625 Example (event_dump) 6 2304 values from ch0 of ASIC0, ch0 of ASIC1, ….., ch63 of ASIC35

7 You can use also allpackets-BALLOON-CPU_TRIGGER-20140825-033740—SMALLCPU.dat.pc for PC averaged in each packets Example (event_dump) Event Map Scurve analysis 7 And many other calibration, further data analysis…..

8 Summary There several tools to read raw data We can use any of those depending on the purpose Currently available with direct contact with each developpers but will be available from common database in near future Feedbacks of each programs to the developpers would be helpful to improve/debug their tools 8

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