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Session Two Minutes Writing

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1 Session Two Minutes Writing
CAES1507 Professional and Technical Written Communication for Engineers Session Two Minutes Writing

2 Roles of Participants Chairperson? Secretary? Committee Members?

3 Effective Committee Meetings
The Chairperson Planning Informing Preparing Controlling

4 Effective Committee Meetings
The Secretary Providing secretarial and administrative assistance to the Chairperson at the planning, informing and preparation stages Taking notes during the meeting Drafting the minutes after the meeting Circulating the draft minutes for additions and/or corrections Circulating the confirmed minutes among committee members

5 Effective Committee Meetings
The Committee Members Explaining their ideas clearly Reacting to other people’s ideas Helping the chairperson keep the meeting going

6 Causes of Ineffective Meetings
Drifting off subject Poor preparation Lack of listening Verbosity of participants Length Lack of participation Lack of clear objectives or agendas Unclear results Poor organization Poor chairing

7 Improving Ineffective Meetings
State the objective at the outset Prepare an agenda Be selective when picking participants Manage meeting time Take charge Close with a summary

8 Note-Taking Follow the agenda closely and listen carefully throughout. Ask for clarification wherever necessary Take brief, relevant notes under each agenda item. Summarize the main points raised and record action to be taken and by whom, if relevant

9 Note-Taking Interrupt the meeting at appropriate time if necessary, to make sure your notes accurately reflect what has been discussed Check that you are happy about the notes after the meeting. If information is missing or vague – check with relevant member

10 Note-Taking It is very important that you actually take notes during a meeting. Do not rely on your memory alone. Although, you will have developed your own style of note taking, you may want to consider other alternatives like the one shown on p. 14 of the course notes.

11 Agenda The following is an example of a typical meeting agenda. Discuss the following questions: Why do we need an agenda before the meeting? (i.e. what are the purposes of having an agenda?) What should be discussed under items 1, 2, and 7?


13 Minutes Draft the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting
Keep your notes until the minutes have been approved Be selective – be accurate, brief and clear with your writing

14 Minutes Put any action to be taken in a prominent place after each item. Include the names of the person responsible as well Structure the minutes so that they follow the structure of the agenda, and avoid complicated numbering systems Check your minutes with the chairperson and then circulate them to the other committee members as soon as possible (some time before the next meeting)

15 Minutes Read the following example (pp ) of minutes of a meeting, of which the agenda has been discussed in the previous section.

16 Discuss the following questions with your classmates
What is the connection between the agenda and the minutes of a meeting? What information should be included in the minutes?  How is information arranged under each discussion item to make it reader-friendly?  Which tenses are used in the minutes? Why are these tenses used?  Personal pronouns (we, you, I, he, etc) are not used in the minutes. Why not? How do we avoid using personal pronouns?

17 Format of Minutes (1) Title of the Meeting Present: Name + Position
Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the End of Year Project Exhibition Committee Present: Name + Position Linda Cooley Chair Apology? Absence?

18 Format of Minutes (1) Item 1 Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed subject to the following amendment: Item X Y was amended to Z OR The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed without any amendments If no amendment needed If changes needed

19 Format of Minutes (1) Item 2 Matters Arising
Latest report of the items raised / discussed in the previous meeting Item 3: Of the three companies contacted for banners to promote the exhibition, the Bandwagon Company, Ltd. made the best offer of HK$500 each for banners and HK$400 each for banners in three colours. Item number General information WITHOUT reporting verbs: verbs in different tenses

20 Format of Minutes (1) Item 2 Matters Arising
AGREED: The Bandwagon Company Ltd. will be asked to produce 6 banners. ACTION: Rose will liaise with the banner company about the details of design, size, content and colour scheme. Capitalised for attention Agreement / Actions not taken yet – Future tense

21 Format of Minutes (1) Item 2 Matters Arising
Item 5: The Finance Office confirmed that the overall budget for the exhibition would not be increased from last year due to the economic downturn. The budget is fixed at HK$10,000. REPORTING VERB – Past Tense + reported speech

22 Format of Minutes (1) Item 3 XX (form of a noun phrase)
Insurance factors have required that a security system be installed for the exhibition. UST and HK PolyU recommended Production Management Systems as providers of customized temporary security systems NOT REPORTING VERB – Different tenses

23 Format of Minutes (1) Item 3 XX
AGREED: The subcommittee on security for the exhibition will contact Mr. Jackson of Production Management Systems to see what they can provide. ACTION: Robin Item – Form of a Noun Phrase

24 Format of Minutes (1) Item 5 XX
The Chair informed the committee that the Estates Office had circulated a notice stating that ALL visitors to the campus would be required to pay the fees set by Wilson Parking. AGREED: A letter will be sent to the Estates Office asking them to exempt visitors from paying fees. ACTION: Denis PASSIVE VOICE

25 Format of Minutes (1) Item X A.O.B.
There being no further business, the meeting closed / was adjourned at 4:30PM Next Meeting: April 12 at 3:30PM

26 Minutes Writing Task Now you will be shown the video of the 4th meeting of the End of Year Project Exhibition. Take notes while you are watching it. You will be asked to produce the minutes for this meeting. The agenda of the meeting is on p. 19 of the course notes.

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