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Asanas Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik Yoga Vidya Gurukul

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1 Asanas Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik Yoga Vidya Gurukul

2 Asana – Yogic Concept I Yoga = Evolution Yoga     Positive Level     Normal Level     Negative Level Negative Level

3 Asana – Yogic Concept I Isotonic movements of muscles – tone is constant & length changes i.e. exercise Isotonic movements of muscles – tone is constant & length changes i.e. exercise Isometric movements of muscles – tone is changing & length is constant i.e. Yoga Asana Isometric movements of muscles – tone is changing & length is constant i.e. Yoga Asana Red muscle fibres are active during isometric movements & they consume less oxygen Red muscle fibres are active during isometric movements & they consume less oxygen White muscle fibres are active during isotonic movements & they consume excess oxygen White muscle fibres are active during isotonic movements & they consume excess oxygen Oxygen consumption increases during exercise Oxygen consumption increases during exercise Oxygen consumption decreases during Yoga Asana Oxygen consumption decreases during Yoga Asana

4 Asana – Yogic Concept I Yoga Asana is not an exercise, but Yoga Asana is Relaxation Action Exercise Yoga Asana MovementsDynamicSteady MovementsSpeedySlow MovementsIsotonicIsometric Heart Rate IncreasesDecreases Respiratory RateIncreasesDecreases Blood PressureIncreasesDecreases B.M.RIncreasesDecreases

5 Asana – Yogic Concept I Asana does not mean EXERCISE ASANA means POSTURE Asana means EXISTENCE EXSITENCE – without doing anything! There is no movement in ASANA A steady posture is ASANA Hence the definition… “STHIR SUKHAM ASANAM” 2:46 “Steady & comfortable posture is Asana”

6 Asana – Yogic Concept I Asana is a posture without movements. But to attain this posture movements are essential. Asana is a posture without movements. But to attain this posture movements are essential. Performing the Asana Pre-Position 1. Attaining the Asana posture with movements 2. Asana Posture – Maintaining with no movement 3. Releasing the Asana posture with movements Note: Step No. 2 is Asana Step No. 1 & 3 is not Asana

7 Asana – Yogic Concept I A steady & comfortable posture is Asana. However movements are essential to attain the posture. A steady & comfortable posture is Asana. However movements are essential to attain the posture. The movements must be very slow The movements must be under control The movement must be accompanied with a correct breathing method

8 Asana – Yogic Concept I “STHIR SUKHAM ASANAM” 2:46 Steady & comfortable posture is Asana Steadiness & comfort must be in Steadiness & comfort must be in  Physical body (mainly muscle)  Mental Condition Steadiness & comfort are also interdependent Steadiness & comfort are also interdependent

9 Asana – Yogic Concept I “PratyatanaShaithilya AnantaSamapattibhyam” 2:47 “Relaxation with efforts & Concentration on Infinite” “Tato Dwandanabhighatah” 2:48

10 Asana – Yogic Concept II Definition of Asana Sthir Sukham Asanam ||2:46|| Steady & comfortable posture ____________________________ ____________________________     Without Movement With Movement Without Movement With Movement     slow movements fast movements slow movements fast movements Prayatnashaithilya Anantsmapattibhyam ||2:47|| 1. Relaxation 2. Concentrating the mind

11 Asana – Yogic Concept II Asanas can be practiced on the following Levels 0) With fast movements & without steadiness 1) With slow movements but without steadiness 2) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period 3) With slow movements with steadiness for a certain period & a relaxation of the muscles 4) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period, relaxation of the muscles & concentrating the mind on any organ of the self-body 5) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period, relaxation of all the muscles & concentrating the mind on infinity

12 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 0 With fast movements & without steadiness  This is non-yogic level  This is a type of exercise  Different muscles will be exercised and will be toned accordingly  This level will tone up the muscles properly  This will strengthen the different muscles  Functions of joints will improve Note: This will not yield the results as mentioned by Patanjali

13 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 1 With slow movements but without steadiness  This type of practice of asana is useful for persons suffering from joint problems e.g. Arthritis, frozen shoulder & joint pains.  This type of practice of asana is useful for the physically weak  This type of practice of asana will improve the blood circulation to different muscles & joints

14 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level - 2 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period  This type of practice of asana will have the advantages of level 1 also  When posture is maintained for a certain time period, the stretching & contracting of the muscles improves the supply of blood to those organs benefited in that asana  The nerve supply to those organs will also improve

15 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 3 with slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & relaxation of the muscles.  This type of practice of Asana will have the advantages of level 1+2 also  When the muscles are relaxed, the stretch will be transferred to the internal organs. These organs are also made up of muscles. These muscles receive a stretch.  This action improves the function of those organs.  This action stimulates the blood supply to those organs & provides more oxygen & glucose.

16 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 4 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & concentrating the mind on any organ of the self-body  This type of practice of asana will have the advantages of level 2 & 3 also  By concentrating the mind on any particular organ the mental energy will be provided to it.  As a result that particular organ will improve its function  We can concentrate on - Pancreas for diabetes - Pancreas for diabetes - Liver for liver problems - Liver for liver problems - Heart for heart disease etc - Heart for heart disease etc

17 Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 5 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & concentrating the mind on Infinity  The aspirant who wants to progress to higher levels can practice some of the asanas at this level  This level can only be achieved after practicing the prior levels  This type of practice will lead to control the mind  The practitioner can reach beyond the dualities of life as explained by Patanjali

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