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Women In The Military Created by the beautiful ladies: Jackie, Alexys, Hayley, Dianna.

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Presentation on theme: "Women In The Military Created by the beautiful ladies: Jackie, Alexys, Hayley, Dianna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women In The Military Created by the beautiful ladies: Jackie, Alexys, Hayley, Dianna

2 What was military fashion like for women? Dresses for nurses and when stationed Trousers when at war

3 What job did civilian women have? Took over Nurses-cared for the injured men Build planes, pumped gas, worked in mills, switchboard operators Joined the military

4 What roles did women have in military production? Nurses Water barriers Cooks Laundresses Saboteurs

5 Describe a womens life before/during the war. What changes were made to womens aspirations due to the war? Before Took care of men and kids Did small jobs After Took care of jobs men left 350,000 women served in the war

6 How did female movie stars get involved in WWII? Propaganda

7 Roles women did In the military Typists, Clerks and Mail Sorters essential in maintaining the bureaucratic mechanisms that are necessary in total warfare. filling office jobs that would otherwise be held by men, women freed more men to fight. corps.

8 What were some concerns about women in the military? Very fragile because they were women Rap because many men and a little bit of women

9 How did the roles of married and single women change during ww2? The expected role of a woman in the 1940s was to create a comfortable home for her husband and properly raise the children. The majority of women upheld these expectations during the Second World War The expected role of a woman in the 1940s was to create a comfortable home for her husband and properly raise the children. The majority of women upheld these expectations during the Second World War birthrate rose from 18.49 per 1,000 in 1941 to 21.7 in 1945

10 What activities did women get involved in? making weapons, rounds, aircraft, vehicles, and much more Treating severely wounded soldiers housewives to getting jobs as mill workers By the end of the war, 12% in the Soviet Air Force were women

11 ve&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=827&tbm=isch&tbnid=lN55- FY20otomM:&imgrefurl= ion/for-students/ww2-history/at-a-glance/women-in- ww2.html&docid=EHbe_7myYWgXUM&imgurl=http://nationalww2museumi snapshot2.jpg&w=374&h=498&ei=fI9AUc- FHYXXrQH2q4CQDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=94&dur=266&hovh=259 &hovw=194&tx=98&ty=132&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=107&start=0&ndsp= 41&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:81

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