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MR FEHRENBACH MAY 2014 Christian Ways of Life.. Learning Objectives “Christian teachings about Justice and the work of Martin Luther King” Your Task-To.

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1 MR FEHRENBACH MAY 2014 Christian Ways of Life.

2 Learning Objectives “Christian teachings about Justice and the work of Martin Luther King” Your Task-To produce an extended piece of writing which addresses the following key questions about the importance of the Christian teaching on Justice and the actions of Martin Luther King. You will have 2 lessons and a homework to provide as much evidence as you can

3 Learning Outcomes I can express my view and the view of others concerning the concept of justice (AT2 L5) I can recognise and explain diversity in teachings about prejudice and racism between Christianity, Hinduism and Islam (AT1 L6) I can describe Jesus` teachings and how they were followed by St. Paul. I can consider ways in which Christians interpret scripture differently. (AT1 L4) I can explain ways in which one or more famous Christians put their teachings on justice into practice (AT1 L5)

4 What is Justice? What do you understand by the word Justice? Brainstorm different words and meanings. Share ideas with the group.

5 Universal Declaration of Human Rights human-rights.html In groups decide which are you top 10 then top 3. Discuss views of whole class manRights.aspx

6 Key question 1 Describe what you understand by the term Justice with reference to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Say why you think it is important.

7 Key Question 2 Explain what the Christian teachings are about Justice and give a range of examples from the Bible which illustrate its importance. (Refer to St. Paul- Acts Ch16 v16-40, Galatians Ch3 v28, Romans Ch12 v17-21, Jesus- Luke Ch15 v11-31, Ch18 v18-29, Ch10 v25-37, Ch7 v1-10, Ch6 27-35 and Matthew Ch25 v35-46) Read the bible references and summarise the story told and say why you think it is important.

8 Putting justice into practice Justice means making sure everyone is treated fairly and equally. Christians believe that God wants justice in the world. So Christians, for example, may try and put justice into practice by: Supporting charities like Christian Aid Volunteering to help overseas Buying Fairtrade products Praying about injustice in the world Spreading Jesus’ message about justice. Which do you think would be the most effective? Why?

9 Matthew 25:35–36

10 When I think of justice I remember what Jesus said about helping the needy. I plan our Christian Aid week and organize other events where our church can raise money to help charities. Vicar What does justice mean to Christians in practice?

11 Justice to me means helping the poor in the developing world. It means giving them access to healthcare and education. Politician What does justice mean to Christians in practice?

12 I think about the products I buy and use. Are the big companies exploiting people in the developing world who make them? Consumer What does justice mean to Christians in practice?

13 Church congregation What does justice mean to Christians in practice? Praying is a way of asking God’s help to find the best ways of helping those who face injustice in the world. People pray together in church.

14 Key Question 3 Describe and explain how the teachings on Justice in Christianity compare with other religion’s such as Hinduism and Islam Research for Homework

15 Key Question 4 Introduce Martin Luther King as a man who applied his Christian beliefs to fighting the injustices of racism in the USA by identifying the following: What was his background? What were his key beliefs? How did he apply these beliefs to his work as a political and religious leader? What will be his legacy? Watch DVD and make notes

16 Big Write- Homework Preparation Prepare to complete your Big Write next lesson Your Task-To produce an extended piece of writing which addresses the following key questions about the importance of the Christian teaching on Justice and the actions of Martin Luther King.

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