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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO WRITE A FORMAL ACADEMIC ESSAY ESSAY WORKSHOP."— Presentation transcript:


2 PLANNING AND PREPARATION Type of essay Research / Expository / Persuasive / Narrative / Reflection Format Starrett = MLA (Honors 9 / Honors Lit. 11) Rotella = APA (Honors 10 / A.P. 12) Length requirement You can not write a successful formal academic essay in under 5 paragraphs Font / Size Times New Roman / 12 pt. Title / Title Page Always title your essay creatively and appropriately Not… 1 st Semester Essay MLA does not require a specific title page, nor do I. Spacing Typically double-spaced, unless instructed otherwise

3 PLANNING AND PREPARATION Organization Header (located on front page only – top left corner) Name Class Date Submitted Title (underneath header, and centered above essay) Introduction – 1 st paragraph Body – 2 nd -4 th paragraph (or more) Conclusion – 5 th paragraph (at least) Works Cited (start on a new page)

4 INTRODUCTION Intro Material Hook (1 st one or two sentences = 1 st impression) Begin with an attention-grabbing anecdote, quote or surprising statement. Try to draw your reader in immediately, before you set up your thesis statement. Background information – lead up to thesis Thesis Statement This sentence will identify the purpose and direction of the paper for the reader Think of your thesis as a mini-summary of your paper. If you only had time to explain your paper in one sentence, the thesis statement would be it. Often answers why and/or how? Must be debatable Should be contained in one sentence that is concise, to the point, and written clearly This should be the next to last or very last sentence of your introduction

5 INTRODUCTION Thesis Statements Examples: A BAD Thesis Mountain climbing is a great experience. Umm…. Why? An OK Thesis Mountain climbing can have a significant impact on one’s life. The question remains… why? This thesis is less general than the first one, but still has yet to answer why it’s impactful. An EXCELLENT Thesis Mountain climbing can have a significant impact on one’s life due to the lesson one learns regarding overcoming any obstacle as long as the effort is put forth. This thesis is specific, interesting, and leaves room for the writer to go into detail about the experience in their body paragraphs. Three-Part Thesis Statement Mountain climbing can have a significant impact on one’s life because it can reveal courage, teach teamwork, and provide an appreciation for nature.

6 BODY PARAGRAPHS Two Parts: each body paragraph should have the following: Main Ideas and Details You can have as many body paragraphs as you need points to argue – you should typically have no fewer than 3, though. Main Ideas Each body paragraph should begin with a one sentence main idea. Each main idea should support the thesis statement clearly and obviously. Each main idea should be different. Even though the main ideas are all different, they should all be slightly related (through their support of the thesis). Details Following each main idea, you should have examples and support that proves both your main idea and thesis to fill up each body paragraph. You can have as many details as you feel necessary, as long as you cover the topic thoroughly. This is where your in-text citations come in. If you are using someone else’s words or thoughts – even if paraphrasing or summarizing – you must cite it!

7 CONCLUSION Wrap-up material Your last paragraph should be a concluding paragraph. Again, do not state anything similar to “In conclusion…” Just wrap up the essay without mentioning you are wrapping it up! You should include the following information in the wrap-up: Summary of main points Restatement of thesis statement Answer any questions you think the reader might have at this point.

8 WORKS CITED If required to do so, works cited pages are attached to the end. The format of the works cited depends on the format of the paper MLA and APA have different requirements. The works cited always starts on a new page and is placed at the end of your essay.

9 GENERAL RULES In a research or expository essay, never refer to yourself or address the reader directly. Do not use 1 st person (I, me, myself, we, us) or 2 nd (you) You may only use 1 st person if the topic is a reflection or narrative. Always use third-person pronouns (he, she, they, it) Never NEVER NEVER say… In this essay I will discuss In conclusion Use formal language Do not use contractions Do not use slang (“dough” for money) or idioms (“hit the road”) Write in a respectful and serious tone Use vocabulary you know Do not just right click on a word, and choose a random synonym that you don’t know. It doesn’t always work!

10 GENERAL RULES Choose vocabulary wisely Words such as: stuff, things, like, good, great, etc. should NEVER be used! Choose words carefully – they can change the meaning of an entire sentence. However, choose words that are specific enough for the sentence to be as clear as possible. You may be encouraged or required to include quoted material. Direct quotations (someone’s quote word for word) Indirect quotations (summarizing, paraphrasing, etc) EITHER WAY, YOU MUST CITE IT!

11 INTRODUCTION PRACTICE Fix these thesis statements: 1.Summer camp is beneficial. 2.Mountain biking is a good form of exercise. 3.Flagstaff is a nice city. 4.Fishing is a fun and exciting sport. 5.Michael Moore makes horrible movies. 6.Fall is the best season of the year. 7.Edgar Allen Poe is an important author.

12 INTRODUCTION PRACTICE Peer Editing: Check to see how well your classmate’s thesis statements are written: is one complete sentence. has vocabulary that is specific, rather than vague. (Eliminate “good,” “great,” “stuff,” “things,” etc.) is one which is specific and one which takes a stand. is arguable and justifies discussion. does not express too many ideas, but sticks to one particular theory or idea. will have ample evidence to support it in body paragraphs. needs to be clear and concise.


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