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7 1 FVE General Assembly Agenda point 10: EU Community Animal Health Strategy Brussels, 16 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "7 1 FVE General Assembly Agenda point 10: EU Community Animal Health Strategy Brussels, 16 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 1 FVE General Assembly Agenda point 10: EU Community Animal Health Strategy Brussels, 16 November 2007

2 7 2 The EU Commission developed A new Animal Health Strategy for the EU (2007 – 2013) Where “Prevention is better than cure”

3 7 3 4 Overarching Goals 1.High level of public health and food safety 2.Prevent/reduce key animal diseases  support farming and rural economy 3.Improve econ growth /cohesion / competitiveness 4.Promote farming practices and animal welfare which prevent animal health related threats and minimise environmental impact.

4 7 4 4 pillars Action Plan 1.Prioritisation of EU intervention 2.Legislative framework 3.Prevention, surveillance and preparedness 4.Science, Innovation, Research

5 7 5 FVE’s opinion recognizes the role the Commission has played sofar in respect of the Animal Health and Welfare and Public Health welcomes the initiative to shift from a series of policy actions to identifying long term goals and defining a strategy. is pleased to see that the Strategy recognises the strong relations between Animal Health, Public Health and Animal Welfare.

6 7 6 emphasis the role veterinarians play in the prevention and control of zoonosis and food borne infections sees the need for a strong co-operation between veterinarians and medical doctors welcome the development of one general, horizontal « Animal Health Law » Establishing general principles Defining the role and responsibilities (incl clear mandate of the veterinary profession) promoting efficient organisational arrangements without duplicating or contradictory provisions

7 7 7 Fully support « prevention is better than cure » adequately staffed and funded Veterinary Services and border controls on farm bio-security must be improved long term farm health manangement programmes including regular consultations with a vet practitioner who knows the farm efficient early reporting systems need for adequate identification and registration of animals, food producing animals as well as companion animals

8 7 8 Concerned about the structure of large parts of the EU animal production, Too much focus on un-sustainable « large-volume-low- cost » production methods In order to remain competible Europe should invest more in the development of other qualities such as Animal Welfare

9 7 9 Use of vaccines as a valuable tool in a disease prevention and control strategies must be re-evaluated Development of reliable vaccines and diagnostics is necessary

10 7 10 Concerned about (long-distance) transport of live animals and markets and gathering places in the spread of infections  Fattening near the place of birth  Slaughter near the place of production

11 7 11 FVE wishes to be actively involved in the further development and implementation of the Animal Health Strategy. FVE will use the expertise and knowledge of its membership to participate in a critical but constructive way in the work of the Advisory Group

12 7 12 Thank you for your attention ! Further comments and suggestions are welcome!

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