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Taking Martin Community College classes your Junior and Senior years College and Career Promise.

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2 Taking Martin Community College classes your Junior and Senior years College and Career Promise

3 2 Choices you have in taking classes College Transfer Humanities and Social Sciences Business and Economics Vocational Certificate Areas Industrial Systems Technology Automotive Systems Technology Medical Office Administration Equine Technology

4 College Transfer Program Requirements 3.0 GPA Meet testing requirements 500 on all parts of the SAT received on the same test on the same day. You can not combine test scores from 2 different test dates OR 50 on all parts of the PSAT. These tests scores must also come from one administration of the test. OR qualifying PLAN and ACT test scores from one administration (see counselor for scores) OR qualifying placement test scores at the community college

5 College Transfer Program Humanities and Social Science Courses offered ENGL 111, ENGL 112 or ENGL 113 ENGL 131 – Intro to Literature ART 111- Art Appreciation HIS 121 – Western Civilization 1 PSY 150 – General Psychology BIO 111 – General Biology 1 MAT 161 – College Algebra COM 231 – Public Speaking SOC 210 – Introduction to Sociology SPA 111 – Elementary Spanish I - ACA 122 – College Transfer Success - Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

6 College Transfer Program Business and Economics Courses ENGL 111, ENGL 112 or ENGL 113 ENGL 131 – Intro to Literature HIS 121 – Western Civilization 1 COM 231 – Public Speaking SOC 210 – Introduction to Sociology ECO 251 – Principles of Microeconomics BIO 111 – General Biology 1 MAT 161 – College Algebra CIS 110 – Intro to Computers ACA 122 – College Transfer Success - Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

7 College Transfer Program Facts These classes may be on-campus, on-line, or hybrid To complete the college transfer pathway, students must complete 30 hours of transfer courses in one of the pathways – Humanities or Business You must maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework to remain in the program These courses will count as honors courses on your high school transcript. Each class will earn college transfer credits for general education requirements at colleges in the UNC system in North Carolina. Must choose courses only out of the pathway you have chosen

8 Vocational Certificate Areas Requirements Must have a 3.0 GPA or written permission from the principal

9 Vocational Certificate Areas Industrial Systems Technology Courses ENG 111 MAT 161 – College Algebra BPR 130 – Blueprint Reading ELC 112 – DC/AC Electricity HYD 1110 – Hydraulics/Pneumatics ISC 112 – Industrial Safety MNT 110 – Intro to Maintenance Procedures MEC 111 – Machine Processes 1 WLD 112 – Basic Welding Processes CIS 111 – Intro to Computers WLD 110 – Cutting Processes WLD 111 – Oxy-Fuel Welding WLD 143 – Welding metallurgy WLD 212 – Inert Gas Welding MNT 150 – Basic Building Maintenance ASA 115 – Success and Study Skills - Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

10 Vocational Certificate Areas Automotive Systems Technology Courses ENGL 111 MAT 115 Mathematical Models AUT – 141 – Suspension and Steering AUT 151 – Brake Systems AUT 161 – Basic Auto Electricity AUT 181 – Engine Performance I AUT 183 – Engine Performance II AUT 281 – Advanced Engine Performance AUT 110 – Intro to Auto technology AUT 116 – Engine Repair AUT 116 –A – Engine Repair Lab AUT 141 –A – Suspension and Steering Lab AUT 151-A – Brake Systems Lab AUT 163 – Advanced Auto Electricity AUT 171 – Auto Climate Control ACA 115 – Success and Study Skills - Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

11 Vocational Certificate Areas Medical Office Administration Courses MED 121 – Medical Terminology 1 MED 122 – Medical Terminology 2 OST 148 – Medical Coding, Billing, and Insurance OST 149 – Medical Legal Issues CIS 111 – Introduction to Computers OST 130 – Comprehensive Keyboarding ACA 115 – Success and Study Skills Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

12 Vocational Certificate Areas Equine Technology Courses ENGL 111 MAT 115 – Mathematical Models EQU 111 – Horse Science I EQU 112 – Horse Science II EQU 120 – Fundamentals of Riding I EQU 150 – Equine Nutrition EQU 211 – Horse Farm Management I EQU 212 – Horse Farm Management II EQU 241 – Equine Reproduction and Genetics EQU 121 – Fundamentals of Riding II EQU 130 – Equine Anatomy and Physiology EQU 140 – Equine Judging I EQU 240 – Equine Judging II EQU 220 – Equitation I Not all classes are available every semester. You can take only what is offered.

13 Vocational Certificate Areas FACTS Must choose courses only out of the pathway you have chosen Can lead to a certificate or diploma in one of the pathways Credits will transfer to other NC Community Colleges Credit will be given on the high school transcript, also Must maintain a 2.0 on all college coursework.

14 How to get started During registration, indicate your interest in taking a class Maintain a 3.0 GPA and do your best on SAT, PSAT, ACT, and/or PLAN. Talk to your counselor if you have any questions

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